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george carlin-how language is used to mask truth

asynchronice says...

I think you're taking a very narrow view on the point he eventually arrives to at the end. Shellshocked/PTSD/Battle Fatigue is the perfect example of the exact same thing being watered down into it's least offensive 'sounding' form. It's not two different things (say stupidity vs dyslexic). By using the raw form for something unpleasant, we don't get to mask the ugliness from anyone and we perhaps have a greater chance of dealing with it in some way.

He was certainly ahead of his time; I had a friend's FB post come up requesting 'tone-policing' because he felt the term 'hookers and blow' was disrespectful to sex workers. It makes my brain hurt.

Babymech said:

Still, I know a lot of the Sift audience wants to think that Carlin's point rings true. But does anyone think that it would be more useful, more constructive, and more honest, to call every learning disability 'stupidity'? How would that help us in any way? What could we accomplish with the help of this 'honesty'?

*It's also not 'just' the listener's experience

9/11 Pentagon Crash. Dear tin-foil hat crowd, please shut up

barasawa says...

A few comments of my own on this discussion.
The light poles are less of an impediment than a telephone pole. They are mounted on snap bolts so they break off easy. This is to protect drunk drivers, or something like that. I've seen a small pickup knock one 8 feet with a collision that was only about 30mph. As to the perpendicular position of a pole, go play pool. There are far more variables in this equation than 3. It's position is nothing special, or breaking of physics, you just haven't factored in enough of the MANY variables involved. It's easier to predict which side of a die will come up than the landing position of lightpole struck by a plane.

Lack of armed response. Wow, this isn't world war 3 with intercept planes in the air ready to respond. It takes time. And that's after you realize it might be a good idea to do so. Hijackers tend to fly off with planes, not use them as cruise missiles. Everybody thought they are going to land somewhere. Even after one crashed, it was most likely assumed to be incompetence of the highjackers, and not intentional. And why intercept a hijacked plane? You aren't going to shoot it down, and radar keeps track of it very nicely. Just send police to where it lands. There is another factor that people forget about. Shock. The first one hit, and everybody where I worked was shocked. It was a tragedy that struck at all of us. But that's all we though it was. Then the second one hit. People were dumbfounded. And I worked with intelligent problem solving people. Over half the people just stood there staring at the video feeds. Everybody was numb. There was an air of disbelief. It was as if there was a vague hope that suddenly the picture would shift to a reporter in a clown suit saying "Gotcha! April Fools!". But that didn't happen, and people eventually started leaving like shellshocked sheep. The next day, only about a third of us showed up for our shifts. Nobody said a thing.

Now as to the skipping of the whitehouse and nailing the pentagon. I don't know, but here is a possible guess. Ever try picking out landmarks at a couple of hundred miles an hour? It's a major pain. When the image has resolved enough to identify most things, it's too late to do anything about it. That's why military bases have old busted planes as decoys on the runway. To someone travelling a couple hundred mph, they look like valid targets. Now just imagine the scum who missed the whitehouse, he's probably ticked, and may even assume he can't get a second chance at that one. Then he sees a unique piece of architecture that can be easily identified from a very long distance, the pentagon. (There aren't many huge pentagon shaped buildings on this planet, it's easy to spot.) He probably decided target of opertunity. After all, the white house just has a four year bozo, the pentagon has lots of military top brass. If it was a wargame, I know which one would be worth more points, and it's not a politicians penthouse.

Ok, now as to the tower supports failing. Let's look at the explanation. Under fire conditions, those supports would not be compromised. But it is believed that when the plane struck and ripped through the building, it shredded the insulation on some of the supports. That sounds very likely to me, I've seen things get hit with less force than that, and have the same effect. Look at some trees hit by cars, notice the missing bark? Ok, now jet fuel burns hot, for that matter, so do most apartments. Bet that sucker hit flashover point and all that stuff. It didn't have to melt the supports, it just had to weaken them. A fire that doesn't even make the metal glow can cause that to happen. Just take out a couple of supports and stress the building, and that will start a cascade failure. Like knocking over dominoes. A few fail, increases stress on remaining, they fail, that makes it worse, the rest go. It can happen very fast. Once a critical threshold is exceeded, the rest often go in seconds. If you watch the video of the collapse, that's basically what happened.

Eye witnesses. Slightly better than asking a psychic, but less entertaining. It's amazing how unreliable they are. That's one of the big reasons why we use forensics. I trust the cameras a whole lot more, and with very good reason.

The government is hiding something? Well, they are always hiding something. Sometimes it's intentional, other times it's somebody that just doesn't know. And don't forget standard lack of communication and incompetence. Often government stuff assumes the less they say, the less likely they can be blamed. With regards to all the fingerpointing afterwards, well as they say, hindsight is 20/20, so stop looking out your a## at past events. You can always say someone must have realized it, but didn't. Gee, george has a report 1 on his desk, frank has report 3 in his filing cabinet, jane has read the summaries of reports 3 and 5. While Mary has report 2 sitting in her inbox, and report 5 is being faxed to george right now. Ok, now who knows what the heck is going on? Nobody. Two weeks later, who's fault is it that 5 sequential reports were filed and not acted upon, even though they spell out several low importance events that only add up to trouble when all five are together and in sequence? You don't like it, well, neither does the intelligence community, but it's what they have to work with. Those I've met from that area, have mostly been accusatory paranoid creeps. (Some were actually human.) Even so, it's not reasonable to have expected them to predict something like what happened. However, the acts of the politicians afterwards is utterly reprehensible and has definitely earned them an entire wing in the hall of shame.

One thing back to the one highjackers flying. Some have said it was absolutely fantastic flying. Well, that also assumes that what happened is exactly what he wanted to happen, and that he was a pilot who had some expectation of living through it, as well as keeping his plane intact. Those two conditions don't apply to the highjacker, and we really don't know what he expected to happen. To bring up pool again, I suck at it. I've made some shots that have had master players congratulate me. Too bad those shots were nothing like what I expected the balls to do. The praise wasn't deserved, it was an unintentional event. That is probably a case with the highjackers flying 'proficiency'.

I expect this has put a few wrinkles in some tin-foil hats, and has a few people thinking. Just remember, nobody alive is in full possession of the facts of those events, so much of what has been said is just guesswork, possibly even educated guesswork, but still guesswork.

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