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Muse - Bliss

alien_concept says...

Well I don't think that they do that in every video, I mean he's not the best lookin fella either, moreso now as he's got older. I think it was just this and New Born that have that problem, stop being a drama queen gwizzo

Reset Button: Most Innovative Videogame of 2008

14087 says...

Hear Hear! I've dabbled with hard core gaming for years, and once I stop playing for any amount of time (like when I have a new born) I can't get back into the franchises/genres that I like. The game industries recent solution to this has been shorter and/or easier games, but I've found those unsatisfying. I don't want to grind in a MMORPG, I want fast paced, skill based game play that doesn't provide so much negative feedback.

I haven't played the new Prince of Persia, and probably never will because of the price tag and the short game play, but I did play Braid, and it was an amazing experience. The puzzles were incredibly tough, but the in-exhaustible time reversal kept the focus on ONE obstacle at a time. Oh, and unlike Yahtzee I LOVED the story(s).

Games like Burn Out are also on the right track (no pun intended), minimizing the set backs and making failure, and therefore risk taking, fun.

I tried the latest Tomb Raider demo. I love the franchise, but after missing that jump from the sliding ramp for the 4th time, I decided it wasn't worth the effort to climb that rock face again (despite the much improved models and animation).

U2 "Miracle Drug"

calvados says...

I want a trip inside your head
Spend the day there…
To hear the things you haven’t said
And see what you might see

I want to hear you when you call
Do you feel anything at all?
I want to see your thoughts take shape
And walk right out

Freedom has a scent
Like the top of a new born baby’s head

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I’ve seen enough I’m not giving up
On a miracle drug

Of science and the human heart
There is no limit
There is no failure here sweetheart
Just when you quit…

I am you and you are mine
Love makes nonsense of space
And time… will disappear
Love and logic keep us clear
Reason is on our side, love…

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I’ve had enough of romantic love
I’d give it up, yeah, I’d give it up
For a miracle, a miracle drug, a miracle drug

God I need your help tonight

Beneath the noise
Below the din
I hear a voice
It’s whispering
In science and in medicine
“I was a stranger
You took me in”

The songs are in your eyes
I see them when you smile
I’ve had enough of romantic love
I’d give it up, yeah, I’d give it up
For a miracle, miracle drug

Miracle, miracle drug

vinovin (Member Profile)

calvados says...

Isn't he though

In reply to this comment by vinovin:
Cal, this is a wonderful song, I am quite familiar with it. Sam Beam is a brilliant song writer.

In reply to this comment by calvados:
If you go to the man's site, there's a jukebox with several songs that will loop for you:

One of them is called "16 Maybe Less" and, vin, I'm going to threadjack for a minute here. There's no good video of that song but like I say you can go listen to it and I'ma post its lyrics right here. It made drunken Calvados sappy one night.,_Maybe_Less

Beyond the ridge to the left, you asked me what I want
Between the trees and cicadas singing round the pond
"I've spent an hour with you, should I want anything else?"

One grinning wink like the neon on a liquor store
We were 16, maybe less, maybe a little more
I walked home smiling, I finally had a story to tell

And though an autumn time lullaby
Sang our new-born love to sleep
My brother told me he saw you there
In the woods one Christmas Eve

I met my wife at a party when I drank too much
My son is married and tells me we don't talk enough
Call it predictable, yesterday my dream was of you

Beyond the ridge to the west, the sun had left the sky
Between the trees and the pond, you put your hand in mine
Said, "Time has bridled us both, but I remember you too"

And though an autumn time lullaby
Sang our new-born love to sleep
I dreamt I travelled and found you there
In the woods one Christmas Eve

calvados (Member Profile)

vinovin says...

Cal, this is a wonderful song, I am quite familiar with it. Sam Beam is a brilliant song writer.

In reply to this comment by calvados:
If you go to the man's site, there's a jukebox with several songs that will loop for you:

One of them is called "16 Maybe Less" and, vin, I'm going to threadjack for a minute here. There's no good video of that song but like I say you can go listen to it and I'ma post its lyrics right here. It made drunken Calvados sappy one night.,_Maybe_Less

Beyond the ridge to the left, you asked me what I want
Between the trees and cicadas singing round the pond
"I've spent an hour with you, should I want anything else?"

One grinning wink like the neon on a liquor store
We were 16, maybe less, maybe a little more
I walked home smiling, I finally had a story to tell

And though an autumn time lullaby
Sang our new-born love to sleep
My brother told me he saw you there
In the woods one Christmas Eve

I met my wife at a party when I drank too much
My son is married and tells me we don't talk enough
Call it predictable, yesterday my dream was of you

Beyond the ridge to the west, the sun had left the sky
Between the trees and the pond, you put your hand in mine
Said, "Time has bridled us both, but I remember you too"

And though an autumn time lullaby
Sang our new-born love to sleep
I dreamt I travelled and found you there
In the woods one Christmas Eve

Calexico/Iron & Wine - He Lays in the Reins(live on KLRU-tv)

calvados says...

If you go to the man's site, there's a jukebox with several songs that will loop for you:

One of them is called "16 Maybe Less" and, vin, I'm going to threadjack for a minute here. There's no good video of that song but like I say you can go listen to it and I'ma post its lyrics right here. It made drunken Calvados sappy one night.,_Maybe_Less

Beyond the ridge to the left, you asked me what I want
Between the trees and cicadas singing round the pond
"I've spent an hour with you, should I want anything else?"

One grinning wink like the neon on a liquor store
We were 16, maybe less, maybe a little more
I walked home smiling, I finally had a story to tell

And though an autumn time lullaby
Sang our new-born love to sleep
My brother told me he saw you there
In the woods one Christmas Eve

I met my wife at a party when I drank too much
My son is married and tells me we don't talk enough
Call it predictable, yesterday my dream was of you

Beyond the ridge to the west, the sun had left the sky
Between the trees and the pond, you put your hand in mine
Said, "Time has bridled us both, but I remember you too"

And though an autumn time lullaby
Sang our new-born love to sleep
I dreamt I travelled and found you there
In the woods one Christmas Eve

12698 (Member Profile)

GeeSussFreeK says...

In reply to this comment by krelokk:
Athiests aren't people that "can't believe in right and wrong" That also makes it sound like athiests and agnostics don't believe an form of morality.

The average athiest would say religion is very "wrong". Through education and an open mind, they are usually pretty sure they are "right" about this.

Well, I think it is appropriate to get into the different types of atheists in this kind of debate. There 4 general classifications of an atheist. The Implicit vs. explicit and Strong vs. weak.

Implicit atheism is the absence of the believe in theism without ever rejecting it. For instance, someone not exposed to the idea that there could be a God watching over them. Like a new born, or some one born in a culture without such notions. Then there is the explicit atheist which is the outcome of being exposed to the idea and then rejecting it.

Then, in that explicit atheist category, there is the weak and the strong atheist. The strong atheist accepts that the there is no God, or God does not exist as a true statement. The weak atheist also usually called an agnostic, would believe that you can not say one way or the other. There isn't enough known about either side to make a distinction. So they don't count out the existence might be true, but they also can not claim that it isn't true. The weak atheist decides not to decide. Some people further the distinction for weak atheism to hold that it can never be shown that god can exist. Though this is debated, it does provide some level of distinction between the weak atheist and an agnostic. These are human classifications after all, so it isn't exactly clear on the distinctions, but that is a pretty good run down of the state of the words in use.

Back on topic though. Some categories of these atheists find themselves in a pickle when you talk about absolute morality. Some would assert that more than just a believe in god, atheism rejects all forms of believe without evidence. Atheism is more than just non-theism, its against faith at large. This is a newer use of the idea of atheism and still isn't accepted into the commonly held connotation of atheism, but is gaining some popularity amongst certain atheist thinkers. There is no clear new word for this grouping, so I will call it super atheist for now.

For the super atheist, morality is a hard subject. If you can't use any faith based items for making your morality, you have to either choose a morality that is subjective and relates only to you, or you have to show that there is some universally true morality that is applicable to everyone. This is were we may difer in our use of the word “believe”.

What I refer to believe, I am referring to the idea that you are holding to something even though you have no rational grounds to stand on. For instance. It is a western believe, Christian or not, that to beat a women is wrong. This is because women, statistically speaking, are not as strong as men (I know women who can take me, but statistically women have ¼ less muscle mass than a man). And in this, we believe that it is wrong for a man to take advantage of that difference.

However, in some tribal and Asian cultures, this line of reasoning isn't followed, in fact, it is just the opposite. A womens weakness is seen as inviting things to dominate her. A man can abuse his wife simply because he is stronger. It is seen as the way it was intended. There is no real way to show one way is right or wrong using reason alone, you have to interject your own personal beliefs which do not really come from anyplace objective.

So in other words, to this date, there is no such thing as universal morality. It is completely subjective. It is based on things that one believes in themselves and not of some flawless chain of reasoning. Who is to say when something is reasonable enough to be the given morality? There is no such standard. So once again, we are dealing with believe which is just as invalid to the super atheist and faith. I hope I didn't make this response to convoluted I have a habit of doing that.

So in short, I think the position of the super atheist is unobtainable when combined with the desire to make a claim about morality. The other positions of atheism do not make a claim about believe in general, just about god, so they are not presented with the same problem in morality. However, I will say this, I do think agnosticism is the only true, non-faith based position. To believe in God takes just as much faith as to not believe in him, there isn't actually a way to prove one way or the other. The only real tool people in the modern world use to talk about the existence of God is when talking with science. But science is limited to this universe. Science does not take in to account things that could happen outside of this universe, in fact they would say nothing exists outside of the universe, which isn't known, we just have to take that on faith...which is where this all started in the first place hehehe.

Kissing a Tesla Coil

choggie says...

Faraday, Tesla, all had to meet the monster.....power and greed FTW. Farady would have been a team player-Tesla however, was not.

"Finally, in 1831, his experiments revealed a great truth...electricity could indeed be produced by magnetism. The critical component of his discovery, however, was that magnetism must be accompanied by motion. Unlike Oersted, who accidentally stumbled upon his discovery of electromagnetism, Michael Faraday worked diligently toward his goal until he achieved it. If Oersted discovered the magic doorway that would lead to the age of electric power, it was Faraday who unlocked the door. His public wondered what use could possibly come from producing a small current by moving a magnet near a length of wire--the Genie still needed to be tamed to become man's tireless servant. Faraday understood the far-reaching possibilities and is said to have replied: "What is the use of a new-born baby?" Further example of Faraday's wit is in English folklore. The Prime Minister is said to have asked him what use could be made of his discoveries. Faraday allegedly responded, "Someday it might be possible to tax them."

Harley Davidson: To buy, or not to buy? I need your input, fellow sifters. (Blog Entry by Arsenault185)

Arsenault185 says...

Wow, Choggie, I think that is the most sense you have ever made in a comment. I do have a small working knowledge in mechanics and internal combustion. As far as having a while for spring to roll around, well I'm in Korea, and the bike will be picked up when I return this fall. As far as not using it? I'll be in the Fort Hood area of the for the next couple of years, so the weather will usually be prime, and it will be my primary mode of transportation, as my wife will take my car to have for here and our new born. Well Thanks guys. Anyone else got any advice?

Post Natal Depression

persephone says...

The effect of post natal hormonal upset, the sleep deprivation, the change of lifestyle that comes with caring for a new born and the adjustment to such a new role, can be absolutely devastating for new mothers, which then has a serious flow-on effect on their partners.

It is essential for a woman to have as much support as possible during this vulnerable time, from husbands, friends and family members.

Morgasm-Museum of Radical Gender and Sex Matrix

moodonia says...

Regarding function of the clit, the late 19th century religious nuts that were circumcising boys in England were also dissolving the clitoris in new born baby girls with acid (concentrated citric I think). They eventually stopped this practice concluding that women must enjoy sex a little or they wont have any, thus there wouldnt be enough poor people to go down mines, into factories, up chimneys etc. I thought there was no debate about its function, guess I was wrong.

Sam Harris - Stem Cells and Morality

nickreal03 says...

Yes religion of any kind requieres blindness to logic. So soon or later it is bound to fall apart. Whether it is reincarnation, souls or whatever. However if people insist in souls this is how I would define them.

But before I do that I will actually go step beyound this gentelman and said that a humans by themselves are soless creatures. The so call soul is made by life experiences. The end result is that you have a soul with many dimentions to them. Whether a soul is great or not is base on summing all the dimensions where those dimensions could have positive or negative weights to them. The value of those weights is what is call moral values define diferently by diferent people.

I will considore a new born child to have little or not soul. But he/she has great potencial to have a great soul. A fly has also a little soul but it is physically incapable to have a great soul. At the end only great souls are worth remembering. For instance people who kill other people for fun may have complex souls but not great.

This is how religion should think of souls rather than little angels flapping their winds.

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