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Frightening Swedish Love Lesson

Rasch187: Like a rolling crown (Rocknroll Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Wait. Didn't he already have his crown?! I feel like we're double dipping with these congratulatory posts!

Rasch is almost always the first person to notice when other people on the Sift have reached their star/diamond/crown milestones and posts a congratulatory post for them, so it's always great when he reaches his own milestone so we can all pat him on the back for a change. And, I think what we like most of all about him is that he thinks the amount you tip is closely related to the amount of liberty you have in your country. Just saying. That's his belief and he won't stop going on and on about it.

Congrats, you big Swede!

Fox News - Spreading Racism?

Lumm says...

>> ^bobknight33:
Conservatives are not afraid just of blacks, .....

You are so right! Conservatives are afraid of so many things! For example hispanics, muslims, gays, canadians, swedes, otters, turtles, ...

(please feel free to add to the list)

Feeling the Hate in Tel Aviv

Smugglarn says...

Most are racist boneheads, but if I was an Israeli security guard in a mall, I would definitely be mindful of any woman wearing a hijab ocr burkah.


at 6:23 - Sadly, as a Swede, I can confirm his statement.

FOX News: Preserve your Aryan Genes!

FOX News: Preserve your Aryan Genes!

HenningKO says...

I think he's saying pure blood = better minds, better ideas, like the idea these Finns and Swedes had to do this study?
Wow, what a tard. Even the pretty lady in the middle and the sound guy are like, "Oopsie! Can we cut to commercial?"
Fire him. This is every bit as offensive to me as "upside down with a fork up your ass", or "Nappy-headed Hos" or "Jews start all the wars".

FOX News: Preserve your Aryan Genes!

Unaccommodated says...

Ironically both Swedes and Finns have been intermarrying for a long time. Kreegath is totally right too, vikings took women from everywhere. Even now there has been a large uptick in non-european immigrants in Scandinavia. So much for "purity". His lack of history and/or common sense, is staggering; not to mention is blatant racism. I hope someone straightens him out on national television. Dumbass.

QI - Alan Rickman, Kevin Costner and Brit Villains on Film

100 days of "Fair & Balanced"

jwray says...

Every time Fox Noise says socialism, they're thinking USSR, not Sweden. They have no idea what Sweden is like. Swedes have more freedom than Americans.

Top Gun remake

Robyn- "Konichiwa Bitches"--sweden does japan type weirdness

Robyn- "Konichiwa Bitches"--sweden does japan type weirdness

1,000 Attack Oslo Pro-Israel Rally w/ Knives, Bats & Molotov

10768 says...

>> ^Ornthoron:
The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.
The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.

What the fuck do you know about my safety? I don't know which country you live in, but I would venture to say that the streets of Oslo are safer at any time of day than wherever you spend your days. The so-called suicidal immigration policies are agreed upon by almost all political parties, and are well-founded in the views of the people. That is something quite different than "pushed by the political class".
Fuck you and Pprt for trying to tell me what is best for my country without ever having lived here or having any knowledge about what exactly our immigration policies are.

So you would feel safe in Malmo, say, walking alone at night with a lady friend?

Look, don't blame me, but the uncontrolled immigration of evermore belligerant and insular Muslims is destroying your country. Within 20 years they will have to keep the natives in zoos and game parks: rare spectacles to be observed.

Which brings up another touchy subject: you should be procreating and sustaining your population so you don't feel you have to import cheap labor (at such a high cost to your society). you are fixing to be bred into extinction.

It's pretty safe where I live, thanks for asking. Rural northeast of North American. We have guns and good neighbors here to keep it that way.

Anyways, why waste your rage on we who support your soveriegnty? Spend a little on the political class who has sold you down the river.

1,000 Attack Oslo Pro-Israel Rally w/ Knives, Bats & Molotov

Ornthoron says...

The saddest part of this video is at 3:00, when the middle-aged palestinian immigrant tried to intervene. He asked them why they are rioting in Oslo instead of going to Gaza to help the people there, which would actually be something valuable. The mob wasn't prepared to have their views challenged by one they thought of as their own, and so they resorted to shouting "Go home!" and throwing a tear gas cannister at him. It just goes to show that these hooligans do not speak for the palestinian immigrants in Norway.

Fundies exist on all sides in this conflict, and they are almost indistinguishable in their hatred.

>> ^mharvey42:
The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.
The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.

What the fuck do you know about my safety? I don't know which country you live in, but I would venture to say that the streets of Oslo are safer at any time of day than wherever you spend your days. The so-called suicidal immigration policies are agreed upon by almost all political parties, and are well-founded in the views of the people. That is something quite different than "pushed by the political class".

Fuck you and Pprt for trying to tell me what is best for my country without ever having lived here or having any knowledge about what exactly our immigration policies are.

1,000 Attack Oslo Pro-Israel Rally w/ Knives, Bats & Molotov

10768 says...

>> ^gorillaman:
Wrong of the police to interfere, but that's fascism for you.

The Fascism at play here is IslamoFascism. Norwegians and Swedes are no longer safe in their own cities, thanks to the suicidal immigration policies pushed by their political class.

The once pround Norse now dhimmi in their own lands.

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