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Improvised Movie Moments

A10anis says...

So, paid a fortune to repeat lines written for you, but add a line out of your own head and WOW, you're an improvising genius? Well, I guess that makes all of us in the "real" world geniuses. Our dialogue isn't scripted, we have to improvise every time we open our mouths.

Ray Mears WILD lunch

A10anis jokingly says...

I've always said that, were I to be marooned in some wilderness, Ray Mears would be my first choice for companion.

I would dispatch him quickly, cutting his spinal chord and, using the dog wood, would skewer him up his alimentary canal. Very nice eating, which should last me till rescue arrives...

science explains why rich people don't care about you

A10anis says...

Interesting, but surely, a part of the brain "lighting" up, having been given certain stimuli, does not necessarily explain root cause. eg;- Why does the light work when it is switched on? A neurological answer would simply attribute it to the necessary connections being made. But we know it is WAY more complicated. The correct bulb must be used, the correct voltage, the connection cannot be broken, the switch must be operable, etc. Any one of these not in place = no light. Similarly with neurology. The light is on, but myriad reasons could account for it. Nature, nurture, peer pressure, obligation, and much more dictate what/who we are. A sadists pleasure neurons light up witnessing pain, but may also light up when helping someone. So which is the true reaction, or are they both, though contradictory, true? I respect science immensely, but trying to map the brain as if it were totally predictable in any given circumstance seems - unless we are all identically cloned have identical experiences, identical parents, and identical hopes and dreams - futile.

The Pale Blue Dot - THE SAGAN SERIES

A10anis says...

Seriously, if you are unable to read between the lines and understand even rudimentary irony. If everything has to be so precisely worded that no ambiguity of thought, or meaning, can enter your thought process, maybe you should not comment until you can do so. Or maybe all you crave is argument for arguments sake. Whatever the case, I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain a comment which is, to the vast majority, self explanatory.

enoch said:

did you just advocate indoctrination and brainwashing of children?
trading religious doctrine for secular doctrine?
while one may be more attractive to you than the is STILL:brainwashing and indoctrination!

how about we step away from those practices and instead actually teach children how to utilize information in a positive fashion.give them the techniques to analyze,criticize and formulate their own conclusions?

you know...
the ability to be a free thinker.
how about that?
can we do that?
i think thats a much better idea.

/drops mic
*christ on a stick..brainwashing kids..........cant be serious.....

The Pale Blue Dot - THE SAGAN SERIES

A10anis says...

This simple, but beautiful message transcends race, creed and colour, it should be shown - regularly - to every child on the planet. This form of brainwashing - unlike the religious sort - is a doctrine we should embrace.

Is the Universe an Accident?

A10anis says...

The truth is that "intellectual laziness" is purely the territory of those who believe that their "knowledge" is irrefutable because it comes from the bible. A book clearly, irrefutably, written by man to control man. Saying "the bible says" so it must be true, is the definition of lazy, brain washed thinking. I'm sorry you cannot see this, perhaps one day you will. Actually, you may get help by looking at the myriad contradictions in the bible. Of course the theologians tell us "you are misinterpreting it." Well, considering it is, allegedly, the word of god, it's pretty poor. Oh, and incidentally, I certainly have not had "plain facts" revealed to me and chosen to ignore them. Were there even one fact indicating the existence of a creator. I would be happy to acknowledge it. Sadly, for the believers, all they have is blind faith and a book of childish stories. I, on the other hand, will enjoy the only life I am sure of. I will enjoy the many things that this one life has to offer, and do my best to be a caring, thoughtful, happy individual. When my time is up, if I am proved wrong, and find myself standing before the great dictator - who wanted me to bow and prostrate myself in abject worship, I will tell him I have been a good person and if that is not enough for him then I'm sure - in his "mercy" - he will send me straight to hell.

shinyblurry said:

"In science, Occam's Razor is used as a heuristic (rule of thumb) to guide scientists in the development of theoretical models rather than as an arbiter between published models.[8][9] In physics, parsimony was an important heuristic in the formulation of special relativity by Albert Einstein,[36][37] the development and application of the principle of least action by Pierre Louis Maupertuis and Leonhard Euler,[38] and the development of quantum mechanics by Max Planck, Werner Heisenberg and Louis de Broglie.[9][39] In chemistry, Occam's Razor is often an important heuristic when developing a model of a reaction mechanism.[40][41]"

You are pointing the finger and saying I am ignorant yet you dismiss Occams razor in ignorance of its application to the scientific method. According to the principle of parsimony I do have an argument but it appears you can't be bothered to consider what I am saying. This is an intellectual laziness which seems to typify our culture today. It is an apathetic reasoning process that sees everything through the lens of stereotypes and generalities. If I am wrong about that I will happily admit it, and you still have ample opportunity to establish otherwise.

Is the Universe an Accident?

A10anis says...

You have NO argument. Occam was a 14th century monk and his premise was "keep things simple." Well the idea of god is truly simple. Simple enough for the weak, unintelligent, brain washed and deluded to understand. Look my friend, it is a free world and you can choose to believe in any nonsense you want to - many do. All that is required is that you keep your bronze-age myths out of schools, politics, and to yourself. Actually religion does have a place in schools, in the history class, along with the other "faiths" that were dumped the more intelligent we got. Religion, like alchemy and astrology are interesting only in historic terms. But, I know I waste my time so, as I said, believe what you wish. and I hope you enjoy the chains of your divine dictator.

shinyblurry said:

My argument is sound, logically, and if it were unsound it would be very easy to point out what the flaw is. I'll elaborate further:

Occams razors states that the theory with the least number of assumptions balanced against its explanatory power should be preferred to an argument with more assumptions and less explanatory power. The question is how do we explain the apparent fine-tuning in the Universe, a "goldilocks zone" for life. Scientists propose the multiverse theory which explains the favorable conditions as just being lucky, in that there are innumerable Universes and we just happen to be in the one that is very favorable for life. The problem with the theory is manifold; one, that is no observable evidence for the theory, and no way to test the theory. Two, it raises more questions than it answers because the mechanism that generates all of the Universes is even more finely tuned than the Universe itself, how did it get there, etc. It simply pushes back the problem another step. Eventually you must get to the point where a miracle, something came from nothing, or an eternal something which is infinitely fine tuned. According to Occams razor, the theory of an eternal Creator of the Universe should be preferred over *multiple* unobserved universes, that the fine tuning we observe isn't just apparent, but actual.

When you ask, why did God not do it "sooner", you do realize that you are making a temporal reference point? The bible says God "began" to do something because we are temporal beings and we think in terms of beginnings and endings, but we have no idea what that looks like in eternity. If your problem is simply with something being eternal, then maybe you haven't thought about the consequences of there not being anything eternal. You have to ask yourself the question, why is there something rather than nothing? You are facing two absurdities in this case; either an infinite regress of causes, or something coming from nothing. There has to be something eternal otherwise you are left with positing logically impossible outcomes. So, if there is something eternal, and whatever it is must be infinitely fine-tuned, and it ultimately created this Universe, you might as well call it God because it already possesses many of His attributes. Whichever way you turn, you are facing the Almighty.

The bible tells us why God didn't need to create light first:

Revelation 21:22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, even the Lamb.
Revelation 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, nor of the moon, that they might shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb.

You should ask yourself, why do you object to the possibility of a Creator? Are your arguments just excuses to cover up the plain facts that have already been revealed to you by God, and the expression of your desire not to be accountable to Him? Something to think about..

Is the Universe an Accident?

A10anis says...

I have neither the time, nor the inclination to tear apart your illogical arguments. I will just expose one nonsense; Your belief is that God just is. He was not created. Well, according to your holy books god decided to create the "heavens and the earth and all that dwell on it." So, why did he not do it sooner? Of course, if he just "is" then there is no sooner as he is eternal, without beginning or end. But even if you dismiss time, there was, according to your myth a, let's call it a point, when he started to create. Oh, and he was truly clever creating the heavens and earth before creating light. The whole concept of a god is utterly flawed and so obviously man made that it is, literally, laughable.

shinyblurry said:


Could you please address the heart of my argument, that the principle of parsimony (occams razor) states that we should consider the theory of a Creator over the multiverse theory? Thanks.

To address some of your points:

Regarding your "fine tuner" argument; Such is the fine tuning of your "creator" that 98% of all life that has existed, is extinct. Which, apart from being incredibly incompetent and wasteful, points logically to random

It also points to a global flood which wiped out nearly all life on Earth around 4400 years ago. The speciation which occurred up until that time was lost, but new species have been created since then. The mass extinctions going on today have everything to do with human development and bad stewardship rather than any design flaw.

Also, your "a painting therefore a painter" point is a non-sequitur for if there were a "fine tuner," there would, by your own argument, have to be a creator of the fine tuner and so an inevitable regression.

We as Christians do not believe in created gods which are a delusion by definition; we believe in an eternal God who was not created. The infinite regression stops at the feet of the eternal God who has always existed. This line of reasoning is a problem not for Christians but for those who believe in the multiverse theory, because whatever the mechanism is which generates all of these Universes would be yet another Goldilocks zone, and so precisely finetuned as to be statistically impossible. You may as well posit a Creator at that point. I mean just ask yourself the same questions; what created the multiverse, what created it, etc.

No, Science has thrown off the shackles of myths and gods. Had they not, our lives would be controlled by theocratic dictators and we would still believe earth was the centre of the universe.

Interesting you would say this considering that in its infancy, pretty much all of the important discoveries were made by professing Christians. It was actually the environment of Christian Europe which nurtured science into what it is today.

Another point is, Christians don't believe in myths; Jesus Christ is not a myth, He is a real person who died for our sins and rose from the dead. He told us about who God is, because He was with God and He is God.

We no longer use the god of the gaps argument. We may never know all the answers but, just because we don't, we no longer lazily, ignorantly, insist that; "Hallelujah, God must have done it."

It is not a God of the gaps argument when the theory has greater explanatory power than what is being proposed. When even apparent fine tuning as been observed, which it has, the principle of parsimony would prefer the theory of a Creator to multiple unobserved universes.

Is the Universe an Accident?

A10anis says...

Actually, the number of Planets discovered currently stands at over 700 (and counting) Also, they have identified some which are in fact, like ours, in the "comfort zone." Sadly the closest found so far is 21 light years away which, at approx. 147 trillion miles, is at the moment rather a problem.
Regarding your "fine tuner" argument; Such is the fine tuning of your "creator" that 98% of all life that has existed, is extinct. Which, apart from being incredibly incompetent and wasteful, points logically to random
selection/evolution. Also, your "a painting therefore a painter" point is a non-sequitur for if there were a "fine tuner," there would, by your own argument, have to be a creator of the fine tuner and so an inevitable regression. No, Science has thrown off the shackles of myths and gods. Had they not, our lives would be controlled by theocratic dictators and we would still believe earth was the centre of the universe. We no longer use the god of the gaps argument. We may never know all the answers but, just because we don't, we no longer lazily, ignorantly, insist that; "Hallelujah, God must have done it."

shinyblurry said:

"But today, I can view my second grade teacher's statement from a different point of view. Today, astronomers have identified over 500 planets orbiting other stars, and they are all too close or too far from their mother star. Most of them, we think, cannot support life as we know it. So it is unnecessary to invoke God.

But now, cosmologists are facing this paradox again, but from a cosmic perspective. It turns out that the fundamental parameters of the universe appear to be perfectly "fine-tuned." For example, if the nuclear force were any stronger, the sun would have simply burned out billions of years ago, and if it were any weaker the sun wouldn't have ignited to begin with. The Nuclear Force is tuned Just Right. Similarly, if gravity were any stronger, the Universe would have most likely collapsed in on itself in a big crunch; and if it were any weaker, everything would have simply frozen over in a big freeze. The Gravitational Force is Just Right."

The evidence shows the Universe is not an accident; the observation of fine-tuning leads naturally to the conclusion that there must be a FineTuner, much in the same way that the evidence of a painting leads us to the conclusion that there must be a painter. The favorable circumstances of the laws that allow life to flourish on planet Earth are by design.

Applying the principle of Occams Razor, postulating the existence of multiple unobserved universes to try to account for our favorable circumstances should be ruled out in favor of a theory of a Creator because there are fewer assumptions needed and there is greater explanatory power. Once the existence of even "apparent" fine-tuning has been observed, ruling out the theory of a Creator is illogical and contrary to reason according to the principle of parsimony.

How Wolves Changed Yellowstone National Park

10 Curious Facts About Being Left-Handed

A10anis says...

No. 8; "One study showed that 40% of sufferers (schizophrenia) were left-handed." Am I being dumb, or doesn't that suggest that 60% are right-handed?

Facts That Prove Spiders Save Us All

Everyday Products You've Been Using Wrong

Low Security Jail In Norway

A10anis says...

Revenge Synonyms;
noun. vengeance - retaliation - retribution - reprisal
verb. avenge - retaliate - wreak - requite - pay back

Your "arguments" revolve around semantics, and glib statements.These, my friend, are not an arguments at all. I have defended my position, whereas you have nothing to offer in serious defense of yours. At best your "views" are fluffy, idealistic nonsense, which only reflect how you think justice would be best served. Get into the real world. You could start by asking the victims of serious crime whether they are happy that the criminal who killed a loved one will be allowed back into society. Get some coherent, rational, factual information about peoples views on crime and punishment, and then try and debate. In the mean time, stop wasting my time with any more puerile comments (you can use your dictionary to look up puerile).

Low Security Jail In Norway

A10anis says...

You say; "Judicial punishment is not equal to revenge. It exists to appease the victim's feeling of injustice." Be quiet, you are an idiot to make such a statement. Try thinking about the nonsensical, statement you just made.

EMPIRE said:

Judicial punishment is not equal to revenge. It exists to appease the victim's feeling of injustice, and to show the criminal that what he did was wrong and society will remove his individual freedom if he decides to act in this way.

If I didn't think about the victims as you say so, I would've said that criminals shouldn't have to pay at all. But that's not what I said was it?

Between the god awful american encarceration system (and the use of death penalty in some states), and letting prisoners go off with a warning, there is, I am pretty sure, a middle ground. And that middle ground doesn't involve dehumanizing people, treating them like animals, and letting them get ass raped everyday in the showers.

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