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Karajan conducts Beethoven's 5th, eyes closed!! (1966, rare)

Farhad2000 says...

The conductor is the timing mechanism of the orchestra, he sets the tempo, executes clear preparations and beats, listens and shapes the sound of the ensemble. However this has changed over with Robert Wagner who was largely responsible for shaping the conductor's role as one who imposes his own view of a piece onto the performance rather than one who is simply responsible for ensuring entries are made at the right time and that there is a unified beat, thus elevating the profession, I mean look PlastiqueMonkey calls out Karajan not the Orchestra

F*CK - Trailer

using proper english, f@ck

shabby says...

Well now, this is interesting:

"Many sites credit Monty Python as the creators of this work. However, it is my belief that this is incorrect and the author of the original shorter version is still unknown. The later, longer version which is well known to many people is actually credited to the late Jack Wagner, the former 'voice of Disneyland'. It is said that Mr Wagner received an audio tape copy of the original which he then improved upon, added a musical track to and re-released. His name appears to have been omitted due to the conflict of interest with his position with Disneyland and his desire not to be fired."

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