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10 Fully Armored Police vs. 1 Burnt Out Drug Addict...GO

Lawdeedaw says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
@<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since May 28th, 2007" href=""><STRONG style="COLOR: #0000cd">Shepppard Meh I had a shitty childhood so I wound up with a sadistic/dark/drydrydry sense of humor. Humor is one of my ways of dealing with things I find repulsive.
I'm still waiting for a more appropriate title suggestion b/c "Cops murder some poor schlep" doesn't sound appealing to me.
Also @<A rel="nofollow" class=profilelink title="member since February 16th, 2006" href=""><STRONG style="COLOR: #008800">dag quotefail 2 posts up

So it is a comedy to you Jigga? And the others have the right to be a bit upset because you labeled it humorous, when to everyone else it is not? Then why argue so vehemently with Sheppard and Yogi at the their comments? Why say you clearly labeled its intent, when its intent to you is comedy?

How about the label "Ten Glocks versus Drug Suspect" or "Ten Thugs versus Unarmed Man."

And even the title now is numerically incorrect. It was one officer against one man--the others who came after never pulled their triggers. And though this seems nit picky, it is not. You could call it "One Premature Cop Unloads."

Last point Jigga, you state that only 3-5 seconds after the man goes limp that police could clearly be heard saying "get on the ground?" Well, I wasn't there, and cameras suck at transplanting real life on screen. I heard it loud and clear before the guy got shot (But still too late to be considered an adequate warning) and you know what? With the walls, hallways, noise and such, the suspect still may not have heard it. Or he may have. You, me, no one can know.

TSA Thug & Police Thug Assaults Clerk and Steals Pizza

enoch says...

was gonna write the litany of experiences i have encountered with bad,brutal and authoritarian police but peg beat me to it and to do so now would just be self serving.
that being said i will whole heartedly agree that most cops are decent and professional but there are two things of note i would like to share. cops and country cops=huge difference.most city cops i have encountered are pretty even handed.they have seen it all and minor infractions just make them laugh while a county sheriff likes to push his weight around and demands respect in the form of bullying (not all mind you but enough).
2.there seems to be differing outcomes on the type of cop based on the reasons to become one in the first place.the cop who chose to become one due to a desire to serve,protect and perform a much needed service tends to be more pragmatic and proffessional than the cop who decided he wanted a job which carried authority and the ability to dominate under the guise of "law".
one produces an exceptional police officer the other produces the people you see in videos such as these.

my conclusions are based on anecdote and observation and really have no scientific methodology other than my own experience but if you ask people if they have experienced "bad cops acting badly" you may get a novel rather than a blurb.
i have to admit a certain gladness that your family is among the "good cop" variety and that you defend them at every occasion because "good cops" should be defended but lets also be clear.
bad cops need to go and the best defense against the bad cop should start with their fellow officers NOT with youtube videos.

Line rider slaps physics across the face, epicness ensues

Line rider slaps physics across the face, epicness ensues

Dad Confronts Abortion Protesters

gargoyle says...

@sheppard -- indeed! Been there done that. Short-hand way to describe something that happened a long time ago, but is still oh-so-fresh. Luckily I was at a hospital, in Canada. No protestors.

Christine O'Donnell is Unaware of the 1st Amendment

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

Shepppard says...

If your HeavyWeaponsGuy™ is experiencing the error code 395 395 704, please return it to your nearest Mann Co. distribution center as soon as possible, as further use can and will result in your HeavyWeaponsGuy™ generating a monetary cost of $400,000 for a duration of approximately twelve seconds, followed by the death of any nearby personnel.

We at Mann Co. regret to inform you that we are not responsible for any losses from the use of your HeavyWeaponsGuy™.


In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:

Oh! Sheppard.. What are you doing here? Wait... No! Get back! Aaaaauuuuuuguhhhh...

3.... 7... 1....

Shepppard (Member Profile)

Really creative cosplay - see if you can guess the character


Police kidnapping in Toronto

enoch says...

while i agree with many of your points concerning these videos i.e:editing and really need to research the peaceful protests from the civil rights movement to vietnam.
historically in times of protests the police become the element of disruption and infiltration and hide behind laws specifically engineered to not only discredit the protest (by way of sabatoge,violent acts etc) but also to empower the state.

while i may admire your respect for authority i do not share it in this context.
this is when police become the true arm of the state and work at its behest at the expense of the common man.
this betrayal of their oath is what i find most abhorrent.
i am curious to find out how the police who participate may have rationalized what they have agreed to do to their neighbor and fellow citizen.
now that would be an interview!

Racist Cat

Cute Together: Dog and Baby playing

Sagemind says...

My dog is part Boarder Collie and part Shepard.
She has the collie's shape and temperament and the Sheppard's colouring.

She can be very hyper, especialy when it's time for a walk.
If she doesn't want to go outside, she lets us know by dropping to the ground just like the dog in the vid.
She loves to play and often includes my grabbing at her while she nips at my hands.
When she does nip, she never bites down - she is amazingly gentle - it's more like a hand hold.

She is amazingly smart. She has never picked up anything that wasn't hers and in a house with kids and toys all over the place, that's quite amazing. If her toy lands to close to child's toy she'll just stand there and wait for you to move it further away.

Our dog absolutely flips-her-wig if you even mention the word "walk", and this is true of a lot of dogs. They know and understand. Our dog takes it a step further. If we spell walk, she still knows and understands. We have to use code-words for "walk". My kids are in charge of inventing a new code-word about every two weeks. She just understands everything we say.

What I am trying to point out is a dog that is excited and playful is not necessarily dangerous to a small child. in fact, I'd trust our dog to watch over an infant with no regrets at all. Some dogs are just amazingly smart while others are amazingly stupid!
>> ^Arkaium:

I've heard collies, through overbreeding, have become an incredibly mediocre breed of dog, due to hyperness.
I'm sure this comment will piss off a ton of collie owners, but this video seems to reinforce that.
Also, what responsible parent lets the dog run free around a child that small like that? Can you talk to the dog and have a conversation about acceptable and unacceptable behavior? Can you predict whether the dog will suddenly snap? No? Then keep it away from your infant!

Alright, I'm done. If this is cool, i'm out.

Shepppard says...

>> ^MycroftHomlz:

In context of the Joedirt video... I sort of want to downvote this. Sheppard, my guess is you feel the same way?

Yeah, I actually wish there was an option to select, something like "Do you want your video to recieve positive, or negative votes?"

Just because downvoting this would be so strangely satisfying.

Alright, I'm done. If this is cool, i'm out.

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