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Giant Squid Attacks ROV

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'giant, squid, attack, submarine, ROV, marine, biology' to 'giant, squid, attack, submarine, ROV, marine, biology, tentacle rape, tentacle' - edited by sometimes

Giant Squid Attacks ROV

boblobblaw says...

>> ^AeroMechanical:
Scale. I need scale.
Is this a real giant squid or just a big squid?

I'd wager that the ROV shown in the vid is similar to a Centurion QX series 200 or 300 -- LxWxH: 2500mm x 1700mm x 1700mm which would put that squid at around or less than 1.7m (based on positioning of the camera and the type of robotic arm)

>> ^StukaFox:
They're spineless, amazingly dumb and will attack things without reason or warning.

Cephalopods are known to be [one of] the most intelligent invertebrates (O_o') there are ... Humboldt (link to documentary @ ) hunt schools of fish [voraciously] in large packs and have been known to cooperate and communicate quite well (think wolves and dolphins) ... plus, a brotha's gotta eat!

>> As such, they're know as The Republicans of the Sea.

Methinks your comment gives squid a bad name.

New Squid found at 7828 feet deep in the ocean

12ft crabs, walking fish and mini sharks: deep sea creatures

alive Coelacanth in its habitat

Diogenes says...

very cool

i do have some questions though...

here's another vid of the same story

they report that this specimen was filmed using an rov off the coast of indonesia

the problem?

only the latimeria chalumnae have this blue coloration, and this species is only found near south africa, tanzania, and comoros

the indonesian coelacanth, latimeria menadoensis, has a greyish-brown coloration

so there's either some funny business going on, or this is a *major* scientific find

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