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"With the first documentary from MinnMax, we travel back to 1971 to tell the surprising story of how a college project from Bill Heinemann, Paul Dillenberger, and Don Rawitsch was donated to the state... continue reading

posted by ant 4 years 2 months ago • 8 views • 23:08

"... Having bones is pretty cool. They make our blood, let us hear, and keep us from being just a squishy puddle on the floor. But for every species with bones, there’s at least 20 species on Earth with... continue reading

posted by ant 4 years 4 months 3 weeks ago • 46 views • 8:50

Another Republican based anti-Trump group has started producing commercials. At this rate, the Democrats can just hold onto their campaign funds, the Republicans are doing better at selling Democrats... continue reading

posted by newtboy 4 years 5 months 3 weeks ago • 44 views • 1:11

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