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Is Your Red The Same As My Red?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'vsauce, perception, color, blind, questions' to 'vsauce, perception, color, colour, blind, questions, qualia, explanation gap, language' - edited by messenger

mintbbb (Member Profile)

This Is Only Red

Duncan (Member Profile)

Will We Ever Run Out of New Music? (Vsauce)

Jinx says...

Don't worry, middleeastern music uses quartertons. If we ever run out of our semitone scale we can move there!

Anyway, the moral of this vsauce seems to be that no, we won't run out of new music and even if we did nobody would notice...I mean Black Eyed Peas released the same song like, 5 or 6 times in a row and it hit the top of the charts every time :D

Numberphile - Problems with the Number Zero

How Much Does a Shadow Weigh?

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'shadow, weigh, how much, vsauce, light, energy, surface, weight' to 'shadow, weigh, how much, vsauce, light, energy, surface, weight, photonic boom' - edited by messenger

This Is Not Yellow (by Vsauce)

mintbbb (Member Profile)

This Is Not Yellow (by Vsauce)

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'yellow, lemon, light, wavelength, look, eye, brain, retina, pixel, yellow, green' to 'yellow, lemon, light, wavelength, look, eye, brain, retina, pixel, yellow, green, vsauce' - edited by lucky760

one minute physics what if the earth were hollow

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'one minute physics, hollow earth, gravity, heat, newton, 1mp' to 'one minute physics, hollow earth, gravity, heat, newton, 1mp, vsauce' - edited by lucky760

Why Do We Dream?

Standard Weight (feat. Vsauce) - Periodic Table of Videos

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