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Bin Laden Assassination Just Another Government Lie

criticalthud says...

you're the workforce people. and that's it. the gov, run by special interests, communicates with you via propaganda, like they are selling toothpaste. and will say whatever is necessary to keep you working and buying, and distracted from the simple fact that your democracy is an utter sham.

USA admits adding fluoride to water is damaging teeth

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^gargoyle:

Fluoridation is also suspected of being a contributing cause to hypothyroidism. Can't find anything rigorous on this yet. Still looking.

It is hard with all the conflicting and conflated data and opinions out there to accurately gauge it. I am not a chemist either, but I know it makes my soil toxic to plants over time. I believe the chemical classification for Sodium Fluoride is a Toxic, Irritant, but for some reason the CDC lists it an an inert...which is completely false. People who do organic farming are really critical with the CDC on this point because Sodium Fluoride is anything but inert and violates the organic farmers main goal; of removing all toxic elements from food production. With fluoride in toothpaste, I really don't see a purpose for water fluoridation anymore. Like someone mentioned earlier, why ingest something that is supposed to be a topical application. Now that toothpastes all come with it, that topical nature is realized and drinking water fluoridation should fall away. Sodium Fluoride has electrolytes, what plants crave!

USA admits adding fluoride to water is damaging teeth

BansheeX says...

The funny thing about fluoride is that it's purported benefits are topical. So even if you (falsely) believe it reduces cavities, you'd be an even bigger moron to deliver it in a format that is ingested, like tap water. They put warning labels on toothpaste telling you not to do this, but not when it's in the water supply. Makes perfect sense, right? Who knows what bodily ailments this stuff is contributing to in our society.

Just because you can find an opponent of something who is trying to scam you afterwards doesn't mean they aren't right about the shit being bad for you. Plenty of good scientists and dentists who aren't homeopaths have been voicing their opposition to fluoridated water for years.

USA admits adding fluoride to water is damaging teeth

maestro156 says...

As soon as a "doctor" recommends homeopathy, his credibility is shattered.

This is just another "scare story" that the news broadcasters use when they need to fill airtime.

I scanned the CDC document that they referenced (found via wiki). It seems to indicate that feeding infants and toddlers fluoridated water _may_ be harmful, but that a much greater source of fluoride is fluoride toothpaste.

A more rational response is to lower the fluoride levels slightly, while teaching people to reduce infant intake of fluoridated water. We are not being poisoned by our government, and the government has not "admitted that fluoridated water damages teeth."

2010 Elections Bought Anonymously by Corporations

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Great monologue.

Assuming you are truly an insider, and not just some confused kid trying to emulate an archetypal corporate villain, then why have you spent so much time on this site, rambling inanely about politics? Why are you so adamant about pushing RC cola on Coke and Pepsi fans if it's all the same, corruptible shit?

I've been trying for years to prove to blankfist that all of that free market talk was just a ruse to morally justify economic elitism. Could you confirm to him that this is the case? If you do, I promise to continue to always use the kind of toothpaste you want me to use (Why Aquafresh?). Anyway, I think you might have helped my side of the argument here today. Thank you for that.

BTW, who did you vote for?

>> ^imstellar28:

Interesting, tell me please who you voted for this week? If you think the democratic party hasn't been bought and sold by corporations a hundred times over, you are quite delusional indeed...
Let me tell you as an insider, we couldn't be more amused that the internet is filled with the inane babblings of people who think corporations care whether a "democrat" or "republican" is in power. We could care less who you vote for, as long as you believe it makes a difference. Humans are bought and sold as easy as livestock. We don't need to buy your party, when we can buy you. We control how you spend your time, what you see and hear, what you think you know about the world, even what you want and hope for in life. We control what you eat when you're hungry, what you drink when your thirsty, what you brush your teeth with before you go to bed at night. Your life is nothing but a series of false choices. Coke or Pepsi. You really think it makes a difference to us? You have been helplessly brainwashed. You are nothing but one of millions; silent, droning workers who line our pockets and support our lifestyle.
Thanks for voting!
>> ^dystopianfuturetoday:
You tell me. How does corporate cock taste?
>> ^imstellar28:
If corporations are evil for "buying" elections, what are the people who "sold" their votes?

Gmail: priority mail incoming!

conan says...

>> ^lucky760:

Amazing that there is a corporation that put so much time and effort into building powerful, intelligent applications that help many millions of people all free of charge. (As opposed to other corporations that try to strangle consumers and squeeze every last cent out of them like a tube of toothpaste.)

That depends on your definition of "free", Lucky. Some corps want your money, Google wants your data which they then use to make money. So either way you give something :-)

Gmail: priority mail incoming!

lucky760 says...

Amazing that there is a corporation that puts so much time and effort into building powerful, intelligent applications that help many millions of people all free of charge. (As opposed to other corporations that try to strangle consumers and squeeze every last cent out of them like a tube of toothpaste.)

The myth of drinking eight glasses of water a day

cybrbeast says...

>> ^ButterflyKisses:

Something to consider:
The amount of fluoride in a pea sized blob of toothpaste, is the same as that in a glass of water.You should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
If you ingest just one pea-sized blob of fluoridated toothpaste, you are told on the tube to seek immediate medical help.What is the equivalent of 8 blobs doing to you every day?
Also, Tea can have up to 11ppm in it as well.
This being said, I don't drink much tea but I know of many people that make their tea with water directly from the tap and they drink it daily.

That only goes for crazy countries who put a topical medicine in their water. Where I live, and as far as I know in the rest of the EU there is no fluoridated water, only some chlorine in some countries.

The myth of drinking eight glasses of water a day

ButterflyKisses says...

Something to consider:
The amount of fluoride in a pea sized blob of toothpaste, is the same as that in a glass of water.You should drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
If you ingest just one pea-sized blob of fluoridated toothpaste, you are told on the tube to seek immediate medical help.What is the equivalent of 8 blobs doing to you every day?
Also, Tea can have up to 11ppm in it as well.

This being said, I don't drink much tea but I know of many people that make their tea with water directly from the tap and they drink it daily.

The Story of Bottled Water

jwray says...

>> ^direpickle:

jwray: Aquafina tastes much more strongly of chlorine than my tap water. And the only states that don't add fluoride to their drinking water have a much higher rate of tooth decay.

Rubbish, plenty of countries that don't fluoridate water or salt have lower rates of tooth decay than us. There isn't even any correlation between water fluoridation and lower tooth decay among populations that regularly use fluoridated toothpaste. EPA admits the entire benefit is posteruptive and topical. There is no reason to ingest a treatment that acts topically.

>> ^direpickle:

And if you're super-terrified of chemicals, what do you think you're ingesting when you're drinking water out of plastic bottles? Haven't you noticed that the water tastes like the plastic?

I actually don't use any plastic bottles. I use glass or stainless steel for a variety of reasons:
1. More durable
2. Easier to clean (primarily due to being permanently very smooth, unlike plastic which is easily scratched)
3. Cheaper in the long run
4. Possible avoidance of BPA and other toxic chemicals that can leech out of plastic.

>> ^direpickle:

Anyway, some bottled water tastes good, but I don't buy it unless there's no free water to be had. But Aquafina and Dasani are just disgusting.

They don't really have any taste at all. I don't know what you're talking about.

Psychochemical Dumbing-Down of Society

choggie says...

but fucking flouride in my water??....gimme a fucking break! Swallow a mouthful of yer favorite toothpaste and hold yer fucking groceries!! Listen to yer body, tooth-helpers are poison..fluoride ones!...give and take dude....teach yer kids not to swallow!

Massa: Cheney Has "Political Tourettes"

MilkmanDan says...

Wharrgarble! We're not "living in a different age", we're not in a "post-911" world. The TSA is a massive overreaction to one incident. That incident sucked, and there is no downplaying it. But the lesson that needed to be learned, ie that hijackers might do more with a hijacked plane that just kill everyone on board (as terrible as that alone is), has been learned.

Half the the response should be to lock cabin doors. Done. The other half should be for travelers on planes to remain alert and be willing to fight back against hijackers. Done - flight 93 accomplished that before the 9/11 attacks were even finished.

Instead, the TSA is created. Charged with the task of delaying, inconveniencing, and harassing law-abiding citizen travelers while doing absolutely nothing of any real value to prevent or limit terrorist attacks.

The shoebomber happens, all of a sudden everybody has to wait in line to take off shoes. Somebody realizes that some binary explosives are made by mixing liquids, all of a sudden you can't take a bottle of goddamn water or toothpaste on a plane. The Bush administration decides to make a massive list of names for a "no fly list", all of a sudden many completely innocent people are detained and harassed simply because they happen to share a name with someone who may have a tenuous connection to "terrorism". Not to mention the people who get put on the list out of pure spite, like reporters who question TSA practices. I shudder to think what the response to the "undies-bomber" is going to be.

Now Cheney et al are criticizing Obama for "failing to keep America safe". How about criticizing the goddamn TSA? How about remembering that you're infinitely more likely to die in a car accident, or from smoking-induced lung cancer, or even from being bitten by a snake than you are to die in an air-travel incident, terror related or not?

It bothers me these responses to Cheney running his mouth are good in that they make us remember that a lot of this crap started on the Bush administration's watch, but they don't go the bit further and point out what an obvious farce and waste of time, effort, and money the TSA is in general.

How smelly is the durian?

23b (Member Profile)

TSA Pulls Pants of 71 year old man down

MilkmanDan says...

9/11 sucked. The TSA sucks more.

How much tax money goes towards paying these goons to enforce ludicrous rules, disregard common decency, and trample all over the concept of innocent until proven guilty?

Reasonable response to 9/11: Sorry kids, no more visits to the cockpit to get free plastic pilot wings from the captain, because now we keep that door locked.

Actual response to 9/11: Form a massive, fascist thug squad to give a vague illusion that the government can prevent all "shit happens" situations by frisking 71 year old men and confiscating water bottles and toothpaste, and call it the TSA.

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