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Largest non-nuclear explosion in history (for a while)

Saul Williams - Indigo On

EndAll says...

[wind noises]

If I could sample the wind, I would loop it

And let my life poem flow over its sacred beats.

Using Kilimanjaro as my djembe I would drum rainbows out of the moonlight and use them as hooks in between verses; verses of little girls spinning ropes in opposite directions, waiting for an opening to jump in.

As the world turns, double dutch, I jump, double time over oceans and back; the water waves and I wave back.

Rippling echoes of "sunshii-ii-iine" - folks get ground in the "sunshii-ii-iine."

But the lightning flaaash three times and its time for the chorus which includes corn bread, candy yams, and all that good stuff, which black folks on Saturn are made of.

As we approach the second verse the roots of trees are plucked from bass lines, which resonate and shake the earth -- devastating everything that's not built in harmony in it.

The second verse is a journey through the ruins of ruined souls; that valued all that was nothing, and nothing of the all-knowing ever flowing wind - which is the undercurrent of this current blowing, the funky drummer from here to eternity.

But even as ruined souls backspin, the wind mills forward and rocks steady 'till the sun hits the fader and the chorus kicks in; then the moon yells "Go!" and we all backspin -- ZULU! As the moonlight shines true blue silvery indigo light my spirit takes flight - because the moonlight is my indigo; indigo ON, to the break of dawn, I rock rock steady steady 'till the early morn, word is bond I'm talking about seeing your nature in nature innate in your nature - New York states of mind did not create ya.

Not until you listen to Rakim on a rocky mountain top have you heard hip-hop.

Extract the urban element that created it and let an open wide countryside let us illustrate it.

Riding in a freight train listening to Coltrane and my reality went insane and I think I saw Jesus; he was playing hop-scotch with Betty Carter who was cursing him out in a scat-like-gibberish for not saying "Butterfingers."

And like the grains of sand, like the seeds of time, the pains of Man, the frames of mind which built these frames which is the structure of my urban superstructure. The trains and planes can corrupt and obstruct your train of thought so that you forget how to walk through the woods which ain't good, 'cause if you never walked through the trees listening to 'Nobody Beats The Biz' you ain't never heard hip-hop.. and you don't stop, and you don't stop, and you don't...

STOP lettin' cities define you, confine you to that which is cement and brick.

We are not a hard peoples, our domes have been crowned with the likes of steeples. That which is our being soars with the eagles, and the Jonathon Livingston seagulls - Yes - I got wings, you got wings, we all got to got wings!

So let's widen the circumference of our nest, and escape this urban incubator -

You see, the wind plays the world like an instrument; blows through trees like flutes but trees don't grow in cement. And as heartbeats bring percussion, fallen trees bring repercussions; cities play upon our souls like broken drums, we drum the essence of creation from city slums - but city slums mute our drums and our drums become humdrum, 'cause city slums have never been where our drums are from - just the place where our daughters and sons become, off-beat heartbeats, slaves to city streets, where hearts get broken and heart beats stop - broken heart beats become break beats for niggas to rhyme on top, but they rhyme about... NOTHIN'.

You don't got nothin' to rhyme about 'cause you've never seen the moon, your styles can't be universal if you're not in tune, with the... [wind noises]

Simon Singh Demonstrates the Power of Mental Frames

raverman says...

A boy stares at the rippling grass of the savanna and sees nothing but grass. Then the hunter shows him what the lion moving through the grass looks like. It adds context of what to look for. From then on the boy can see the pattern of danger that was previously invisible.

Then repeat in evolution for a few hundred thousand years.

Simon & Garfunkel - Leaves that are Green (live)

gwiz665 says...

I was twenty-one years when I wrote this song.
Im twenty-two now but I wont be for long
Time hurries on.
And the leaves that are green turn to brown,
And they wither with the wind,
And they crumble in your hand.

Once my heart was filled with the love of a girl.
I held her close, but she faded in the night
Like a poem I meant to write.
And the leaves that are green turn to brown,
And they wither with the wind,
And they crumble in your hand.

I threw a pebble in a brook
And watched the ripples run away
And they never made a sound.
And the leaves that are green turned to brown,
And they wither with the wind,
And they crumble in your hand.

Hello, hello, hello, good-bye,
Good-bye, good-bye, good-bye,
Thats all there is.
And the leaves that are green turned to brown,
And they wither with the wind,
And they crumble in your hand.

MSNBC Host: "Socialist" is Becoming Code Word For The N-Word

Rotty says...

How to waste a dollar: let the government double-tax it and piss away the money. Sorry, I cannot justify giving hard earned income to the biggest den of theives and criminals in this country (that would be Congress, by the way). These people have no idea how to effectively spend money other than propagating their existance.

As far as taxes, I repeatedly hear "Oh, yeah, who maintains the roads you drive on", "Who are you gonna call when your house is on fire"... I can tell you this, if road service is any indication, I might as well call on my dead grandmother to put out a house fire. At least she would have some conviction.

And thank you for convincing everyone they have a "right" to everything except responsibility.

I would like to see some tort reform as part of any "improvements" in healthcare. That asshat Bush talked about it, but never did a damn thing (surprise!!!). Limit what the parasites can possibly get and that would ripple though the system with regard to liability coverage and CYA medical procedures.

Federal Reserve Chair Says Consumer Prices Say Inflation Nil

RedSky says...

The reasons the increased money supply has not translated into inflationary pressure at least so far is twofold:

1 - Commodity prices particularly for raw food inputs as well as energy prices all fell dramatically and reserved a rising trend when the financial crisis hit as demand dropped off. Energy prices fell predictably as firms wound down their inventories while significantly scaling back production whereas food prices as a result of consumers everywhere, particularly in lesser developed countries substituting for inferior, cheaper and less input intensive foods. If you're looking at an annualised measure of inflation this would still be factoring into the current figure.

2 - More importantly though, underutilisation of resources whether that be firms operating at under full capacity, or not utilising all available labour capacity in light of the financial crisis means that increases in the money supply don't ripple through the economy as quickly. Once the economy begins to pick up though, that will be a different story.

Fat Kid On A Slip And Slide

Peter Schiff On Your Money 12/20/2008 (HILARIOUS!)

RedSky says...

The problem is, large disruptions ripple through the economy. Consumption and consumer demand takes a hit, the exchange rate takes a hit and social unrest rises, among many other detrimental effects which contribute to a sense of economic uncertainty and discourage investment. This affects numerous industries and corporations, some of which are highly competitive, and does not put them in a position to immediately start hiring the laid off workers, quite the opposite if anything. Workers who remain unemployed for extended periods of time becomes discouraged which again worsens the situation.

Shenandoah - Polish Choir Sings about the US Civil War

thepinky says...

^Yeah, my choir director was picky, too. I heard from someone once (can't remember who or when) that European choirs and concerts are much less formal than ours and that they dress and act less formally, move and sway more on stage, etc. I remembered that because I thought it was ironic.

It doesn't bother me, though. This was the best performance of this song I could find. The only thing that bugs me slightly is that during the round part at the end where we are supposed to be imagining the rolling and rippling river (this is why I love the arrangement) the altos are barely audible, and it is the most beautiful part. It isn't the melody, but it is gorgeous. Too bad.

I prefer university choirs above any others because they are better than high school choirs but they have a straight tone and good unison which is often lost by an older group with massive 40-year-old vibratos.

Peter Schiff On Automobile Corporatism December 2nd 2008

Fjnbk says...

I leave near Detroit. Just listen to this idiot. I have found that Austrian School economists never seem to care about jobs and wages. Letting the Big Three fail would kill Detroit, and it wouldn't just kill the three companies, a ripple effect would go through the economy.

Nobody in Detroit actually likes the Big 3, but we understand their importance. Schiff mentions that new jobs will rise from the ashes of the auto industry, but he manages to not name a single one.

If the automakers collapse

9058 says...

One thing to think about (and not agreeing with a bailout) but if you add up all the tax you would collect from the big 3 and all of the employees in their employ over the course of a year it would be in the billions. So the argument is if they fail the government would lose those billions anyway. Also if this crisis has shown us anything its the "ripple" affect is real. What ever happens to American (and its shitty worthless car companies) will in fact hurt the rest of the world. It sucks but its true.

Chris Matthews: Dems Shouldn't Have to Apologize for Winning

Flower-Girl Protestor Gets a Face Full of Pepper Spray

MarineGunrock says...

>> ^garmachi:
>> ^Sagemind:
They could have walked around her.

Except that in doing so, they would have made themselves more vulnerable. Don't you know anything about riot control formations? Oh, wait. I guess not.
Does anyone here?

::raises hand::

Oh yeah! I do!

By swerving around her, they would have created a ripple throughout formation, causing breaks in their defensive lines. Granted, they don't have their shields here, but it's still ingrained in them to follow procedure.

New Orleans Film Festival (Blog Entry by dotdude)

dotdude says...

Films I watched Thursday:

• "Summerhood"
• "After Midnight"

So, what films did I miss?

• “Alice's House”
• “The Axe in the Attic”
• “Before I Forget”
• “The Cake Eaters”
• “Dark Streets”
• “Dirty Politics”
• “The Exiles”
• “House of Cards”
• “The Man Who Came Back”
• “New Orleans Mon Amour”
• “The Secret Life of Bees”
• “Vows of Silence”
• “War Eagle, Arkansas”
• “Wendy & Lucy”

• “'Bama Girl”
• “A Place to Dance”
• “A Ripple of Hope”
• “At The Death House Door”
• “Beyond Fear & Life Sentence”
• “The Big Question”
• “Change Come Knocking: the Story of the North Carolina Fund”
• “Chris & Don”
• “Crawford”
• “Heavy Load”
• “Indestructible”
• “Katrina's Children”
• “Little Immigrants”
• “Lou Reed's Berlin”
• “Member of the Club”
• “The Order of Myths”
• “Richard Serra: Thinking on Your Feet”
• “Spine Tingler! & Zietek”
• “Steal A Pencil for Me”
• “The Sweet Lady with the Nasty Voice”
• “Swing State”
• “Sync or Swim”
• “Toot Blues”
• “Up the Yangtze”
• “The Wrecking Crew”

• Doc Shorts Program 1: Overcoming Adversity
• Doc Shorts Program 2: Explorations
• Doc. Shorts Program 3: “Tales From the Heart”
• Doc. Shorts Program 4: “Memories and Memorials”
• Doc. Shorts Program 5: “Keeping the Music Alive”
• Experimental Program 1: films by Dominic Angerame
• Experimental Program 3: films from Canyon Cinema
• Experimental/Animated Program 3
• Narrative Shorts Program: No Kids Allowed!
• Narrative Shorts Program: “All in the Family”
• Narrative Shorts Program: Louisiana Films
• Narrative Shorts Program: “Deeper & Darker”
• Narrative Shorts Program: “On The Far Side”
• Narrative Shorts Program: “To Touch the Heart”
• Narrative Shorts Program: A Laugh a Minute
• Narrative Shorts Program: Life on the Edge

There were also panels, workshops, awards ceremonies, receptions and parties. I did well to see as many movies as I did. If you see a film on the list you recommend, let me know. I’m planning to add to my Blockbuster and Netflix queues. Some of these have not been released yet.

The festival finished Thursday night.

Anyway, I’m tired. % )

How an Engineer Folds a T-Shirt

calvados says...

I don't even fold my t-shirts. If I'm putting one on, I've just had a shower and I'm still humid enough that they iron out by themselves on my rippling torso. Underwear neither. Makes doing laundry so much quicker.

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