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Rammstein as the Seven Dwarves with Snow White

shatterdrose (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

The other discussion was that the "Sonne"/"sun" theme was inspired by the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima, and that the Snow White/Schneewittchen theme was from the band watching a lot of Disney films!!!

shatterdrose said:

Hmm, and entrance song for a boxer. Not nearly as exciting as I was hoping. Still pretty good though, but I'm not sure I see the relation between Snow White and boxing lol

Rammstein as the Seven Dwarves with Snow White

Rammstein as the Seven Dwarves with Snow White

siftbot says...

This video has been nominated as a duplicate of this video by eric3579. If this nomination is seconded with *isdupe, the video will be killed and its votes transferred to the original.

Rammstein as the Seven Dwarves with Snow White

Rammstein as the Seven Dwarves with Snow White

siftbot says...

Invocations (dupeof= cannot be called by Zawash because Zawash is not privileged - sorry.

Poll: Should polls be shortened to two days? (User Poll by kronosposeidon)

campionidelmondo says...

I'm not trying to play any sift-politics card by any means or get into talking about the clique-ish community that represents the core userbase of this site (especially not by naming names, I think it's clear enough anyways). Of course you have more votes, because you have to account for a fraction of the weekly visitors who happen to stumble upon a given 4-day poll.

Anyways, I think you brought up this question for legitimate reasons that have nothing to do with catering to the core clique. The problem you see, if I understand you correctly, is that a single poll dominates the sift talk page too much for too long, while also preventing any new poll. Legitimate points, but the current system fits well into the basicness the sift talk area exibits. There's no thread bumping when a new post is made, no real subforum structure. You can create channel talk posts, but people won't be aware of them if they're not in the 10 post sidebar, and as sonn as their the 11th post, they're basically invisible (unless you bookmark).

More complexity and possibilites would be nice, but I'm not sure they're really needed for such a small clique/community, and certainly shouldn't work towards making this site more inaccessible to a broader userbase. Hell most people aren't even aware there's a talk area, or bother to check it out.

Urban Gymnast Damien Walters 2010 Showreel

Rammstein as the Seven Dwarves with Snow White

Joseph Beuys - Sonne statt Reagan (1982)

Eklek says...

Aus dem Land
das sich selbst zerstört
und uns den 'way of life' Diktiert

da kommt Reagan und bringt Waffen und Tod

und hört er Frieden
sieht er rot.
Er sagt als Präsident von USA
Atomkrieg ? - Ja
dort und da

ob Polen
Mittler Osten

er will den Endsieg
das ist doch klar.

Doch wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !
wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !

Er will die Säcke im Osten reizen
die auch nicht mit Atomen geizen

doch dein Krieg um hirnverbrannte Ziele

der läuft nicht Reagan - wir sind viele !
Hau ab mit deinen Nuklearstrategen

deinen Russenhassern
deinem Strahlenregen

Mensch Knitterface
der Film ist aus

nimm' die Raketen mit nach Haus !

Denn wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !
Wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !

Dieser Reagan kommt als Mann der Rüstungsindustrie

but the peoples of the States don't want it - nie !
und den wahren Frieden wird's erst geben

wenn alle Menschen ohne Waffen leben.

Wir wollen: Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob West
ob Ost
auf Raketen muß Rost !
Sonne statt Reagan
ohne Rüstung leben !
Ob Ost
ob West
Kalten Kriegern die Pest !.....

Sun Instead of Rain (English translation)

From the country that destroys itself and dictates to us the "way of life," Reagan comes bringing weapons and death, and when he hears peace, he sees red. He says as president of the U.S.A., "Nuclear war? Yes please, there and there." Whether Poland, the Middle East, or Nicaragua, he wants the final victory, that's perfectly clear.

2X But we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, let missiles rust!
He wants to provoke those bastards in the East, even those without nuclear weapons, But your war over crazy goals just doesn't work, Reagan--there are too many of us!
Cut it out with your nuclear strategies, your Russian haters, your nuclear fallout.
Hey, wrinkle-face, the jig is up, take your missiles back home with you.

2X Yeah we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, the plague on all Cold Warriors!
This Reagan is married to the defense industry, but the people of the States don't want it--never!
and there will first be true peace, when all people live without weapons.

2X We really want sun instead of Reagan, to live without weapons!
Whether West, whether East, let missiles rust!
Yeah we want: sun instead of Reagan, to live without armaments!
Whether West, whether East, the plague on all Cold Warriors!

Nicole - Ein bisschen Frieden

srd says...

Wie eine Blume am Winterbeginn
Und so wie ein Feuer im eisigen Wind
Wie eine Puppe, die keiner mehr mag
Fühl ich mich an manchem Tag

Dann seh ich die Wolken, die über uns sind
Und höre die Schreie der Vögel im Wind
Ich singe aus Angst vor dem Dunkeln mein Lied
Und hoffe, dass nichts geschieht

Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Sonne
Für diese Erde, auf der wir wohnen
Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Freude
Ein bisschen Wärme, das wünsch ich mir

Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Träumen
Und dass die Menschen nicht so oft weinen
Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Liebe
Dass ich die Hoffnung nie mehr verlier

Ich weiss, meine Lieder, die ändern nicht viel
Ich bin nur ein Mädchen, das sagt, was es fühlt
Allein bin ich hilflos, ein Vogel im Wind
Der spürt, dass der Sturm beginnt

Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Sonne
Für diese Erde, auf der wir wohnen
Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Freude
Ein bisschen Wärme, das wünsch ich mir

Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Träumen
Und dass die Menschen nicht so oft weinen
Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Liebe
Dass ich die Hoffnung nie mehr verlier

Sing mit mir ein kleines Lied
(Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Sonne)
(Für diese Erde, auf der wir wohnen)
Dass die Welt in Frieden lebt
(Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Freude)
(Ein bisschen Wärme, das wünsch ich mir)

Singt mit mir ein kleines Lied
(Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Träumen)
(Und dass die Menschen nicht so oft weinen)
Dass die Welt in Frieden lebt
(Ein bisschen Frieden, ein bisschen Liebe)
(Dass ich die Hoffnung nie mehr verlier)

English version:
Just like a flower at the beginning of winter
And just like a fire in an icy wind
Just like a doll that nobody wants anymore
That's how I feel on some days

Then I see the clouds above
And I hear the cries of the birds in the wind
I sing my song in fear of the dark
And hope that nothing happens

A bit of peace, a bit of sunshine
For this earth on which we're living
A bit of peace, a bit of joy
A bit of warmth, that's what I wish for

A bit of peace, a bit of dreams
And that people won't cry as often
A bit of peace, a bit of love
May I never lose hope again

I know my songs won't help very much
I'm just a girl who says what she feels
Alone I'm helpless, a bird in the wind
That feels that the storm begins

A bit of peace, a bit of sunshine
For this earth on which we're living
A bit of peace, a bit of joy
A bit of warmth, that's what I wish for

A bit of peace, a bit of dreams
And that people won't cry as often
A bit of peace, a bit of love
May I never lose hope again

Sing with me a little song
(A bit of peace, a bit of sunshine)
(For this earth on which we're living)
May the world live in peace
(A bit of peace, a bit of joy)
(A bit of warmth, that's what I wish for)

Sing with me a little song
(A bit of peace, a bit of dreams)
(And that people won't cry as often)
May the world live in peace
(A bit of peace, a bit of love)
(May I never lose hope again)

Dark City - Music Video

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'underrated, scifi, classic, jack, bauer' to 'underrated, scifi, classic, jack, bauer, rammstein, sonne' - edited by fissionchips

Dark City - Music Video

Farhad2000 says...

Dark City is a underrated sci-fi classic, which I liked and enjoyed more then The Matrix. This is an excellent music video for the film using Rammstein track Sonne. Also featuring Jack Bauer.

Dark City is a 1998 film written by Alex Proyas, Lem Dobbs and David S. Goyer, and directed by Proyas. It stars Rufus Sewell, William Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland, and Jennifer Connelly. While not a box office hit, it has a considerable reputation. Film critic Roger Ebert is a well-known fan of the movie, having rated it with four stars out of four and naming it the best film of 1998. Ebert uses it in his teaching, and also appears on a commentary track for the DVD.

The story begins with a man waking in a hotel room with no memory, which soon proves to be but one of many troubles. He is being sought by police, who believe him to be a serial killer, and also by a group of mysterious men with psychokinetic powers. Furthermore, something appears to be wrong with the world at large: time, memory, and identity behave in unusual ways. The film is dedicated to the memory of Dennis Potter, which may be considered a useful indicator of the style of the story. The style of the film might also be said to owe something to Expressionism and film noir, and may be considered neo-noir.

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