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Memorare (Member Profile)

therealblankman says...

According to the Many Worlds theory- an interpretation of quantum mechanics that is undergoing a kind of renaissance of examination- the quantum level events DO scale to the macro level, we in our universe only perceive one possible quantum outcome but all other possibilities are simultaneously occurring in other parallel universes. Therefore Schrodinger's cat may be dead in our universe, but is wholly alive in another. The waveform function of our Macro universe does not collapse at all- all possibilities exist.

In reply to this comment by Memorare:
maybe siftbot is operating in some parallel universe where time is sped up.

In these physics videos one thing they never offer an explaination for is why the quantum level events don't scale up and occur on our macro level since everything is made up of sub-atomic particles organized as atoms. As with the Schroedinger's Cat paradox it would be kind of disappointing to finally discover a unified theory of everything, only to learn that it really doesn't matter since it doesn't scale up to mundane reality and therefore only "exists" as a theoretical concept. (personally i think the notion that the cat is both dead AND alive simultaneaously and observation determines which, is a lot of mathematical bs, ie it's not Really true except on paper but then i'm not a cosmologist or metaphysicist so what do i know)

Also, a simpler question that has an answer but i just don't know what it is...
with all the anti-matter positrons bombarding the planet via cosmic rays, don't they ever bang into some electrons and create a tiny but big enough to be measured matter/anti-matter explosion? Sure matter is mostly empty (or not so empty apparently) space and possible collisions are few, but cloud chambers indicate tons of these thigns zipping around so Howcome there's not bazillions of these tiny explosions going off all around us constantly?

:: The Illusion Of Reality ::

therealblankman says...

According to the Many Worlds theory- an interpretation of quantum mechanics that is undergoing a kind of renaissance of examination- the quantum level events DO scale to the macro level, we in our universe only perceive one possible quantum outcome but all other possibilities are simultaneously occurring in other parallel universes. Therefore Schrodinger's cat may be dead in our universe, but is wholly alive in another. The waveform function of our Macro universe does not collapse at all- all possibilities exist.

Want to be successful and attractive? BLEACH YOUR SKIN WHITE

gorilla_squad says...

Although it's not only true of Asian countries - most societies have considered pale skin as a mark of affluence at some point. Ancient Rome and most of Europe during the Renaissance used powdered skin to disassociate the aristocracy from agrarian classes.

Journey to the Stars (Sift Talk Post)

rickegee says...

Title is so important. Subject matter is also crucial.

Videos that are current,political,combative,WTF!,"viral",scientifically geeky, RON PAUL! will naturally float towards the top 15.
Yet I still post Renaissance composers and Ranking Roger and expect them to make top 3. However . . .

Active commenting and engaged participation on the site (through interesting video descriptions or passion for the posts) are also critical to success. I have had far less time to participate recently due to moving across country and my posts are failing at an alarming and unprecedented rate. I would like to blame it on Lucky's code (and I do think that the loss of collective clubhouses has hurt somewhat), but the fact is that I am drive-by sifting now.

Title it right . . .or post that upcoming Ron Paul/Mike Gravel/Dennis Kucinich cagematch with a bad title and it won't matter how shiny the star is.

Live Forever Trailer. Cool Britannia. When Britain was Cool.

dotdude says...

The Netflix description: "Thanks to bands such as Oasis, Sleeper, The Verve and Pulp, British pop music has seen a renaissance in popularity rivaling that of the 1980s. But rockumentarians want to know: Was all the attention well-deserved, or was it marketing genius that fanned the flames of fandom? Directed by John Dower, Live Forever features interviews with critics and artists such as Noel and Liam Gallagher, Jarvis Cocker, Louise Wener and more."

And some trivia from Wikipedia:

SciFi Books that should be Made into Movies (Scifi Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

I know what you mean about the crap movies made from SF books. Still, I long for good SF movies. I'm hoping there will be some kind of SF renaissance.

So many good books out there waiting for someone with vision. Blade Runner is a good example of a movie that used the book for a jumping off point, to become something different but good.

I love Bladerunner but I also wish that someone would "reimagineeer" it closer to the book. So many cool things were cut out.

CNN anchor refuses to read LINDSAY LOHAN story!

rembar says...

"Maybe if more reporters refuse to run crap there would be a renaissance in journalism."

Let's be honest, if more reporters refused to run crap there would be more reporters getting fired and more eager rookies looking for their big shot getting hired. As respectable as an act like this is, realistically change needs to come from the top down, and if you can figure out how to bring that about, good luck to ya.

CNN anchor refuses to read LINDSAY LOHAN story!

Kurtz007 says...

Faceless corporate hacks seem to control what is deemed to be "news". It's not just MSNBC or CNN, it is all of the mass media outlets. Maybe if more reporters refuse to run crap there would be a renaissance in journalism.

This Film Is Not Yet Rated - An MPAA Expose

dotdude says...

At last year's New Orleans Film Festival this film was scheduled as the very last one. As "Babel" finished, we were told "This Film is Not Yet Rated" had not arrived and that we could exchange our tickets for any of the theater's regular films.

So I exchanged my ticket and was waiting to watch "Renaissance." Then someone came into announce that the film "This is Not Yet Rated" had indeed arrived and to exchange our tickets again. Luckily someone handed me a spare ticket - his date was a no show.

Blunt European Longsword cutting a tatami mat

Coal Black and de Sebben Dwarfs (1943) Banned Looney Toons

rickegee says...

Clampett produced this piece in a time when the NAACP was just beginning to flourish, he lived during the actual Harlem Renaissance, he likely witnessed a period of horrific and constant lynchings, he had access to the writings of W.E.B. Dubois and other Black Nationalists, and he was probably in contact with more black persons than choggie's MeMa due to his employment in the entertainment industry.

If Clampett still believed that his brilliant piece of Looney Coon was somehow a tribute, he was either lying or he was a fool.

Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Thurgood Marshall, Mr. Paul Mooney, and all of the posters to this thread would likely find this cartoon to be demeaning.(Though Mooney would probably want this piece played on a repetitive loop in Times Square to rub fat tourist faces in the ugliness). But it was far too late in the historical race game for this degree of ignorance.

And as a side note, we do need a new rule auto-discarding any Man United videos.

Takeshi Kitano: Hana-bi (Fireworks) Prologue

Billie Holiday - Strange Fruit

Farhad2000 says...

"Billie Holiday, also known as "Lady Day" is probably one of the best known female jazz vocalists. She reigned during the 1940's performing with such greats as Louis Armstrong. Holiday is best known for her love songs which she innovated into the jazz world.

What a lot of people do not know about Billie Holiday, was that she used her music to speak out against social injustice and raise consciousness. Holiday was openly communist and when she was only twenty four years old, poet Lewis Allen reluctantly offered his song "Strange Fruit" for Holiday to record. The song provided vivid imagery about the horrors of the lynching of Southern Blacks at a time when racism was very prevalent.

When Holiday first sang the song "she could not comprehend the metamorphic presentations of anything other than women in love or spurned by lovers", (Davis. p185). This quote may make Holiday sound ignorant, but at the time the idea of a woman, especially a Black woman, making an anti racist statement was almost unheard of. Holiday soon embraced the song.

Lady Day had said that the lyrics reminded her of her own father's death (Clarence Holiday had inhaled poisonous gases after serving his country in World War I and was left to die in a hospital after being neglected by racist doctors). "Strange Fruit" ignited a spark that made Holiday want to speak out against the racism that killed her father (Davis, 1998).

Because feminism incorporates the fight against racism, I believe that Billie Holiday was a feminist before her time. "Strange Fruit" was sung by Holiday at the height of the Harlem Renaissance and not long after women had received the right to vote. The rights of African Americans and an awareness of their culture was just beginning to take shape. Women's rights were also still in the making. Holiday, who was mainly known for her love songs, boldly stepped out of a stereotyped mold and sang a song that stood defined the injustices performed against her people.

She took a poem and transformed it into a protest song, which she never sang the same twice. Compared to Black female vocalists of today, like Erykah Badu and Tracy Chapman who have mostly social and political songs, one protest song may not seem like much, but "Strange Fruit" became Billie Holiday's signature song. She took the song and personally made it her own."


Penn & Teller - The Bible Myth

theo47 says...

If you're analyzing art and sex scientifically, the only person taking the fun out of it is you.
And dumping something that can't be broken down easily by the scientific method into the lap of religion or spirituality shows a lack of imagination on the part of that person.

Because religious types often make idiots of themselves and their claims can be easily dissected with rational thought isn't the fault of VideoSift.
Please, if you have a treasure trove of entertaining, informative video about religion, by all means, submit them.

(Oh, and that crack about science being about funding and grant money?
Why do you suppose so much pre-Renaissance art had religious themes?
Because all those artists were "divinely" inspired? Probably not.)

Citizen Kang

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