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kid gets way excited about his new game system

Hive13 says...

Come on, who doesn't miss that feeling as a kid when your parents bought you exactly what you wanted and you had no clue you were getting it.

I remember when I was maybe 8 or 9, I wanted the big AT-AT walker from Empire Strikes Back. That thing was like $80 and in those days and at the time in my parent's careers, I figured there was no we we could afford it. I went to the mall and BEGGED Santa for it (even though I was suspecting he wasn't real).

When I got up that Christmas morning and saw it sitting by the fireplace, I burst into tears of pure happiness. I'll never forget that feeling and now that I have kids of my own, I can relive that feeling through them every year when I get them awesome shit. When my oldest son turns 9, I am going to find a vintage At-At and get it for him because I can.

"Alien" Squid footage shot by Shell Oil Robot

Titty Wars!

Gay Marriage = 9/11

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...


1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Yellowstone National Park, without all the tourists
3) Children's book - Any of the Matthew Looney books
4) TV Series - Battlestar Galactica (the new series)
5) Word - butterfluggin
6) Film - Tough call, but I'm going with The Empire Strikes Back
7) Curse - "Twat" seems to be my favorite these days
Creature - Dolphins, even if they are the douchebags of the sea.
9) Past time - Organ donation
10) Person - My son, of course

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Both, but I own neither. I have two rats.
12) Sweet or savoury - Sweet
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast
14) Tan or pale - Tan. I'm always afraid that I might have bored the pale ones to death
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot. I have hobbit feet
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - Drive. This is America, dammit.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - Sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama now, but I used to be a diehard Simpsons fan

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Dutch musician with huge ears just wants to fuck you
22) A great comment on one of your vids - the awesome thing about this video is kronos was searching for porn and typed in his favorite fetishes "Dutch, musician, huge ears, wants to fuck me" and he just so happened to stumble across this.
23) Most off the wall member - evil_disco_man. He's quiet. It's always the quiet ones who put severed heads in the crisper.
24) Favourite user name - MycroftHomlz. It shows that smarty-pants scientists can't spell for shit.
25) Your most used channel - Comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - Giving choggie my email address
27) Best avatar - schmawy's. All of them.
28) Partner in crime - I run with the Hole In The Wall gang, consisting of blankfist, rottenseed, dystopianfuturetoday, schmawy, his sister Issykitty, and alien_concept. Sometimes we let Farhad ride with us, because deep down he so desperately wants to be a cowboy.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Not since I killed them
30) Idea for the site - Glory holes

About you

31) Where do you live - Casper, Wyoming, United States
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non-smoker (quit 12 years ago)
33) Left or right handed - righty tighty
34) Hair colour - reddish brown, with dashing gray highlights
35) Relationship status - I'm in a serious booty-call relationship
36) How tall - 5' 9", or 175 cm. 175 sounds bigger, so let's go with that
37) Children - One child on this planet is blessed with 50% of my genes
38) Ever had an operation - Many:
a. Appendectomy
b. Plate implants for a broken arm
c. Bone graft from pelvis for same broken arm that got horribly infected
d. Hemorrhoid removal - Yet blankfist is still here
e. Torn ligament repair - left foot
f. Torn ligament repair - right hand
g. Lasik eye surgery
h. Foot enlargement - Hoping that by corollary something wonderful would happen
39) Best feature - My beautiful spleen
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Morally bankrupt, donations please

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Jesus, just so he could tell all the neo-cons to shut the fuck up
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Cancer/leukemia research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Me. I hear it's a good place to raise a family
44) Relive a moment in your life -
45) Have a superpower - Walking on water, that way I could tell all the neo-cons to shut the fuck up
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - If there's an afterlife
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Listen to all the talk about fucking fantasy football in the crapper at work
48) Be president for one hour - Give the Indians everything back, and send whitey back to Europe
49) Delete a period in history - What day was dystopianfuturetoday born?
50) Achieve one thing - Write the great American novel. About robot pirates from outer space.

Palin "takes the gloves off" - and breaks a nail

Xax says...

Now what Obama needs to do is strike back hard. If there are bottom-feeding idiots out there who can still think he's Muslim, you can bet there are plenty of people who will eat this shit up.

Atara of the Great White North gets her Gold star! (Scifi Talk Post)

Atara of the Great White North gets her Gold star! (Scifi Talk Post)

atara says...

Whee, thanks!

And for the record:
1) I am into Star Wars... Saw Empire Strikes Back in the theatre, actually.
2) I am Canadian AND American - I got my Canadian citizenship last year after living here for six years.
3) Election seasons are like sports playoffs to me.
4) And way back when, about 15 years ago... Back when I was looking for an online handle, I did partially munge Atari with something else to come up with Atara.

Well done.

The Daily Show - Sarah Palin & The Gender Card

Xax says...

>> ^mizila:
Then again, if we just started attacking back, would we be any better? Yeah, probably, but not by enough.

The pacifist will be crushed by the raging bully which has no conscience. It's time to come out from behind the shield and strike back with unmatched fury. The bully must be stood up to, and not just defended against. To win this war, the enemy must be destroyed.

A Kickass Tribute to Movie Monsters

gwiz665 says...

I'm gonna promote this very soon.. it's awesome!
From the youtube desciption:

00:00 Little shop of horrors
00:14 The Thing
00:16 Jurassic Park/ Poltergeist/ King Kong (1933)/ The return of the Jedi/ Aliens (Cameron)
00:17 Alien (Scott)
00:19 Jaws
00:20 King Kong (1933)
00:22 Ghostbusters
00:24 Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1956)
00:26 The Fellowship of the Ring
00:27 Anaconda
00:28 An American werewolf in London
00:29 Clash of the Titans
00:31 Beowulf
00:32 Ghostbusters
00:34 Dragonslayer
00:36 Predator
00:38 Alien (Scott)
00:40 Dune
00:42 Gremlins
00:44 The Fellowship of the Ring
00:46 Pan's Labyrinth
00:47 Clash of the Titans
00:49 Aliens (Cameron)
00:51 Beetlejuice
00:53 King Kong (1933)
00:55 Jurassic Park
00:56 Godzilla, King of the Monsters (1956)
00:59 Jurassic Park
00:59-01:00 Critters
01:01 Dragonslayer
01:03 Willow
01:05 Them!
01:07 Starship Troopers
01:08 Men in Black
01:09 Arachnophobia
01:10 Jaws
01:11 Tremors
01:12 The Empire strikes back
01:13 Beowulf
01:14 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
01:15 The Return of the Jedi
01:16 Dragonslayer
01:18 Gremlins
01:20 The Host
01:21 Ghostbusters
01:22 Bram Stoker's Dracula
01:23 Gremlins 2
01:24 King Kong (2005)
01:25 Tremors
01:26 Aliens (Cameron)
01:27 The Empire strikes back
01:27 Clash of the Titans
01:28 Hellboy
01:29 Lake Placid
01:30 The Fellowship of the Ring
01:31 An American werewolf in London
01:32 Alien (Scott)
01:33 From Dusk till Dawn
01:34 Krull
01:35 Jason and the Argonauts
01:36 Little Shop of Horrors
01:37 The Army of Darkness
01:38 The Fellowship of the Ring
01:39 Time Machine
01:40 The Attack of the Clones
01:41 Howard the Duck
01:43 End of days
01:44 Aliens (Cameron)
01:45 The Attack of the Clones
01:46 Jurassic Park
01:47 Clash of the Titans
01:48 The Relic
01:49 Pitch Black
01:49 Resident Evil
01:50 The Princess Bride
01:51 Beetlejuice
01:52 Jurassic Park
01:52 Ghostbusters
01:53 Evolution
01:54 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
01:55 Gremlins 2
01:55 Ewok adventure
01:56 Ghostbusters
01:57 Anaconda
01:58 Creature from the Black Lagoon
01:58 Starship Troopers
01:59 The Return of the King
02:00 The Fellowship of the Ring
02:01 The Blob (1988)
02:02 King Kong (2005)
02:03 Deep rising
02:04 Mimic
02:05 Little Shop of Horrors
02:06 Mars Attacks!
02:07 King Kong (2005)
02:08 Cloverfield
02:09 20000 leagues under the sea (1954)
02:10 Aliens (Cameron)
02:11 Beetlejuice
02:11 Anaconda
02:12 Bram Stoker's Dracula
02:12 Doom
02:13 Independence Day
02:14 Jeepers Creepers 2
02:14 Lake Placid
02:15 Clash of the Titans
02:15 An American werewolf in London
02:16 Cat people
02:17 Evil Dead 2
02:17 The Thing
02:18 The Fly (1986)
02:19 The Blob (1988)
02:20 The Thing
02:21 Legend
02:22 The Twilight Zone
02:23 Aliens (Cameron)
02:24 The Twilight Zone
02:24 Evil Dead II
02:25 The Descent
02:26 Poltergeist
02:27 Aliens (Cameron)
02:28 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
02:29 Beowulf
02:29 Jaws
02:30 The Return of the King
02:30 Deep Rising
02:31 The Faculty
02:32 The Host
02:33 Anaconda
02:36 Evolution
02:38 Cloverfield
02:40 Godzilla
02:41 The Two Towers
02:42 Cloverfield
02:43 Beowulf
02:45 King Kong (1933)
02:46 Howard the Duck
02:48 The Host
02:49 Jaws
02:51 The Return of the Jedi
02:53 Jurassic Park
02:55 Men in Black
02:56 Willow
02:58 King Kong (2005)
02:59 Deep Rising
03:01 Anaconda
03:02 Little Shop of Horros
03:05 Cloverfield

Shepppard (Member Profile)

thepinky says...

You're very ignorant if you think that everyone has the same rights and opportunities. And degrading attitudes about women still exist today. The stereotypes that label men as rational, strong, decisive, and protective and women as emotional (irrational), submissive, weak, and nurturing are still very much alive. Just look at the top sifts of all time:
1. A very talented MAN playing the ukelele
2. Two talented BOYS' well-made lightsaber video
3. Autistic BOY being awesome at a b-ball game
4. Talented MALE robot dancer
5. Prairie Dog, generally accepted as MALE. Thus: Drama KING
6. Very clever rant about Pachebel. Again, a talented and clever MAN.
7. FINALLY, an intelligent WOMAN with integrity. But, wait! She's also very beautiful. Do you think this would be the #7 sift if she hadn't been so gorgeous? I don't think so. Listen to some of the comments:
"Plus, uhmm - she's like a hot Christiane Amanpour. But I like her integrity too."
"She's 40% Kylie Minogue and 60% Naomi Watts."
"...Plus, shes hot."
"Is there anything better than a hot, articulate, angry blonde ... I don't think so."
"Lara Logan is hot. Not only is she drop dead pretty, she is smart, she has an acerbic tongue and she tells the truth. Lately, she has been wearing tight tops with a push-up bra that really make her tits looks great. More Iraq stories, please............"
"shes hot and reaaaaaaly intelligent..."
"I want this woman to have my children."
"Lara Logan, will you marry me?"

I give major props to the guys of videosift for focusing FAR more on her integrity, intelligence, and how articulate she is. They really were very good about that. But I really, really think that a lot of those votes had everything to do with the COMBINATION of brains and looks. If this had been an ugly woman, it would not have received NEARLY as many votes, I'd bet you anything. Moving on.

8. Awesome commercial. The wind is a tall MAN doing funny things. Love this sift.
9. Drug spiders. MALE spiders (Mr. Crack Spider, etc.), Male narrator.
10. Quantum Physics narrated and explained by a MALE scientist.
11. Clever prank, talented FEMALES. (Yay!) All old/overweight women are the ones being tricked, all beautiful and young females are the tricksters. Some sample comments:
"...also, they were hot."
"Those twins could prank me in the bathroom anytime."
"Twin hot German chicks in a bathroom is guaranteed to make #1."

Again, the majority of the comments had nothing to do with the way the girls looked, but on the prank itself. Cool. Movin on.

12. Jon Stewart (MAN) being funny and clever and awesome.
13. A pretty GIRL with a great bod doing something pretty cool. Comments:

"She can spin on my escalator any day she likes."
"This is cool and I think it's pure science. For example, it would be interesting also to rub her down in various oils and see how it affects the results. Or underwear versus no underwear for example. What would happen?"
"She's a hottie."
"oh and this is *nature too because humans are part of nature.
and *sexuality because those tight jeans make her look sexy to me."
"I predict a chubby girl stuck between the glass railings of a shopping mall escalator near you."
"Indeed, perhaps she will leave a trail of freshly erected posts behind her as she spins her way from town to town."
"I suspect she already left a trail of freshly erected posts, both at the original venue and among some of the male sift viewers judging by the comments."
"Videosift seems to have an immense fondness for rotating women."
"You males are all full of bull putty. If this was a 15 year old pimply faced fella doing this it have about 20 votes and an eia tag immediately."

14. Dolphins blowing bubbles
15. Cool music video. MALE band, MALE hands.

Most people see the world through the eyes of a man and they don't even know it. Men look, women are looked upon.

Top Box-Office Movies of all time: (I'm going to point out the gender of JUST the main character (protagonist).

Titanic (1997)- As far as I can tell, not having seen the movie, the MALE/FEMALE share the main character spot.
Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope (1977) - Male
Shrek 2 (2004) - Male
E. T. The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)- Male
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest (2006) - Male/Female?
Spider-Man (2002) - Male
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005)- Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King (2003)- Male
Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Male
The Passion of the Christ (2004)- Male
Jurassic Park (1993) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)- Male
Finding Nemo (2003) - Male
Spider-Man 3 (2007) - Male
Forrest Gump (1994) - Male
The Lion King (1994) - Male
Shrek the Third (2007) - Male
Transformers (2007) - Male
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (2001) - Male
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) - Male
Iron Man (2008) - Male
Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones (2002) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End (2007) - Male
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (1983) - Male
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) - Male
Independence Day (1996) - Male
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) - Male
The Sixth Sense (1999) - Male
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (2007) - Male
The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (2005) Male/Female
Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back (1980) - Male
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (2005) - Male
Home Alone (1990) - Male
The Matrix Reloaded (2003) - Male
Meet the Fockers (2004) - Male
Shrek (2001) - Male
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) - Male
The Incredibles (2004) - Male
Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) - Male

I could keep going, but I think you get the picture.

In reply to this comment by Shepppard:
Alright, this is a video of someone doing what they love.
I don't understand the controversy. Just because I watched this doesn't make me think of a woman as an object. I see her dancing, and I see her doing something she loves to do. I'm not sitting here thinking "I'd hit that so hard she'd walk funny for a week" I'm actually sitting here enjoying it because it's a dance.

People need to seriously reconsider what they want to pick fights with. Society on the whole has come to terms of equality. Black, White, Yellow, Purple, brown, male or female, everybody has equal rights and opportunities.
No race is better then the other, and same goes for the Sexes.

People don't treat women as brainless objects anymore. You can vote, you can drive, you can work, the only thing you can't do is pee standing up. People have accepted that women are NOT objects anymore, and therefore can actually watch something like this and appreciate it as art.

Because we (at least not all of us), don't have our head in the gutter anymore and can accept it.

Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series trailer

netean says...

stylistically, looks awful
story wise.... well it's pretty much gonna suck ass... afterall episodes 1,2 and 3 had the most appauling storylines (midichlorians FFS!!!!)

lets face it... it was all downhill after Empire strikes back: despite ROTJ being pretty damn good, it wasn't as brilliant as Empire.

and the rest of the sorry ass prequels... well if only I could unwatch them!

Star Wars Episode III: Anakin duels Obi-Wan.

Trancecoach says...

It's more of a commentary on the theater-going public that they would actually pay for this spoon-fed tripe. I am proud to say that, while I saw Return of the Jedi & the Empire Strikes Back and in theaters, I *still* haven't seen *any* of the first trilogy movies in their entirety. And I sure as heck didn't pay any money for them. It's amazing to me that such crap can be served-up to audiences and STILL make back their garish budgets within a year of their release. The public stupidity is truly astounding.

Conan O'Brien interviews Kevin Smith

My god, here it is: The Star Wars Holiday Special (1h:56m)

SDGundamX says...

How did I not know this existed? *head explodes*

Wow, this makes the three prequels look positively Oscar-worthy.

>> ^youdiejoe:
I own a copy, and it really gets down to watching the first 15 minutes or so....and the last 10, the stuff in the middle is worth one viewing (if you can make it all the way through).

I would say if you're a die hard Star Wars fan there's no way you can miss the first appearance of Boba Fett (this was aired long before Empire Strikes Back) in the cartoon that's shown approximately halfway through. It's fascinating to see the character concept remained basically unchanged and consistent (even down to the voicing)through the rest of the movies. Take a moment to check it out at around 56:00. Also don't miss the Kenner commercial at the end if you collected the toys as a kid.

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