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Fritz Helps Clear the Counter

Straight Outta Hogwarts

Neil deGrasse Tyson Slams Flat-Earth Theorist B.o.B

Neil deGrasse Tyson Slams Flat-Earth Theorist B.o.B

Neil Degrasse Tyson Disses BOB

Neil Degrasse Tyson Disses BOB

Neil Degrasse Tyson Disses BOB

B.o.B. Flatline featuring NDGT - Flat Earth Rap

Neil DeGrasse melds Science and Rap Battle

Neil DeGrasse melds Science and Rap Battle

B.o.B. Flatline featuring NDGT - Flat Earth Rap

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

Lol @enoch. Making out is definitely not on the agenda.

And yes, sadly, stupid laws on slander and liability exist. Just like stupid laws exist elsewhere. They are crap and garbage. But if we can go to war over faulty intel, surely our elected officials are dumb enough to let faulty slander go unpunished.

At least insofar that words have little consequences, you can see that by the content I posted right? Where the rapper threatens his wife, an FBI agent, and school children, and gets off without a record (which I forgot to include the children.)

Passing along information goes like this. Is it reasonable to suspect someone is who they claim on the internet? Kind of (Because the internet is impossible to verify ANYONE.) This is important because the "woman" was claiming to be 13, felt sexually harassed in her vulnerable years, etc. It is therefore the child who is calling the harasser a pedio, and the feminist bitch simply repeating a "reasonable-to-believe" statement. Or some such. The offended would have to prove that the comments were A-Factually known by the repeater as inaccurate and B-Damaging, and C-Not made in satire (Go back to the rap video for proof that stupid arguments can be made.) Even the damage could be argued, as what "damages" were caused by that particular comment?

News does this ALL the TIME for effect. A lot of the time they preface comments with such statements as "According to an eyewitness" or "Allegedly" or some other bullshit. But that does little to mitigate false information's impact on people.

enoch said:


so if someone is just repeating slander,or conspiring to get others to repeat that slander.if it is not from the original accuser,then it is not slander or libel?

is that true?
i had no idea.

seems all you have to do nowadays is accuse...sit back and watch the disintegration of your targets life and then rejoice in the wreckage.

and then pay zero consequences.

hooray for social justice warriors!

*ps-you and newt need to start making out,but we get to watch.
segsy bastards.
segsy opinionated bastards.
like me!
ok ok..lets all make out!

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

Did I say the man "quoted" rap lyrics? NO. You assumed. In fact I didn't say the source of the rap at all. You want that information? He wrote the fucking lyrics towards his wife. And to the FBI agent who interviewed him. DIRECTLY to them. Honestly I didn't expect to have to spoon feed you this shit.

And btw, the first woman who called him a pedio, SHE CAN BE HELD LIABLE. However, not the feminist after.

How about this, I won't comment on your stupid as fuck posts, and you don't comment on mine (Which you think are stupid as fuck.) This way we stop this feud that ONLY WE go through. This way you stop calling me racist and shit. Which of course is liable. But that is beside the point.

How about we include @lucky760 and @dag, just to be safe. I don't want some internet crusader to try and get me banned from the Sift for harassment.

newtboy said:

What insane, totally not applicable, wrong legal advice.
Quoting lyrics is different from making a clear public lie about a person being a vile criminal and telling your followers to spread the lie, especially when it leads to damage. It is NOT protected as 'satire' when the claim is made with 100% seriousness and spread as 'truth', if it were, there would be no such thing as 'slander', every defendant would simply cry 'satire' and go home. Duh.

...but I'm beginning to think you're jut trolling here, only looking for someone's goat to get with your insanity so you can get attention. I'm about done giving you any....on any topic. There's nothing to be gained from conversation with you but frustration at idiocy.

canadian man faces jail for disagreeing with a feminist

Lawdeedaw says...

A man posted rap lyrics of killing his wife after a break up. She said fuck, he is threatening. Supreme court laughed, ex-husband laughed, wife cried. So to answer your question. Probably not liable for slander. Kind of like how pols can call Obama Muslim, or Hilary a whore.

Edit Added later:

Oh, and that comment pedophile comment could be easily construed as satire, which is protected. He would have to risk a lot of money to succeed...

Oh, and more. The content could be argued that it was in good faith because someone else called him it and it was reasonably believable. (That a 13 year old girl called him out on sexual harassment.) That the source was unverifiable is inconsequential. Even when they found out the woman was over age, they have no obligation for wasting time on the issue through apologies.

Blame the law, but yeah, there is that.

newtboy said:

Isn't there actually a 'game' where you choose the picture and 'beat it up'?

It's pretty funny that they get upset at an 'internet bully', so they become a gang of internet bullies to...well...I'm not sure...get theirs? Certainly not to stop internet bullying...they're using it as a main tactic.

Can't they be sued for publicly calling him a pedophile? Do they really accuse people of being pedophiles so often that they can't remember doing it?

I have to think there's something missing what he actually posted that he's being charged with. Did he make threats? Unfortunately, time and time again this kind of opinion piece leaves out the most important pieces of information. I need to see the tweet that rose to the level of charging him before I form an opinion.

It sure seems like calling him a pedophile publicly meets the criminal standard, why isn't she up on charges?

Epic Rap Battles of History Deadpool Versus Bobba Fett

00Scud00 says...

Really? Stony silence vs Merc With the Mouth in a rap battle? Barely a contest. And considering Deadpool's mutant healing factor, you'd have to disintegrate his ass to stop him.
That mask they have on Deadpool in the video though, it looks like it has a reservoir tip.

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