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Jon Stewart gets rick rolled on his own show

EA Games: The Box!

We know jonny, but Who's Johnny?

Event Horizon - Fishburne sees into Hell!

When creature creating goes too far

ponceleon says...

Imagine: on this planet everyone looks like goatse, one has to wonder if there is a webpage which they show each other that looks like one of us just standing upright, maybe waving and they all rick-roll each other with it and go "EEEEWWWW" when they look at the horror that is our bi-pedal upright selves.

Event Horizon - Fishburne sees into Hell!

Weezer - Pork and Beans (Count the Memes)

the NY Mets get Rick Rolled!

the NY Mets get Rick Rolled!

11714 says...

I was actually rick rolled at Krogers. I'm betting someone in the Kroger HQ piping that stuff to stores across America was roflmao'ing all over his cubicle.

Rick Rolled by a Fish Super Secret Beta (Sift Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

It might help with quality, or it might not. I think if VS users start looking for videos at Scrape Up to post, it will make this place more like the other aggregators because it will tend to homogenize all the aggregator sites. I think it's bad enough as it is when certain sifters treat their queues as RSS feeds from Digg

Think about it: If the people at I-Am-Bored and Milk And Cookies start going to Scrape Up to upload videos we've already sifted here, and then we have people here grabbing videos from those sites via Scrape Up, and then the Diggers and Stumblers start marking a lot of the videos at Scrape Up, then the content will start to become more uniform at all those sites, including ours. And to me, brothers and sisters, that would make this place boring.

Now one could argue that even without Scrape Up there's a lot of 'cross-pollination' going on already, and I wouldn't disagree with that. I've already seen a number of our popular videos suddenly get front-paged at I-Am-Bored and College Humor, for example. However I see Scrape Up significantly accelerating that process, especially as it grows in popularity.

Now I am not TOO concerned, because this place has enough members who've found their own little niche in which they post videos that are well outside the mainstream. However, even if a few of those obscure videos start getting picked up by the other sites, then I think VS might lose the biggest edge it has always had: Its IMMENSE variety. How many other sites have Dr. Who getting Rick-rolled, Stephen Colbert, Manila's City of Garbage, the history of the string bikini, and beautiful Slovenian caves, all on the front page at the same time? But if even one or two of those got front-paged at other sites because they conveniently found them at Scrape Up, then I think it decreases our competitive edge.

Of course everything I just wrote could be the ether talking and not me.

Fess up, dag: Are you attempting to out-Digg Digg Video?

Righeira vamos a la playa

Meme Channel activated! (Meme Talk Post)

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

schmawy (Member Profile)

critttter says...

It Lives! Thanks to KP!
In reply to this comment by schmawy:
I'm guessing since his passing they're trying to get his estate in order. It'll be like that for a long time. I haven't even looked through my old videos that much, I'm sure there's a lot of dead ones.

In reply to this comment by critttter:
Dang! There isn't a suitable replacement and I'm not inclined to stick junk in there or pull a 'Rick Roll' . Has this ever happened to you? Should I let it sit in the deadpool until someday someone finds a replacement ? Such a shame, the recent upgrade was great.

In reply to this comment by schmawy:
jeez. They did it again to us, Critttter. *dead

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