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Russell Brand debates Nigel Farage on immigration

dannym3141 says...

"The rich keep you fed enough that you bark at the intruders." - Some youtuber.

Yes he's a little out of his depth and he's so desperate to try and get people to understand that he's hurrying and nervous. Well, he's a comedian, he isn't used to public speaking, he knows how to make people laugh not convince them in an argument. But he's out there, putting his neck on the line when he doesn't even NEED to - because as the tabloids (controlled by who?) enjoy pointing out he's rich. At least he got rich through his ability to make people laugh, rather than tricking people into voting for him because he'd act in their best interests then selling their decisions to the highest bidder.

We are seeing politicians scrambling for ANYTHING they can to hold power and keep making money for a little longer. That anything is immigration and they're quite happy to let people convince themselves its the immigrants. Even if we are slightly overcrowded for our infrastructure in Britain, we wouldn't be if the money in the system was active and being used to build and be productive instead of sitting in the pockets of people who have everything they want and 8 figure bank balances. These people in charge keep telling us they're going to tackle all these problems, but they never do anything to close the loopholes being used by all the huge corporations who have been paying NO TAX WHATSOEVER during the times of extreme wealth and growth. Is it any wonder our countries are in a dire condition? Our tax system has been starved of hundreds of billions, possibly trillions, who really knows!? And why weren't they closed? Just look at the links between big business and and politics, the only reason we aren't all saying "what the fuck is going on?" is because they can distract people through their control over the media and their convincing oratory skill into going "it's your neighbour.. it's his fault. was he born here? why is he using your hospital?", meanwhile we lose out of BILLIONS because the post office was sold off on the sly! Only to be told next election THAT WE ARE SHORT ON OUR FUCKING BUDGET. You're ok with that happening?! Why is it ok for them to keep coming back having lost our money and asking for more, but if it was a man who came directly to our door to collect our money in exchange for services, we'd tell him to piss off? It's EASIER to blame someone who looks and speaks differently rather than the clever bastard with a gleam in his eye sitting in the pub silver tonguing his constituents.

We are not fucking short on productivity - how many people do you know that think they have a lot of spare time and freedom from work? But that productivity is not being directed appropriately, and if you don't believe that then you need to get outside and talk to people who are less fortunate than you... benefit of the doubt, maybe you just haven't had to see it. But all the money that went on bonuses could be going into improving schools, police, hospitals, public transport and roads and god knows what else. A bunch of people would go without a brand new range rover sport or yacht or champagne holiday for 30... in contrast, thousands less people would die - think of the old people dying in the cold each winter? or hospital beds and treatments for those with cancer or anything that the NHS can't afford to treat? All the freshly educated nurses and doctors thanks to our universities being given cash to improve their facilities and training.

The theory behind all this was trickle-down-wealth, the money will be distributed through society by paying those at the top a lot of money. It CLEARLY does not work, and anyone who suggests otherwise would surely be considered insane. It's not working, we see it not working, so why aren't we fixing it or getting angry and making those in charge fix it?

If Brand is advocating anarchy (and i'd like to know your argument for saying that, i could stand to be convinced), it's because he's exasperated at our inaction and wants to try and stir people to act. We're currently at the other extreme - watching it happen. People are criticising the crowd for being too into brand, too "leftist" or some nonsense. But those are the people that are having their lives drained by these leeches at the top, of course they're only going to come and cheer if someone is going to say what needs to be said. Any other night, it's just drones debating different ways to stack the odds against everyone.

Edited: Tried to make it nicer, more readable, sorry for the long post but he's really really got a great point and i can't understand why we are all ignoring what's going on. We seem to accept that big business WILL get away with not paying billions in tax like that's fine.. but it's not, we can change it, we just have to stop fucking ignoring it and hold these twats to account like Brand is trying to do. It's not like he's suggesting some wild and risky change, he's just saying STOP LETTING AND HELPING PEOPLE STEAL MONEY FROM US. They won't, and watch Farage go bright red when brand talks about his scandals and rich business partners. If they won't, we need to get rid of them. You may not like his demeanour but he is expressing democratic and egalitarian points.

A10anis said:

"Russell Brand destroys Nigel Farage on immigration"???
I can only assume you are joking. Brand was WAY out of his depth. In fact, much as I dislike the pseudo revolutionary, vainglorious half wit, I actually felt sorry for him. He was put firmly in his place by one astute person; "If you think you can, why don't you stand (for election)?" His response; " Mate, I'm frightened I'd become one of them." So, he doesn't even have confidence in his own childish rhetoric. He calls for anarchy just as long as he is not at the helm. He should put up, or shut up. Oh, and his call for people not to vote is one of the stupidest, most irresponsible things I have heard in a while.

After Hours: 9 Creepiest Things Movies Portray as Romantic

Lann says...

I've also been bullied about my weight/body shape. Mainly by girls and women but that doesn't matter and I know I'm not the on w̶o̶m̶a̶n̶ person who this has happened to.

Anyway, I don't see the need to constantly bring up weight when it's not relevant. Our tabloid-like culture does it too much and it's just annoying and redundant.

I'm done sidetracking this thread. Sorry @brycewi19

bareboards2 said:

Hey. I'm a fat person. I get it. Probably why I am so sensitive when I see mostly women get incredibly ugly things said about them.

You don't have to like it. Just me, doing my thing.

Scold me to your heart's content. It's all good, @Lann.

Last Week Tonight - Ferguson and Police Militarization

dannym3141 says...

I assumed during those 30 years you took the Pure-Speculation-Based-On-Tabloid-Evidence-Without-Any-Involvement-In-The-Case course?

Law enforcement are MEANT to be suspicious, that's why all juries aren't made up of old policemen. That'd be stupid, because they'd all be biased towards the police and they'd all be extremely suspicious of everything; rightly so, in the way in which they'd been trained.

Your qualifier is tantamount to saying "I'm extremely biased; here's my guess at what happened."

lantern53 said:

I think what happened is eminently explainable. Guy does a shoplifting by force, walks down middle of street, cop sees him, gets him into his car where the suspect tries to take his gun...cop shoots at thug, misses, suspect escapes, cop takes chase, thug turns around and charges cop...cop decides he can't fight this behemoth so, in fear of his life, shoots. Six shots take about 2 seconds, rounds are still flying while the target starts to fall, causing rounds to strike his head.

Of course, I only have 30 yrs of law enforcement experience, and no years of criminal life experience from which to speak.

The Story of Your Enslavement

Trancecoach says...

As "The Captive Mind" posits that the primary means of ensuring compliance from "the people" is not propaganda, but physical coercion. The state does not 'reason' or 'debate' with non-compliance. 'Students' are forced to go to school and learn the 'official' version of history, for example (home schooling aside), and accept it (i.e., the hierarchical "binge-purge" model of education in which regurgitation of ossified narratives is valued more highly than any independent or creative thought).

Propaganda serves as post-facto justification in order to give people some way to rationalize what goes on around them. This helps to allow the threat of violence to suffice as a means of maintaining control without the state having to resort to actual violence, in most cases.

In one of Stefan's other videos, he calls professional licensure a dog collar that you're forced wear. He calls modern folks 'free-range slaves'. The 'human farms,' as he calls states, are run by 'farmers' who have realized that free-range slaves are more productive than those kept in a more strict captivity. (And it undoubtedly is better for for everyone than the slavery-of-old.) He says that allowing a few slaves escape here and there creates a desired illusion of freedom. One could argue about the accuracy of Stefan's ideas, but I don't find that as useful as simply accepting it as Stefan's own aesthetic/philosophical position, or his worldview, and understanding it or interpreting it as you would for say, any other artist/philosopher. This brings to mind the understanding that the 1% consists mostly of "human farmers" (i.e., kleptocrats and cronies) and other escaped 'slaves'.

It seems that folks who tend to take issue with my comments here (@enoch, @ChaosEngine, @newtboy, @Taint, among others) have taken on the recent swell of anti-"libertarian" rhetoric as their own (particularly the more tabloid-like forms of it).

That's not as important to me as the question of why there seems to be so much media attention given to these ideas of late? I think it may have to do with setting the stage for opposing a possible 2016 presidential run by Rand Paul (who has already been 'branded' as a 'libertarian' by opponents of both parties).* Or it may have to do with how technology (particularly in the Bay Area, where I live, but certainly in other places as well) is increasingly making individuals less reliant on the state, more self-sufficient, and more able to access the information they need to recognize their status as a serf, and/or plan their means of escape from the 'farm'.

*I guess the media cares less about an "ideological war" against "libertarianism" than they do about crafting a practical strategy of electoral politics. Hence their insistence in conflating conservatives, Republicans, libertarians, and even anarchists (which couldn't be more dissimilar at their core).

Slow-Motion Bouncing Boobs

CIA Admits It Was Behind Iran's Coup in 1953

chingalera says...

Freedom of Information provides a way for peeps to feel warm and cozy about their government acting unilaterally to ends deemed necessary by a small cadre of monkeys, while providing the mechanism for unchecked bullshit to continue unhindered.
OH, it also makes for marginally effective tabloid journalism, creating overnight sensations through banal, pompous delivery seasoned with an over-abundance of narcissistic swagger.

"CIA releases information"......Oxymoronic??! Haven't peeps with the ability to dissect newsspeak and "official statements" known that the CIA orchestrated the Iranian coup for over 30 years?

For the tiny morsels cretins like Cenk use to further distract increasing numbers of folks with regurgitate editorializing, the huge chunks of abuse of power sit rotting on a Nation's dinner plate, served nightly by whores of media everywhere. Cenk, yer a tool.

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

chingalera says...

↑ ↑ TYT's "progressive daily news and political commentary" since they reared their Sirius head has derptly crafted serious issues into their brand of junk-food news and tabloid-sensational fluff since Cenk started belching his snipish drool 5 years ago, and the kids here eat it up like Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Cocktail Juice w/codeine and promethazine...

Purple Drank Internet Drizzle

'Enders Game' Writer's Ridiculous Racist Rant Against Obama

L0cky says...

Well I'm disappointed in TYT.

The original article on the Slate was hack written 'Caveat in Paragraph 19' tabloid junk. The caveat being that they fail to mention they are quoting fiction until the very end of the article.

TYT have taken the bait and regurgitated the story without even mentioning the caveat. The conviction that Cenk has in his furore (which is exactly what tabloid articles aim to cause) makes me doubt TYT's credibility on other stories they report that I haven't happened to have read first.

The article the Slate quoted is "Civilization Watch - Unlikely Events" which you can read directly here.

Cards' political views are about as far removed from my own as you can get; but this essay was about reinterpreting history and the absurdity of predicting the future.

You could argue that Card is protecting his real views behind a shield of fiction, or some weak argument to that effect, but It's obvious TYT didn't even read it

Breasts as Bombs

peter12 jokingly says...

I'm very interested in what FEMEN is doing. Every magazine, newspaper, tabloid with them on the cover -- no matter if in English, Chinese or Ukrainian -- I have to buy. Every man knows what they are standing for. Well done. Well done.

A flying ninja crocodile jumps at guy!

NaMeCaF says...

It wasn't jumping AT the guy, it didn't even know he was there. It was trying to run away from the guy filming it as he got closer and closer to it and it was scared.

Geez, these title's are getting as bad and misleading as tabloid news articles.

Hulk Hogan sues Bubba, Gawker over tape

Steam's Big Picture - Steam on your TV

Jinx says...

Rumours are that Valve is making a "Steam Box" - a sort of media center/console/PC for your living room. Could this Big Picture actually be part of their big picture?

Man, I could write rhetorical headlines for a tabloid.

Adam Curtis - Murdoch's Revolution (2011)

chingalera says...

Cold-clock crackin' it'
greenback-stackin' it;
CrrrRashin', an hackin', an tabloid trashin' it it-

Mr. Kieth won't stop! // Cause he's the KIng-at-th' muck-rack TOP!!

(drop fat bass line here) Boooosh, D-booosh, D-boooosh, D-BOOOOSH!

First Amendment rights can be terminated: Cops versus camera

cosmovitelli says...

How can it be that media turn up to cover a tabloid story at a hospital and everyone is confused like it never happens? Is this the last hospital in the world to have to figure this one out?

Parents Should 'Punch' Gay-Acting Children, Says Pastor Sean

chingalera says...

These TYT people? Muckrakers. Their segments reek of the stench of video-tabloidism. The hosts' air of shock and disgust at the subject matter they choose to editorialize, tiresome and unprofessional. TYT fool themselves if they consider themselves journalists-IMO they would equal in value to the crew of a news camera van assigned to bring you people the news you need, like car fires and people falling off ladders. Wish they would find something else to do besides litter this site with their snarky banter and all the news that's fit to shit. Down-vote if I could here, and remove their computer privileges there.

Oh, and Pastor Harris??-A tool as well.

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