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CNN Says You Are Mentally Ill If You Doubt Osama's Death

sirex says...

>> ^Sagemind:

I just don't trust the US government. And I don't understand why they destroyed all the real evidence (AKA the body).

Because he's not a trophy, as much as the average meat head dip-shit would like to believe. Gloating over his corpse is below the level that the US thinks of itsself, and rightly so. Doing so would be no better than those they fight.

I'm really not a lover of the US generally (oh how their crap gets into every pore of our lives), but i appauld them for taking the higher moral ground on this. Aside from all else, why pour petrol on the fire ? People can not believe it if they want and that's fine, as no unneeded anger leading to even more deaths gets caused that way at least.

Also, it would be an incredible bluff to make as it's so easily disproved. The fact that there's been no instant refusal should speak volumes.

order vs chaos jon hanson

westy says...

For me this guy is incredibly hard to understand and communicates in such jumpy way that it makes it very hard to follow what he is saying.

Evan though what he is saying is a very simple concept.

on-top of that its strange how people that seek closure end up going for conservative politics when conservatives provide no more or less closure than liberals (in the current political system).

I think also in this area of science there are so many verables and our understanding of the mind/tools to test the mind are so pore its nearly imposable to get meaningful scientific data in terms of finding causal links.

Paul Ryan Booed at Town Hall for Opposing Raising Taxes

westy says...

LOL Fact There is not a direct correlation between super wealthy and hard work. Infact of the super super welthy they make money of off money itself doing fuck all work of social benefit, or simply have and rape there manoply on a given natural resource.

If you want a nice socity with the most people happy and helthy You Tax people more who earn more , especially those that are in and way above the average % of what the average american earns. For a country to be healthy , happy and have low crime you need the populace to all have a similar amount of income and for the lowest people in that society to be covered for health and have a place to live thats clean has gas water and also have access to healthy food , Education should also be completely free.

Also money should not be allowed to be passed on through a family all people should start life with a similar amount of wealth.

At the moment the way it works is this , You have rich parents you get more rich the pore get more pore.

very very rairly middel class or lower class people get ritch , and allso very rairly the ritch get pore . but for most people the rich are rich becuse they started ritch or at least upper middel class.

Bissinesses dont neccecerly have to be heavily taxed bissinesses should be taxed bassed of of there soicail contibution so a business that produces soft drinks would be taxed more than say a medical business ( however u would have laws that force medical bussines to put its profits back into the medicen and research and allso have incentives to drive the price of drugs down)

you could evan have it so that before a company is taxed they have an opertunity to give money to socaily beoficail things so they no longer have to rely on the goverment to redistribute it for them , so taking the soft drink company example they could premitvly give money to schools , hospitals , scentific research , and use that as a way for people to want to buy into there products.

bassed of the current buing power of dollers no one person in a socity should have at ther personal disposoir more than $500,000 allso bare in mind in this future society you would not be paying stupendous amounts for housing as we currently do.

A truly grate country and society would be one that rewards most for people benefiting others in that society , not rewarding for who has the best way to game the system to make money ( which is basicly how it curently works)

Unreal Engine Tech Demo : Computer graphics of tomorrow

Deano says...

I can understand why he might not be happy.

He now has to deal with the reaction to this from gamers who weren't supposed to see it. They'll be asking if this is a game, whether it's good or not and generally talking shit.

So there's probably not much point in gamers seeing some dev trailer right now. It's going to appear in games eventually. Why can't we just wait instead of poring over every little thing?

Roddick Wins With "The Best Shot of my Life"

westy says...

>> ^ghark:

You guys bitching about tennis fail to comprehend why we watch sport in the first place - because we are rooting for one of the teams or individuals. Watching any sport that you have no idea about is a bit bland because you don't have a team you are going for, you don't understand the rules, etc. So you're criticisms of tennis as a sport simply underline your ignorance of the game and it's players.
In the end it mostly comes down to what you got introduced to as a kid, you guys that are fans of NFL, baseball etc probably enjoy it because your dad cracked open a beer on Saturdays and let you watch the game with him, so you have strong memories of the game from a young age, you know how it works, and you have some knowledge of the players - that's about it really. If your dad introduced you to goat racing when you were 5 you'd be just as hot about that.
/rant off

I will adress your pionts one by one

"You guys bitching about tennis fail to comprehend why we watch sport in the first place - because we are rooting for one of the teams or individuals"

Rooting for one of the teams or individuals is just one aspect of sport and if you are watching a sport only for this then the sport could be anything might as well just bet on coin tosses.

"Watching any sport that you have no idea about is a bit bland because you don't have a team you are going for, you don't understand the rules, etc. So you're criticisms of tennis as a sport simply underline your ignorance of the game and it's players."

Although it might be the case that with Manny sports not knowing anything about a sport or the basic rules will make it bland for the general observer , I'm sure Manny people know the rules have played and follow sports and still can say why X sport is more bland or a worse spectator sport than another.

I know allot about tennis have watched allot of matches Your average tennis match i think can objectivly be described as predictable and bland , the same goes for most of the modern sports that are popular.

"In the end it mostly comes down to what you got introduced to as a kid,"

Again this can also be true but anny thinking person who looks for new exsperances will not simply go for things they are culturally indoctranted with.

you can also really enjoy all the external aspects of a sport the family gatherings and social aspects but then you are enjoying all the exsternal factors and not the macro aspects of the sport.

Tennis is actually a good example for this Its easy to follow interms of play x is winning will he wont he get the piont and you have tention derived from match pionts and what have you , However this same tention could be derived from a computer simulated match , and most matches play out in exactly the same way due to the lack of room for players to be creative and put an origonal stamp on play. ( this is a problem with Manny mainsteem sports It seems that people are more concernd with the ablity to follow the score and supporting a team or player and how clear that is over the macro elements of the game.

Now Granted there have been some tennis players that have played creatively but tennis produces very few of these players and evan these players often have bland matches. looking at other sports like English football you have countless players that play in a demonstrably different way to an existent where Evan a casual observer would notice. zeedane for example , or in f1 Michal Schumacher , personally i still think English football and F1 are still mindnumbingly bland for the most part but at least in something like f1 you have compleaty unexspected things happaning quite regulary ( cars blowing up people getting run over as well as pure racing thats uneequ )

Almost rant off ...

I still say you can objectively say x sport is a worse spectator sport than Y , and i would say that Tennis for the resion of lack of creativity afforded to its players makes a pore spectator sport.

I all-so apreceat that people have largely irrational motivations for why they like x sport over y nothing wrong with people enjoying stupid shit i enjoy stupid shit on a daily basis.

one thing that baffels me is the amount of people that turn out and watch these sports when we have the technology and ablity to have people competing them selfs and getting the benefit of not only seeing who will win but fitness and direct social interaction. if im to watch other humans partcing in an activty it has to be something Incredible that my mind cannot conseve of and that i cannot simply watch on a video.

Top Gear hosts make fun of Mexicans

A High School guitar choir plays the Jurassic Park theme

westy says...

I see that moving your head like a retard directly corasponds to a better sound.

good song and sounded nice , I really hate the ritualistic pomp and bullshit latched onto this probably pushed onto the kids by there music teacher or parents.

to be clear im not against stupid faces people make when concentrating or ticks people have that are uncontrollable , its stuff that's perpusfuly done and passed on or encoraged because it "shows you have emotion when playing" ( which is bullshit they may or may not and even then I don't see how that matters so long as they are making the desired sound that individual wants to produce)

Why is it more classical instruments like piano , guitar , violin that you get more of this retarded acting a specific way shit ? its like people don't believe the instruments sound can stand up for itself and they have to attach a bunch of wankery to it as if that some how makes it better or more important or more valid than another human activity.

I mean juses Christ why stop at classical instrments lets inject some wankery into everything , want to pore a drink lets make over the top hand movments and add extra finishing tilt when you stop poring , Oh wait people do do that when they pore wine but not all drinks only drinks that are conciderd to be "posh" drinks what a load of shit.

blutruth (Member Profile)

blankfist (Member Profile)

D.C. Universe Online - Gotham City fly-through.

westy says...

some nice enviroment moalling there especially given what looks like some prity tight texture and polygon budgets.

I feel sorry for the artists that work on games like this. Its pretty much a given that the end product as a whole will be a pile of shit. ( even a company like blizzard churns out core game play in its MMO's that when compared to single player games is a buggy shit feast. (and even then they are doing a huge achievement keeping things even mildly working and ballenced).

I bet that the actual game play in this DC universe game bares absaluty nothing to the verbs that would be found within the comics this is about as analgouse to being immersed in the world as playing a DC Card game.

In fact I would prefer a card game over some shitty MMO as a card game allows the players mind to fill in the blanks where as a MMO like this will likely be crammed full of utterly shit grind game play ,generic combat shoe horned together to work with latency issues ,pore animation and terrible story deliverd in the most artificial and detrimental way possible for commic book style narrative.

Im sure enoughf people will buy this purely because of the visual context that it will justify them to keep doing this sort of shit.

On the other hand if in the 1 in a million chance it works and works well then that would be really cool. I would rather have a decent MMO around a differnt IP though ( Stargate ,StarWars, StarTreck, ) Ips that actual benefit and probably could only ever realy work properly from MMO game play.

Mounted Police charge protesters at Whitehall 24 November

westy says...

With all this student protest i'm worried that everyone is going to miss the real issue one that I think most of these students are oblivouse to and that is that the super wealthy are stealing from the pore as they always have and that the rich pore divide and terrible economic policy in general are to blame.

As a society we need to fundimentaly change how money is handeld and work out ways to redistubute wealth thats fair and still rewards those that benefit society or are successful at busisiness.

Education should always be near free if not free, Im fairly confident if you took that money from nucular armanments or some part of the military to offset the cost within the current system you would end up with a safer country and allso be in a better echanomical posistion.

This whole thing allso ignores that fact that for vast majorty of university subjects you can effectively educate yourself up to degree standard for free ( ) so thats another issue universities need to fundamentally change and again our culture needs to change , we need facilities that enable sum one who has educated themselves to be able to take a low cost tests/evaluation that allows them to gain an internationally recognized certificat enabling them to become employed or go into varouse fealds of research / obtain funding.

also I seem to remember the hundreds of thousands of people protesting the Iraq war and that achived absaluty nothing. so unless these students are prepared to start bing properly violent (preferably towards large cooperate property) or actually disrupting the country in some way for a prolonged time , nothing good is going to come from it.

and finally the majority of people in uk didn't vote conservative they wanted to vote something more progressive , lib dem / other parties that were not conservative. and what did that achieve it allowed conservatives to gain power the exact opasite of what the majority of people in the uk wanted lol our democratic system is fundimentaly broken.

Powering the Cell: Mitochondria

zombieater says...

>> ^conan:

useless without explanation. could also be a moby music video.

Well, being a biology professor let me try and help you out...

0:13 - 0:22 - mitochondria

0:23 - 0:29 shows glucose (long blue string) with associated phosphates floating in the cytoplasm. I believe those are phosphates (?) coming off as it enters the mitochondrion. Though there should only be 1 phosphate, so this may be incorrect.

0:30 - 0:32 show the extramembranous proteins on the exterior of the mitochondrion.

0:37 we enter the mitochondrion.

0:38 - 0:47 we float through the mitochondrion. Notice the green double-helixed DNA at the left and bottom of the screen. This is mitochondrial DNA. I believe those other colored things floating around are later molecules from the Krebs Cycle - they could be miscellaneous intermediary molecules such as oxaloacetate and citrate.

0:48 - 0:54 we see the cristae (inner foldings) of the mitochondrion with the transmembranous proteins along it. The small molecules floating around are ADP and ATP.

0:55 - 0:59 we see NADH and FADH2 floating to a transmembranous protein (purple) and becoming oxidized, losing their electron. The green/blue colored sea on the bottom of the screen is the membrane (phospholipids).

1:00 - 1:01 we flip to the opposite side of the membrane, to the outer membranous space. The tentacle-looking things is part of the membrane, the phospholipid bilayer.

1:02 - 1:07 I'm not entirely sure which part this is...if I had to guess I'd say it was an electron carrier.. perhaps ferredoxin transporting electrons from protein to protein in the electron transfer chain, which is why it glows (electron-rich) as it moves from protein to protein.

1:07 - 1:10 we see millions of protons flowing DOWN through the transmembranous proteins, into the outer membranous space (bottom) from the matrix (top). This creates a hypertonic concentration of protons in the outer membranous space.

1:10 - 1:14 we see ATP synthase, the main energy-producing enzyme that rotates on the cristae (part of the electron transport chain). This enzyme has a stationary portion and a rotating portion (purple and part of the brown at the top). When protons flow back into the matrix from the intermembranous space, ATP synthase rotates, creating energy. You can see the dull yellow-colored (energy-low) ADP getting transformed (being phosphorylated) into the bright white-colored (energy-high) ATP.

1:15 - 1:21 we see the phoshporylation of ATP up close. A phosphate is added to ADP to produce ATP. This is done by ATP synthase via the energy produced by the movement of protons.

1:22 - 1:29 just an overview of the whole phosphorylation process. You can see the energy-rich ATPs moving into the outer-membranous space through pores in the membrane.

1:30 - 1:32 shows a close-up of this ATP movement, to the outer-membranous space, and eventually out of the mitochondrion to be used by the cell for energy.

Disguised man boards Air Canada:Caucasian To Asian

westy says...

I fucking hate the news what a bunch of amiture shit .

baning on about securty thret i mean fucks sake load of stupid shit , what about the real issue why is it that sumone has to go to this effort to get out of a country ?

Its not realy that clever this technoligy has exsited for years , and when u have shit loads of people geting on planed every hour its not suprizing that this can work.

I fucking hate all this bullshit terror crap that the news reports at every opertunity , more people die from alchole , car accidents cused by bad road maintence/pore vehical laws , obcity , work place mall practice , rediculouse foghen policy, than are and pribably ever will be kille by terrorists.

I mean fucks sake evan when the IRA were bombing the fuck out of london it wasent that bad.

allso we are suposed to belive that we are in some sort of super dangerouse terroist times yet no bombs have gone off and all through history we know the goverment and secret services to be failry incompitent and over streched when it comes to stoping this sort of thing .

so eather the goverment has gotten shit hot at stoping this sort of thing , or which is more likely the case the actualy thret is minimal , it seems all the terroist activity including 911 is generaly done by random Nut jobs and thats as likely to be mental people in the country as people outside of it.

In the end im sure that most people can think of ways you could bring a country to a stand still evan ways that would do no harm to life but would cripple a city finacaily and there is no way to stop this from hapaning.

I hate the Idoicy of the news making general socity more and more stupid.

Just got to pray to allah that kids get on the internetz and that the internetz isent shut down / curpted by coperate intrest thats the only hope we have for a non retarded future.

TYT: Banned Go-Daddy 'Gay' Ad

westy says...

>> ^chilaxe:

@<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since July 25th, 2006" class="profilelink">westy who do you all recommend? I've used GoDaddy for 2 years because their prices are pretty good. Haven't had any problems.

I got go daddy due to the prices , but the design of the webpage gives me a brain hemeerage every time i log ontoit. allso i got hosting with them for 1 month and they had stuff set up with random files and i cleand them out which broke my hosting making it so i could not do annything and to fix it i would have had to have called them.

I use gator host now for hosting and not only do they not try to advertize all there shit to you constantly and spam your inbox with offers . they givew you unlimited bandwidth so long as you dont use up more than 20% of a server you are on ( in first week on there service my webpage used over 100GB of data and it was fine)

with gator host they have live chat support 24/7 where u can just chat like on msn and they will fix stuff for you , they have gone out of there way to help me do stuff evan fix stupid things thats not evan there job.

gator allso lets you set it up so its pay monthly what i do is dump money from pay pal into my gator host wallet and it just pays for stuff from there.

If you want to move to gator tell me so i can recomend you and then ill split the money i get from that 50/50 with you.

Go daddy just pissed me of with there whole shit layout design and product pushing and pore support they obvousoly sdpend most there cash on advertising and take a hit on intraductory offers so they can recoop it on overpriced services and upselling of aditoinal products. rather than just focusing on producing a well designed easy to use core product..

Of Mosques and Men: Reflections on the Ground Zero Mosque

GeeSussFreeK says...

>> ^Bloocut:

Symbol addiction has reached stellar heights since the advent of television-TV has been the most successful tool for empire-building and mass-hypnosis. The proposed mosque in question has had so far, the desired effect that this gentleman describes. Hidden agendas aren't that complicated once one extracts their head from their ass, and their numb, drooling faces from the front of this insidious tool for societal mind control.

While I agree that this seems more of a pawn in a bigger game of chess being is hardly new. From Helen of Troy to the fear of barbarians of the North, symbolic banding is something intrinsic to human nature and not a wholly new media creation. However, your counter point seems to actually beg the question, if symbolic representation is something that has been with us and/or heightened in recent years, then would it not be a fair assessment to assume that BOTH sides have some of that going on? If symbolism resonates with mankind, then this would seem to be more of an issue of why it should concern us instead of why it shouldn't.

>> ^westy:

This guy is making some very tenouse conectoins ,
In no way have muslims evan dented amercans acconamy with the world trade center attack.
thing is amerca is going to detry its self from the inside anny way it alredy is pritty much with the ritch pore devide , id be way way way more worried about welth distrabutoin , welfair , and the damage the midea , and people like palin and beck, are capable on onflicting to the country.

I agree wes, many wide sweeping and unfounded statements...but let there be no doubt that the economy went belly up on 911. My business was literally empty for weeks, we went belly up within 3 months. The different was stark and real. It might of not been perpetual, but the damage was done, and there is now no longer fresh, tasty, wonderful, delightful, Cajun seafood in San Antonio (sigh, O wonderful Jambalaya how I miss you.)

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