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Sixty Symbols: Dark Matter

GeeSussFreeK says...

arg, hard for me that watch this. I think it is more accurate to say that there is 95% of the theory of gravity that doesn't work right now, rather than to say gravity is perfect and this undetectable (it isn't exothermic or endothermic, nor does it reflect light or any electromagnetic radiation, and works like gravity in reverse(it has a repelling force not a binding force yet it binds itself and only repels normal matter) matter and energy (which o, is nearly all the known matter and energy in the universe). Or perhaps dark matter and energy are just ghosts, whooooooooo WHOOOOOOOOOO!!

In all seriousness, it "could" exist. But this is really one of those cases similar to retrograde motion of the planets. If one holds without question that earth is the center of rotation of the universe you have to create retrograde motion out of necessity. Same goes for here, if you assume that the little we know about space, energy, matter and time are so accurate that they are beyond question then you do "need" this invisible, unknowable thing called dark matter...either that or one of our more fundamental understandings are flawed. What say you guys, I am alone on this?

Why Mars appears to loop the loop in the night sky

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'brian cox, wonders of the solar system, line of sight, orbit, overtaking, bbc' to 'brian cox, retrograde motion, wonders of the solar system, line of sight, orbit, bbc' - edited by schmawy

Tom’s War on Terror

choggie says...

Exactly! People who watch too much television and think they have a clue are cattle! These people post way too many news clips with their editorial one-liners as titles and with "less creativity everyday" with their tags on this site..IN AN INORDINATELY IRRITATING AND SELF-DELUSIONAL AMOUNT!

Thank god for hot Muslim chicks, their daughters, and the retrograde males posing as liberals/democrats, republicans/conservatives, who happen to be their Persian male husbands, god help them all!

Meet Hartford Van Dyke-(Inmate in Waseca Federal Prison in Minnesota) (Blog Entry by choggie)

choggie says...

"With the creation of the maser in 1954, the promise of unlocking unlimited sources of fusion atomic energy from the heavy hydrogen in sea water and consequently the availability of unlimited social power was a possibility only decades away."

Energy resources and the ability to control those resources to control populations is the linchpin for those who would maintain power and empire-Since the 50's the planet has had the technological capacity to work to achieve this, yet we still float along using oil, coal, natural gas, and fucking fusion reactors (idiocy) etc., as the primary means of producing energy.
Why?? Did the world suddenly stop spinning in one direction and fall into a retrograde orbit? Do the agencies in control of releasing information to the general public continue to suppress not only this information while feeding us disinformation??-This practice does not suddenly disappear simply because wars are fought and won, they are maintained because they work to keep empires alive and viable.

Compile a list of names of anyone who has introduced theories who have been methodically and systematically repressed or lambasted, and you will find a pattern. Nikola Tesla, Wilhelm Reich, Viktor Schauberger, Thomas Townsend Brown, Eugene Mallove, Stanley Meyer, most of whom were killed or forced into seclusion, are just a short and rather famous list of mavericks in the quest for energy alternatives in use since the onset of the industrial era. What about the average joes who have managed to create from parts in their sheds, devices which increase the efficiency of fuel engines? Most are bought out or disappear shortly after the public manages t oget wind of their successes. Accident?? Coincidence?? TO BELIEVE THIS IS FOLLY, THE WORST KIND....DENIAL-is only there because the information needed to make proper conclusions is repressed, altered, or driven out as insanity or hogwash.

Control energy, control mankind, it's simple. We have had free or incredibly cheap and renewable energy for some time now, but assholes who think they know what is best for the planet hold all the keys, and have put all the locks in place. It is the task of everyone to become locksmiths.

joedirt (Member Profile)

10768 says...

In reply to this comment by joedirt:
In reply to this comment by mharvey42:
(Your equating Churchill with Hitler ultimate proof of that)

Do you know nothing of Churchill's words regarding the inferiority of Jews? You are completely clueless. Please start questioning your own beliefs when you are sooooo clueless.

His words regarding Jews are mixed: "Some people like the Jews, and some do not. But no thoughtful man can deny the fact that they are, beyond any question, the most formidable and the most remarkable race which has appeared in the world."

His words regarding Islam are unequivecal, and ring true through the years: "How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries.

Improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live. A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities — but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilisation of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilisation of ancient Rome."
The River War, volume II pp. 248–50 (1899)

Churchill was a great man: a benefit to humanity. To equate him with Hitler robs you of your last shred of credibility.

John McCain lies about Privatizing Social Secuirty

NetRunner says...

>> ^choggie:
Netrunner, yet another post like this, considering that Skeletor is most assuredly going to crumple under the weight of the implant Obama, and has not a fiddler's fuck chance of becoming the next US President ....the same tactics used by the defective entities which call themselves "journalism" and "media" are used by the most hood-winked consumers of this tripe....
exercises as nebulous as the US presidential electoral process need to be treated as if just as or more dysfunctional and abused as the social security system, not ignored or this all that consumes you, the retrograde, sophomoric tittering over symptoms of a diseased limb, rather than the excising of it??? Here's one vote for tone, the same for editorial, and an honorary J. Hoard, Muckraker of the Month Award-
(the trophy is a Jack-booted black rabbit, tearing out the pages of an encyclopedia, sitting atop a television set)

You and I disagree about what the diseased limb is, and how to excise it. To me, excising the limb is all that consumes me, and I'll gladly stoop to sophomoric tittering since it seems to be all you need to swing an election (Bush is the best evidence of this, ever).

In any case, this ain't sophomoric tittering, that's more the Colbert/Stewart stuff, or me talking about the color of John McCain's teeth...or you calling him Skeletor.


John McCain lies about Privatizing Social Secuirty

choggie says...

Netrunner, yet another post like this, considering that Skeletor is most assuredly going to crumple under the weight of the implant Obama, and has not a fiddler's fuck chance of becoming the next US President ....the same tactics used by the defective entities which call themselves "journalism" and "media" are used by the most hood-winked consumers of this tripe....

exercises as nebulous as the US presidential electoral process need to be treated as if just as or more dysfunctional and abused as the social security system, not ignored or this all that consumes you, the retrograde, sophomoric tittering over symptoms of a diseased limb, rather than the excising of it??? Here's one vote for tone, the same for editorial, and an honorary J. Hoard, Muckraker of the Month Award-

(the trophy is a Jack-booted black rabbit, tearing out the pages of an encyclopedia, sitting atop a television set)

Tehran looks a lot like your town and mine

choggie says...

Peace will not be possible while the money paradigm continues.....all the
lovely nations, their peoples, slaves to the same retrograde mechanism, enjoy where you are NOW, now is the time for the simple and eternal pleasures and hardships of incarnation-

This phantom world gave you false signs
But you turned from the illusion
and journeyed to the land of truth.

You are now the Sun -
what need have you for a crown?
You have vanished from this world -
what need have you to tie your robe?

I've heard that you can barely see your soul.
But why look at all? -
yours is now the Soul of Souls!

-from Rumi's, Land of the Unseen

Ellen DeGeneres asks McCain why he opposes gay marriage

choggie says...

MINK?, alien concept??...QM?... dannym3141?? Thank you. Stay safe and sane, and your dissent in this matter, is greatly needed-swimming up-stream in shit is difficult, and oftentimes, goes unrewarded-

Institutions hold weight and meaning, and this one pissed upon, is a simply the signs of the times.....retrograde, dying, bursting at the seams-

Marry away Mary Lacy, marry away Sappho Jasper-and then, as it has been throughout the history of societies.."Keep a lid on it."

"Mommy, why is that man kissing that other man?"
"Well Billy, their public display in the face of overwhelming contrary social mores, could be a frustrated and anarchistic protest-they do it perhaps, because they know that most of the people watching will be offended and uncomfortable...perhaps they did not get enough proper attention from their mothers and fathers, maybe their first sexual encounter at puberty was one with a person of the same sex, or maybe like all of earth's creatures, whose prime directive is continuation of the species, they we're simply BORN that way."

Bush's Staged and Rehearsed "Unrehearsed" Chat With Troops

choggie says...

We have a glaring record of government corruption with Archduke Franz Ferdinand's,Lincoln's, Kennedy's , and King's, assassination, 9/11 was only 6 or so years ago, what the fuck good does it do??? All you can get is the voices of parrots squawking, "conspiracy!! AWWWWK!!, conspiracy!!" Fucking trapped in world of assholes and imbeciles.....

Look man, not trying to be a universal dick, but c'mon....if someone walked your neighborhood daily, spouting horse shit, you'd either kick their ass(reset), or make life miserable for them..but you would not continue for one person to make the place shitty for the entire hood-yet we sit back and continue to feed the one called government and media...the shit is in retrograde...breakdown, collapse mode, and the time for talking about it grows shorter and shorter-hell, we may last another 30-50 years at this rate, but the best of times are over-

havibng spewed that, I am having a great time in paradise-all the bad there is, is only here because her partner good is there-it is one and the same......fuck it-time for a mic-over trip on the good shit......

Senator Bernie Sanders on Colbert

choggie says...

Universal Heathcare, fuck you.
In America, like pearls on a swine, her diet is what is killing her, and taxing the system, and making it unaffordable.....obesity, diabetes, heart disease....fuck em. Eat right and live well, or eat lazy, eat shit, and die.

You spend 10 years getting the country educated as to proper diet, while at the same time taxing the fuck out of companies that produce fast food, soft drinks, and refined sugar products, and guess what, you bleeding-heart, wannabe socialist, cradle-to-the-grave-fucks??!!!
A country of people who don't need much fucking health care at all......

And this fuck Bernie(throwback)?? Socialism is as dead stick as are most of the societal models created during this paradigm, change the way people love to have their head planted in their ass rather than think critically, show them the emporer with no clothes,and you discard this retrograde paradigm and replace it with humans being....

Bill Moyers Interviews Jeremiah Wright (watch this) (Religion Talk Post)

choggie says...

Dag....dystop??...I am a simple man with very simple solutions to complex problems.....
political commentary can be summed up with an analogesic reference...

ever see the penguins during mating season, all tittering and shouting together in unison????

That jab at Moyers was a non-sequitur to test the resolve of the blogger-can he stay on topic when a wrench is thrown in.....
No-accusatory language is met with questioning the veracity of said accusor's entire premise, that being that these candidates, this election cycle, and the entire system, is in fucking retrograde,and that those who discuss their part in it, are fools, putties, cowards and imbeciles-(check mirror)

I'm not a fucking idiot, dystop-America, nay, the world,is being fist-fucked, and her people follow in lock-step to their own demise....

Obama is an asshole
Wright is an asshole
Moyers is a cunt

oh and dystop, as silly fun as your capper was, I never want to be accused of being able to discuss politics as would be acceptable in some circle-jerk like Meet the Press.....I'd rather eat skunk and fuck a cousin.....


choggie says...

oh dear......what's come over you silvercord-do we really fucking' say fuck that fuckin' much???...Dern!
Is this some subtle request, or a friendly reminder to jump up on some wagon traveling in circles? Just what is uni-brow here ranting about, anyhow?
You are all invited to a 10k comments party, where at least two-thirds of all the rants I have ever posted will explode on contact.
btw....This guys a tweaker, or on some of that anti-X going around that all you punk kids think is real MDMA....looks like he's from some retrograde state like Cali, or Oregon.....


John Ashcroft Calls Obama "Osama"; Gets Booed.

choggie says...

again, republican and democrat=same monster
Taking sides is a fools errand-after all the applause for MG's comment, and after 6 years past 9-11 and the unconsciousness associated with that event (by design), most monkeys still think in playing the games a retrograde system of government which has been controlled for decades now, that they have some say in their future within that system.......most people have been groomed to be told what and how to think-why do you think there are only a handfull of people who believe 9/11 was a false-flag op, and the rest stand and jeer and deride from the comfort of the crowd???......

So Asscrop slipped his Freudia, big fucking deal. I watched some hearing last night where Obama had the floor....He's a slick-ricky tool, but if he loses, the same folks who brought you the patriot act, have plan B, C, and D of necessary, regardless of who is elected-

The next revolution??? Try Dissolution, we lost our chance when hippies became lawyers, politicians, lobbyists and others who work within the same defective system......

Bush booed at Nationals opener

choggie says...

furrycloud-you would have to be at least 60-
53-63 it was Ike then Kennedy-After the assassination, elections have been engineered, and your vote has meant fuck-all
The delusional above who thinks Clinton was pretty good???....Yet another case of selective memory disorder, lack of overall knowledge of historical facts, and some idyllic,"My perfect world" bullshit thrown in-Clinton is a tool, one of the most ill-equipped to lead a nation-his wife is smarter and scarier-

Some folks only see something or someone as being good or bad if it fits their ideal world scenario, regardless of how they deal with the paradigm.....
jwray, all for opening the floodgates on freedoms here, and the bills cited do not have a lot to do with anything but matters of money and agenda-the shit Clinton allowed to be done, and that he abjectly neglected are his butt-fuck the U.S., legacy, not a few vetos that effect agenda-motivated minorities.

FDR engineered many a fistfuck for the future that guided the country to the sad state it is in today...33'-38'(New Deal) was a time of setting the place up for to fall ripe from the tree, the fruits of stolen (depression) American dreams-

Big war hawk.....conflict is continually in the process of being engineered, NO president within the current paradigm which involves the building of wealth capitol and commerce within a contrived and retrograde system is innocent.....

" I personally think Clinton was OK. At least his hawkish foreign policy worked and didn't get us into any long-term quagmires."-
(The Sleeping Giant Clinton Fuck-Up.)
Dig a little deeper my friend....Bill and his Hillary are not to be fucked with in the arena of lies, deceit-the are some of the vilest of lackeys on the planet-Very usable.

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