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Steampunk Wooden 3d Puzzle Toys

RFlagg says...

Not as expensive as I feared, but still not exactly affordable... The locomotive on Amazon is just a tad under $80 USD. We've tried similar and cheaper such things from the art store, meh on those, but they don't seem as detailed as these either.

More Evidence Trump Can't, Or At Least Won't Read

RFlagg says...

This. I'm fairly sure he can read, but I don't think he can read well. He may pass a reading test, and may read at the level most Americans can read at (though perhaps slower... unless reading tests are timed), but he clearly has issues. There was the report the other day how he wants reports to be limited to just a page or two and with lots of maps and the like, which seems to indicate he can't read well. Now, as he's pointed out, he knows lots of business leaders who can't read well and they are very smart people, and this doesn't make things bad for him as a business man, perhaps a bit funny, but as President of the United States, who has to read some serious stuff... we, the people of this Earth, are then at the mercy of his advisers on what things mean. This puts a lot of the power on Bannon and this should frighten everyone who isn't a far right fascist, it should frighten all the bread and butter Republicans and the former hard working people who voted for him in the false hope they'd get their jobs back.

poolcleaner said:

He can, just not too GOOD.

How to Pour Concrete Driveway

RFlagg says...

I'm a bit lost on why they pre-edge, then smooth it over as he goes along, then do all the other stuff... then edge near the end again. Well, I get the edging at the end, just not the pre-edge since it seems like it was taken out.

Suicide Bombings and Islam: An Apologist's Guide

RFlagg says...

Thank you @enoch, I was trying to figure a way of replying on how there isn't a denial that a minority of Muslims believe in suicide bombing, but that it isn't as widespread and exclusive to Islam as the far right make it out to be. You summed it up pretty well.

I was also going to add all the abortion clinic bombings and the Atlanta Centennial Olympic Park bombing... all Christian and being done in the name of Christ. Then in Ireland/UK with the IRA... though that one isn't just religion and is more political (though again, many of those political differences has to do with worshiping Christ the wrong way).

There are militant Buddhist too, who do very violent and aggressive acts against others.

And there are plenty on the left who decry Islam, look at Sam Harris by example who argues the danger of Islam a great deal.

I agree, that we need to address the underlying political issues... and sometimes just need to let things go. There is a big civil war going on the middle east between denominations of Islam, and we are picking a side, which in turn makes us a target of the other side. We ignore the fact that the goal of terrorist groups is to make it an "us vs them" world, so that it makes it easier to recruit potentially radicalizeable people. I hear Christians bemoan how Christianity must be true because of all the persecution, proves Satan is trying to push Christianity down, but then they have zero empathy for how it must feel for a Muslim, and the persecution they feel, and how that must make them feel they are the right one for the same exact reasoning.

The fact so many Christians are not only willing, but calling for a war, for a new Crusade basically, shows that Christians are just as easily radicalized. They may not be strapping bombs to their chests yet, but I'd guess if they were in a Muslim country and felt they were being repressed, then I'd wager they'd be more than willing to engage in suicide bombs.

The pint being, yes, some Muslims do engage in suicide bombs, but it isn't just them. Christians have done it plenty in the past, and will undoubtedly return to it again, especially as the more radicalized and violent portion of them become normalized here in the US thanks to the election of Trump who encouraged them all through his campaign.

The Pale Blue Dot - THE SAGAN SERIES

Last Week Tonight - How Is This Still a Thing?

RFlagg says...

I don't get the turn it into a holiday thing. Most people I know work near every holiday. Christmas is about the only one they all have off. Making it Saturday doesn't help either, since most retail and service workers will still be working Saturday. Spreading it across two days and making it a law that employees get one or the other off during the voting holiday could help, but beyond ensuring early voting, not much else can be done.

Graphite and Its Awesome Properties

RFlagg says...

I love this guy, but worry about showing it to my 12 year old son, who is really into electronics... I'd have to preface it with, "don't try this stuff, he's taking serious precautions that may not be seen, plus he knows a lot of what he's doing. When you reach his age and become the electrical engineer you want to be, then do these things... but not the eyebrow thing."

How Do Fire Sprinklers Know There's A Fire?

RFlagg says...

Yeah, one of my pet peeves is when setting off one sprinkler activates them all. Heck, if I was building a new home, I'd install a home sprinkler system, which can be very discreet (they hide behind a flat bit, which, while noticeable, still hides the sprinkler itself and melts a bit before the sprinkler would activate).

That said, I didn't know the bit about color.

Runway Numbers | Everything Decoded | Atlas Obscura

RFlagg says...

I knew this because of Flight Simulator. So at least gaming taught me something.

BEAKMALLUSION: Free Energy Devices

Malcom McLean - Inventor of the cargo container

RFlagg says...

Reminds me of an older Tom Scott video where he talked about the history of the cargo container (didn't mention Malcom by name though). *related=

Three Giant Parasites Explode Out Of Zombie Praying Mantis

Why is it Hot Underground

Why Computers Suck At Translation

RFlagg says...

So in a Polychronic society... if I work from 7 AM to 3 PM... is that schedule fluid, or is that fairly fixed and it is more social things that are fluid?

Socialism explained

RFlagg says...


Odd how Republicans always scream about "redistribution of wealth", but are fine with the fact that most employers no longer pay living wages the way they used to. They are fine if it's some rich guy taking his wealth generated by his employees' hard work for himself, but god forbid that the government take anything to help those that rich guy is leaving behind. Over half the people who work for Walmart qualify food stamps (only about 30% actually take it), despite the fact Walmart's profits are so high it could pay them all living wages, give them benefits, higher more, give more hours, and still make a huge profit while not raising prices... but it's the people needing food stamps that are bad, not the people who own and operate the company and take so much from their workers.

The one true small government candidate that the Republicans had was Rand Paul, and they rejected him for big government, tough talk, candidates that capitalize on their fears... most of which are fairly unjustified. Americans aren't lining up on the streets to get the sort of jobs that they accuse Mexican's of coming here to take. Our own actions of telling Muslims how to live is the reason they want to kill us, leave them alone and govern themselves... stop preemptively attacking... you know be more Christ like who wouldn't support such things...

And as @oritteropo basically noted, Reagan was far to the left what today's Republican party is. Reagan wouldn't even get through the Primary process. Fox News, Rush and all of them would be ripping him a new asshole for not being "conservative enough". Obama is far closer to Reagan style politics and economics than most today's primary candidates. McCain once upon a time was close to Reagan, but he swung to the right to appeal to the extreme right base, and then added an idiot running mate. Had he ran down the center as he used to be, and got a centralist running mate, he would have had a chance of winning... though Obama sort of captured a hope for progressive change that never came, he turned out to be a Democrat in Name Only and was closer to a Reagan Republican than a true progressive.

Let's also not forget that Congress controls the purse strings and the US economic outlook (at least to what degree the government can, since the rest is in the hands of investors and business owners). Congress has been obstructionist for the last 6 years, and haven't allowed ANY of Obama's policies through, any of his attempts to help fix the economy. Want to blame somebody in the government for the mess, blame Congress, not Obama... if they attempted his stuff, then yes it would be his fault, but they haven't tried a single one of them. You can't say no to trying something, then when what you did instead doesn't work blame the person you said no to.

For the price of the F35 program so far, a plane that only barely passed some of it's flight tests, the rest still failing, we could have bought every homeless person a $600,000 home.... in this area a $150,000 home is very nice (good 3 bedroom home, nice safe neighborhood with good schools), let alone what $600,000 would get you... for the price of it this year, we could fund the school lunch program for 24 years. Now to be fair, I haven't fully vetted those two "facts" myself, but what I have vetted, is for the price of the war in Iraq from 2001 to 2011, we paid more than NASA's entire history, even after adjusting for inflation. It's all a question of priorities. Republican's don't care how much the military costs the taxpayer, but suggestions to help the people being left behind as the rich take more and more for themselves (redistributing the wealth generated by their workers to themselves, rather than their workers) and suddenly they start screaming bloody murder.

Every time a Republican opens their mouth and spouts such things like this video I hate their gullibility... and all too often they talk about their faith and Christ... and I've already covered how the Republican views are 100% opposed to the teachings of Christ and it's why I first lost faith in God as he'd be screaming at them and trying to convict them that their views are wrong were he real. Don't just trust the first few Google results you see, as they filter their results to appeal to you and your views. Don't listen to the echo chamber. Learn to truly vet sources and understand what is actually going on. Don't parrot claims about a "liberal media" or whatever, when over 95% of the news sources out there are controlled by the same 5 companies, none of which have an incentive on letting people know just how bad they are being fucked by the business interests in this country... supporting gay marriage, supporting a minimum level of help isn't liberal, it's being a decent person... being against equal rights under the law because somebody sins differently than you, or not wanting to help somebody because they aren't working 80-100 hours a week is being a heartless asshole. But feel free to keep living in your echo chamber of stupidity, "You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity."

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