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Flushing glowsticks

Stingray says...

From Wikipedia:

Glow sticks contain hydrogen peroxide, and phenol is produced as a by-product. It is advisable, therefore, to keep the mixture away from skin and to prevent accidental ingestion if the glow stick case splits or breaks. If spilled on skin the chemicals could cause slight skin irritation, swelling, or, in extreme circumstances, vomiting and nausea. Some ravers will cut or break open a glow stick and apply the glowing solution directly to bare skin in order to make their bodies glow.

Environmental Impact
Because the product is a one-time use device and is made from plastic, and because of the number sold, the device is considered to have a high environmental impact for purely recreational entertainment. The toxic internal substances, if released, are also damaging to the environment.

CNN: Almost All Exxon Valdez Cleanup Crew Dead

Porksandwich says...

There's more than one video floating around on this site talking about what the Exxon spill did to animals and people alike. What is said in this video is very similar to those, and all of them are from different people that I've seen. I think it's more likely that government is full of shit in anything they do to downplay it versus what these individuals are saying that are in the medical field and have been studying it trying to cure people since Exxon.

Because we already know that government and oil have not invested in new methods to clean up oil spills, so it's very unlikely they would also invest money into research on what exposure does to people during and after clean up from the Exxon.

If this oil leak is not taken of when they estimate it will be which from what I've read is late July and August for the relief wells to come online. If it keeps spilling out even with the additional wells, I don't see how anyone in this part of the world will be safe from it's effects given weather patterns and ocean currents. I saw on Craig Fergeson they had I believe his name is Jean Cousteau, son of Jacques Cousteau, who was talking about how the oil in the gulf would begin appearing in England due to the water currents and how saturated the water column is because of the disperants.

Lots of very disturbing videos out there regarding what the oil spill has done already. People on the water who were vomiting over the side because the fumes from the water was cutting off the oxygen and causing nausea. Fish so disoriented they were swimming into boats, swimming on their sides and upside down with their mouths sticking out of the water trying to breath. No sightings of dolphins in Florida for a long while, so they are either dead, dieing, or left the area. Kids breaking out in rashes who mysteriously recover shortly after leaving the areas in proximity to tainted zones. Fishermen who are aiding in the clean up, coming down with upper respiratory problems, going to their doctors and being told their lungs look like they've been smoking 3 packs a day when they are in fact non-smokers.

The same responders who at 911 telling people they should wear respirators for the clean up, who say that firemen who refused to wear them in 911 rescues came down with "the crud" from exposure to toxins. They say every person helping clean up the oil spill is offered a respirator, but BP took over distribution of them. And they won't allow people to have respirators without proper training in how to use them, which they will provide. But they won't begin the training until they feel people need the respirators. So you have the right to a respirator, they will give you one when you are trained, but they won't provide training until you need one. Makes perfect sense, like everything else associated with the handling of this.

Crops are diseased and dieing already from just the rain carrying the chemicals used to "clean up" the oil spill. I can't imagine that people out on the water aren't already severely exposed to these same chemicals if it can travel via water evaporation into the clouds to come down as has to be in the air for them all.

From other sources, they call exposure in Exxon and 911 "the crud" or "The Exxon crud". And people exposed to it have it for the rest of their life and eventually die because of it. I could see people in 911 being exposed just because it was a fast response situation and people were trying to do the right thing in a very short period of time. But there is no excuse for what is happening now, especially with the Exxon spill being there as evidence and proof of what can and will happen to people exposed to the oil and the chemicals used in it's clean up. A disaster caused by BP for money/time saving measures is one thing, but then allowing people trying to help contain a problem they had nothing to do with but bear all of the consequences of it to become ill and probably die from their efforts to help....that's something that can not stand.

Parents letting their kids play in the ocean full of oil....

notarobot says...

>> ^raverman:

This definitely needs eia these are the dumbest parents (and the other people on the beach) in the world.
Heaven forbid that a carcinogenic toxic spill should ruin your day building sand castles.
"Direct skin contact with oil leads to skin irritation. At oil spill sites, exposure may cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, and other unpleasant effects. Certain hydrocarbon components in crude oil are known to be cancer causing. All these evidences show that oil spill sludge is carcinogenic and extreme caution must be employed in the execution of oil spill cleanup."
... Or letting your small children play in it...

Parents letting their kids play in the ocean full of oil....

raverman says...

This definitely needs *eia these are the dumbest parents (and the other people on the beach) in the world.

Heaven forbid that a carcinogenic toxic spill should ruin your day building sand castles.

"Direct skin contact with oil leads to skin irritation. At oil spill sites, exposure may cause headaches, dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, and other unpleasant effects. Certain hydrocarbon components in crude oil are known to be cancer causing. All these evidences show that oil spill sludge is carcinogenic and extreme caution must be employed in the execution of oil spill cleanup."
... Or letting your small children play in it...

MASSIVE hail turns swimming pool into a seething maelstrom

blankfist (Member Profile)

gwiz665 (Member Profile)

Collectivism in Recent History

dystopianfuturetoday (Member Profile)

EndAll says...

Wow. So it really lives up to the hype, eh? I don't think I'd make it through the whole thing, based off your description.. couldn't even make it through 'Paranormal Activity', although that was kinda shitty to be fair. You seen it? Kinda Blair-Witchy. Thanks for the heads up about this Antichrist, though. I'd rather watch a movie and have to think and be entertained than be revolted and scared! Horror movies never really appealed to me because of that, but some of them do indeed make for great cinema. If anything, I'd watch Antichrist for the cinematography - it looked beautiful.

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:
OK, I can honestly say that Antichrist is the most disturbing film I've ever seen. I'm a fan of horror and a fan of dark, but the final act of this film pretty much put me in a fetal position. I have no idea what this film is supposed to mean. Though it touches subjects of grief, evil, nature, human nature, misogyny and sexuality, I came away with nothing but nausea.

That said, I can't give it a thumbs down, because it is a well made, well shot, well directed, well lit, well acted, provocative piece of art. Even before the brutality begins, the sense of dread and gloom that LvT creates using hushed voices and darkness left me breathless and uncomfortable, and the moments that come later on...... It takes some doing to create something this truly bleak and brutal without causing me to just shutdown and move on to something else.

That said, I can't give this flick a thumbs up either, because it's so self-consciously offensive in the way it pushes the bounderies as to what constitutes art and entertainment.

No thumbs up, no thumbs down. Instead I'll go with two thumbs covered in menstrual blood shoved deep into my skull, via the eye sockets.

It's a fucked up film. I wouldn't recommend taking a loved one unless they have a cast iron stomach. Whatever horrors you might have imagined over my description will pale in comparison to reality. You may be better off just skipping it. If your curiousity does get the better of you, you've been warned.

If you need me, I'll be in the bathroom vomiting.

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Thanks DFT! Have you seen the full thing yet?

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:

EndAll (Member Profile)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

OK, I can honestly say that Antichrist is the most disturbing film I've ever seen. I'm a fan of horror and a fan of dark, but the final act of this film pretty much put me in a fetal position. I have no idea what this film is supposed to mean. Though it touches subjects of grief, evil, nature, human nature, misogyny and sexuality, I came away with nothing but nausea.

That said, I can't give it a thumbs down, because it is a well made, well shot, well directed, well lit, well acted, provocative piece of art. Even before the brutality begins, the sense of dread and gloom that LvT creates using hushed voices and darkness left me breathless and uncomfortable, and the moments that come later on...... It takes some doing to create something this truly bleak and brutal without causing me to just shutdown and move on to something else.

That said, I can't give this flick a thumbs up either, because it's so self-consciously offensive in the way it pushes the bounderies as to what constitutes art and entertainment.

No thumbs up, no thumbs down. Instead I'll go with two thumbs covered in menstrual blood shoved deep into my skull, via the eye sockets.

It's a fucked up film. I wouldn't recommend taking a loved one unless they have a cast iron stomach. Whatever horrors you might have imagined over my description will pale in comparison to reality. You may be better off just skipping it. If your curiousity does get the better of you, you've been warned.

If you need me, I'll be in the bathroom vomiting.

In reply to this comment by EndAll:
Thanks DFT! Have you seen the full thing yet?

In reply to this comment by dystopianfuturetoday:

First Person Point of View on X at Magic Mountain

Issykitty says...

I would have to agree that this rollercoaster is awesome! It is scary, but in a good way. It has been updated with some silly metallica music and renamed X2, but it is still every bit as awesome as this.

On the other hand, their newest ride (Tatsu) was horrible. It actually made me vomit! I am quite sensitive to motion like you, ant, so I thought maybe I was unfairly judging Tatsu ... but the other people I was with agreed that it was nausea- inducing and very unfun. You don't have to take my word for it, but you may wish you did when the chunks start to fly.

CANNAMED (Member Profile)

laura says...

* ban candidate mucho, yes no?

In reply to this comment by CANNAMED:
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If you suffer from Cancer, Chronic Pain, Chron's Disease, Depression, Epilepsy, Fibromyalgia, Glaucoma, HIV, Insomnia, Migraines, MS, Nausea, Seizures, Anorexia, Anxiety, Stress, or any other serious ailments, We can help you!

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CNN: South Florida's Pain Clinics Or Narcotic Pill Mills?

enoch says...

very awesome of you revted,
and thanks for making some clarifications and also adding a personal touch concerning your practice.
my family is in the medical field and they have stated similar dilemma's as you have here.on one side you have responsible doctors such as yourself and on the other you have inscrutable practitioners who are just there for the quick cash.
instead of going through a whole diatribe on addiction let me just state a quick anecdote.
a former student of mine,bright and quick-witted,a stellar student heading to graduate one year she was in two car wrecks and damaged her back something awful.she was over-prescribed pain meds and within a few months this brilliant young woman went from a casual pot smoker to a pill is the tragic part:she never realized until too late.she was taking her meds as prescribed but when the insurance ran out she found herself host to a myriad of problems that she could not understand i.e:fever,nausea,cold sweats,horrific nightmares,insomnia and her back was worse than ever.not understanding withdrawal symptoms from pain meds she bought off the street some painkillers and LO and BEHOLD..she felt better.

sadly it was i who informed her that she may be an addict and in her rage and disgust at me for even suggesting such tripe has discontinued our friendship,leaving me impotent to offer any assistance at my dear friend,with her infant daughter,has a full time job of aquiring pills everyday just so that she can feel normal.graduate school....a
i worry about her very,very much and pray for every day but until she is ready to face what she has to there is naught i can do.
what many people do not realize is that coming clean from narcotics is one the most incredibly hard things to is a body addiction and if you try to stop cold turkey your body makes you spades.

i cannot relay just how personal this is to me.i have a young woman in my home right now who i am helping detox because the local drug rehabilitation center will not accept her(her fault)and she has no money,lost her kids,her business and success with her is not written in stone,but i have had success in these cases.

on a side note.
i give you incredible credit reverendted.the fact the you are aware of the dangers and hence your responsibility speaks volumes to your character.the only consolation i can offer concerning those that abuse the system due to their addiction is that you have no control over that.your patients are lucky to have such a doctor as you.
i salute you my friend.

Why Would Anyone Fight Against Pot Pills?

CreamKreator says...

Actually, the euforia is unwanted side-effect as the problem that these pills are trying to cure is NOT sadness or any kind of other psychic problem. It's effects should be narrowed to only those that is there to cure or ease the pain, nausea etc. The euforia, lack of concentration and easy laughter would really be a unwanted effect that wouldn't be so great when for ex. going to a job interview..

Personally, i would like MORE euforia to be added but that's my personal quest to get high and should remain so. Operating heavy machinery while in pain is dangerous as it takes away a certain amount of concentration but imagine operating a crane while thinking the deeper side of american idol or the real sociological effects of hot pockets at the same time.

Justice - Stress (new video)

dannym3141 says...

1) Would have been a better video without the music
2) What is this video meant to show? It's virtually promoting going around in a large gang and attacking any people who are alone/with a friend because you outnumber them.

I genuinely don't see a point - there's no message, this sort of thing does happen, we know it happens even if these particular incidents doesn't happen.

What do you think an average kid of gang banging age is going to think when he sees this? Any kid who watches it and thinks "best not be a gang banger" would never go around in a violent gang anyway, so that leaves anyone who might have done and has just watched a video glorifying picking on people smaller/weaker/less in number than you and your gang.

To that end, i don't see why this is on the sift. I'm not saying you have to justify the videos you sift, before anyone gets indignant. Please give me a reason to think that we as a group didn't just upvote a video promoting violence towards others.

Someone mentioned this was a paralell of clockwork orange, but i don't see the message or morals of that film here. Unless you're hinting that the music makes you feel nausea and i might agree there. Clockwork orange ended with the guy considering quitting being violent, or realising that he'd done the wrong thing all along, depending on whether you read the american version ("flawed" - author) or the original.

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