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D&D is wrong. Different sword types explained.

7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

Drachen_Jager says...

The ratio of Glial cells to neurons is a significant factor too. It's still a little unclear what exactly Glial cells do (scientists know some of their functions, but not all), but the ratio is much higher in humans than in other species and the ratio seems to grow progressively as you progress from less intelligent to more intelligent species.

newtboy said:

I've read that it's really far less about how big your brain is, and more about how wrinkly it is....the more wrinkly the better.

7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True

Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?

Why Does 1% of History Have 99% of the Wealth?

Drachen_Jager says...

First off, I don't think those base numbers are accurate.

But even if they were, looking at averages doesn't make any sense.

The average wage of 100 people earning $10 a day is $10 a day.

The average wage of 100 people where 99 earn $1 a day and 1 earns $901 a day is $10 a day.

Talking about averages is a good way to confuse people when what should be discussed is the median number (for those non-numberphiles, the median is the point where half the group is above that number and half is below).

Dangerous Conformity

The Five Worst Weapons Still in Use

Drachen_Jager says...

Also, how could anyone call anti-tank weapons one of the "worst"?

I mean those guys in the tank are there to kill people. They're not doctors. It's not an armored ambulance, or some mobile shelter for war orphans. The tank is a fearsome weapon designed to kill. HEAT rounds just give the foot soldiers a little bit of a fighting chance against them.

The Five Worst Weapons Still in Use

Drachen_Jager says...

Geez is is too much to ask that these people do a little research before they write their scripts?

HEAT = High Explosive Anti Tank, not High Energy. (high energy rounds, or kinetic energy (as they're more commonly called) use an entirely different method of penetrating armor (basically they go really, really fast))

That they got something so basic wrong it makes me doubt they put any effort into the rest of it.

5 Gun Myths We Believe b/c of Movies

Drachen_Jager says...

Right, fine, and some metal (phosphorous for example) burn really well.

I misspoke, but a gun barrel does not "burst into flames" under any conditions.

xxovercastxx said:

I'm not discounting the rest of your post but, since we're correcting misconceptions, yes, metal does burn, just very slowly.

In the case of a gun barrel, I would imagine the only realistic threat from heat would be that it would warp and misfire, but I'm only guessing.

5 Gun Myths We Believe b/c of Movies

Drachen_Jager says...


Well, you can buy silencers and barrels with the system integrated on them, and while the fit is slightly worse than a well-threaded silencer it is nearly airtight. The same basic system is used for high-pressure gas and water commercially so it must provide an airtight fit, even under pressure.

They tested a 3 lug system on the SOCOM pistol, but in the end they went with threads for the final product, but I understand it was a close decision.

5 Gun Myths We Believe b/c of Movies

Drachen_Jager says...

Not with a 3 lug silencer.

Not without their drawbacks, but they can be installed with a quarter turn.

You can buy one here to mount to your silencer for $150

newtboy said:

What they missed is the idea that you can install a 'silencer' with 3/4 turn in 1/4 of a second. A real 'silencer' that's removable (really called a suppressor, because that's what they do) will have fine machine threads and need 5-10 full turns to be seated. Most movie 'silencers' would fly off with the first shot, silencing nothing and probably damaging the gun.

5 Gun Myths We Believe b/c of Movies

Drachen_Jager says...

If the people who made this knew anything about guns it would probably be better.

No, your barrel will not burst into flames.

When I was in the Army, some guys hooked up five belts to a MG with an old worn out barrel that was to be thrown away, just to see what would happen. It shot cleanly all the way to the end of the 1,000 round belt without stopping, jams or misfires. The barrel was just starting to glow a bit by the end.

What happens is you burn out the threads if you fire repetitively for a long time, but actually melting the barrel is pretty much impossible (and metal doesn't burn morons).

Silencer on a shotgun?

Works pretty well, not as quiet as the movie, but not excessively loud.

I'm not going to watch further, because this video is spreading as many lies as it clears up.

YOU have been opening packets of spaghetti wrong

Doodling in Math Class: Snakes + Graphs

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