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eric3579 (Member Profile)

Michael Bay's Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer

Room 8 - BAFTA Short Film Award Winner

lucky760 says...

Whoa. Loved that.

I also kept thinking he should smash open the door or window with his finger.

And rather than jumping out to live as a tiny person who could die at any moment (yeah, good thinking), it'd've been a better idea to put something into the box to make it ginormous. (No, not his penis.)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

Trouble With Inflatable Plane Cabin Door Raft

Wingsuiters Chase Skiiers Down a Mountain, One Almost Dies

shveddy says...

Wingsuits have already been landed twice without a parachute: once into a giant pile of boxes and another French guy fell into some trees when he stalled out above a forest. Jeb Corliss skipped off a boulder and only broke his legs, which is close enough. However 76 people died - those are pretty shitty odds.

So I stand by the notion that he was pretty darn close to dying - one might say that he was almost there.

But, if you guys really want to be the semantics police, here are some more illicit video titles for you guys to fix:

I agree that it's only a matter of time before someone survives another crash, particularly if it is into snow, but first keep in mind that those guys are in a dive and flying closer to 130-140mph and they are also flying head first. Taking a hit in that position would hardly ever be survivable.

Reversing Arrow Optical Illusion

The Golf Assist Shot

Unlucky Russian Driver trying to start a car with a trolleyb

chingalera says...

Whoa, SMASH into the brother's grim and then a cop..un-LUCKY!!
(little did he know it was the perfect storm, having been filmed by women laughing at him hysterically then uploading his shame to Vy Trubku, i mir )

Contractors Stone

Man of Steel from a Baby's Perspective

chingalera says...

@artician, for me the best visually stunning Superman film to date, and for everyone...I watched this vid with the sound off and watched the kid's reaction with the screen super-imposition, and pretty much inserted his dialog for him, goes something like this:

Whoa..Bad-ass costume and mountains...

( i maybe am bored,have to maybe pee, I'm hungry a liitle), "YAAAY HOLE IN GROUND- FLY THROUGH!"

clap-clap, Ok Dad, let's you and me get some titty and or chewy-chews....Yawn

Mocking A Sniper That Has You Pinned Down

Balloon Swallow by Tonya Kay

chingalera says...

Those long balloons will compact into your mouth pretty easily when they aren't blown up to capacity-Otherwise she suppresses her gag reflex and fills her esophagus, easy-peasy-Not hard for anyone with a bit of practice- Whoa, raw vegan and practitioner of chaos magick...What a gal, eh??

Sagemind said:

I've seen this many times in videos before. No way can she be swallowing all that. notice she doesn't pull it back out. There is a trick to this. Not sure how they do it, but even the displacement of air in her body is unballanced, not to mention that the balloon would stop as it hit the stomach.


For Your Dinner Enjoyment~Septoplasty Splint Removal

Absurd Method To Stabilize a Downed Fighter

lucky760 says...

Whoa... What?!

I thought they were going to play a crude prank on him where they take off all his clothes and he'd be naked and alone on the dirt when he came to. That would have been bad...

But jerking him off? That's in a whole other realm of WTF.

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