Cooking Channel Contest

In the spirit of recent non-participation on the new Videosift 5.0 (post more videos people!) and, as threatened, chingalera formerly choggie is concocting a little cooking contest.

The last contest I crafted prior to being banned again by egos now strangely absent or non-participatory was greeted with much fanfare but very few played and I ended up winning my own contest!!

The prize was a charter membership and a T-Shirt. My charter ran out abruptly when banned yet again, and the T-shirt rests folded in the bottom of a drawer (non-mothballed) folded and unworn....which brings us to the contest:

Instead of turning you chair-potatoes into videographers, we'd like recipes. Interested contestants will submit a recipe they think worthy and I shall chose three of them randomly and prepare them according to instructions, making a video of the process (perhaps I shall even edit it!) The winning dish shall be judged by a qualified third-party.

Enter the contest by submitting in a P.M. to my profile, a recipe using these guidelines:

~No desserts.

~You have to have eaten or sampled the same fare prepared according to the same recipe.

~No EPIC mealtime-type recipes (i.e. 20lbs of bacon, gallon of maple syrup, etc.) I'm poor and can't afford to waste food on gastric abortions.

The prevailing contestant will win the coveted T-shirt and 25 power points doled-out as fast as chingachoggie can resurrect deadpool videos.

Let chingalera cook for you! Then, watch him eat that which he's prepared in front of you, while you wear a tacky shirt!!

Entries must be in in before the doomsday ticker on the toppa this post runs out. Preparation begins after I recover form the New Year's festivities, earthquakes, floods, worldwide panic as Niburu passes and fucks up gravity, etc.

Holiday recipes welcome, may be your last.

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