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Six Minutes Of A Vietnam Green Beret Who Is A Hero's Hero

Medal of Honor - Singleplayer Helicopter Gameplay

Shattered Horizon - Zero Gravity FPS

westy says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:
This trailer is all I've seen of the game, but it doesn't strike me as significantly different than the realistic/tactical shooters which have plagued deathmatch for the last 10 years or so. The only difference between this and CS/CoD/FEAR/SWAT/SoF2/BF/ET/MoH is everyone is floating. Innovation in the FPS is dead and the only thing keeping the genre profitable is an overabundance of testosterone & Xbox Live.

The roasoin there are no more pure arcade shoots is because Quake 2,3 unreal tourny,2003, pretty much allow for all the variables one could passably want for arace shooters. other than changing the art style what can be done in maps and charactor mods for the latter games, there would be no real piont in relasing a fast passed shooter , that and the fact that they wont sell well on a console due to the controler method.

Its definitely the case that even tactical fps shooters have stagnated to some existent The battlefield sherries has been quite innovative and supported some quite progressive mods though.

What I think could be done and should be done is a GTA IV style game in first person , if you look at the GTA IV first person mods its actually quite remarkable. A proper first person game with realistic car physics and an inner city setting would be something really grate.

playing games in 3rd person to me makes a game feal childish and silly to some existent ( which is fine for many ganras of game) but when a game is generally realistic it seems strange to present it in 3rd person , especially as people are widely accustomed to first person on console and pc now.

Shattered Horizon - Zero Gravity FPS

xxovercastxx says...

This trailer is all I've seen of the game, but it doesn't strike me as significantly different than the realistic/tactical shooters which have plagued deathmatch for the last 10 years or so. The only difference between this and CS/CoD/FEAR/SWAT/SoF2/BF/ET/MoH is everyone is floating. Innovation in the FPS is dead and the only thing keeping the genre profitable is an overabundance of testosterone & Xbox Live.

Eminem's "Without me" in Klingon (SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be' )

oxdottir says...

I can't believe I am doing this. Here are the lyrics:

tlhIngan Hol yIghoj DabommeH!

nom maja'chuqchu'meH tlhIngan Hol jay'!
nom maja'chuqchu'meH tlhIngan Hol jay'!

QI'lopDaq, qaq wornagh!
toQDujDaq, not maSagh!
QI'lopDaq, QI'lopDaq,
QI'lopDaq, QI'lopDaq,
QI'lopDaq, QI'lopDaq,
QI'lopDaq, ...

tlhIngan SuvwI' qan jIHbe', 'ach SuvDI' vay' ghIH
vaj bom vIchennISmoH jIH 'e' vIHarbejtaH.
maja'chuqchu'meH tlhIngan Hol wIlo'taH!
taH pagh taHbe' neH jatlhtaH
'a DaH maSuvmeH malop net Sov
'ej Daq wISovbe', chaq not maQaplaH...?
bIlujlaHbe'chugh, vaj bIQaplaHbe'!
'a maQapmeH matay'nIS nuja'taH be'.
wIDabe'lu'ba'; DIDataHbe'chugh maSuv.
jagh DISuvDI' cha baH je net Sov.
tlhIngan SuvwI' quv maHbej
'a mapuvlaHbe', reH maSuvtaH
'ej nIteb Suvbe' be' nuja' be' le'.
nuja' be' le'be': veQ ja' be' le'.
yIn nI'qu' ghajbe'bej HoDma' lI'be',
tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'mo'.
SuvwI'pu', Hoch tlhInganpu',
peqImqu', verenganpu', DaH mabomchu'!
peDoy'Qo', QongtaHbogh SuvwI' vItoy'Qo'.
bom mu' vIqaw vIneHbej: taHjaj wo'!

DaH maSuv, chaq tugh maHegh,
'a batlh maHeghmeH
jagh DISuvchu'taH 'ej yo' qIjDaq
tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'

tlhIngan SuvwI' qan jIHbe'bej.
maquvnIS, maSuvnIS, 'ej DaH maSuvqa'bej
peqImtaH: Do'Ha' jaghla' wuv ngeHbej,
qa'vamDaq qama HoH neHchugh tlhIngan, nura': baH!
parmaqqaywI', parmaqqay qaywI''e' SenwI' rIlwI' je
pe'vIl mu'qaDmey bach gheb rIlwI'
muSeyqu'moH rIlwI' SuSDeq.
'ej DarSeqDaj DaSamnIS ra' tlhIngan Hubbeq
Suvrup pu' beqma': tlhIngan Hubbeq SuvwI'!
'a DaH So'wI' chu'be'chu'mo' taHqeq So'be' So'wI'.
'a Do'Ha'! (melody)
SSS! Dap bom mu' vIqaw vIneHqu'bogh vIqelbe'law'taH vIja'lu'pu'.
DaH malop maH neHbej qeylIS.
'a wa'leS chaq maHegh, 'ej DaH malop 'e' DIS.
nuHbey DISay'moH, 'ej leSpoH neH wIpoQ.
reH SeymoH QeH. tera'ngan DItaymoH.
QamchoH, majeghbe'bej.
maSuv'eghbe'chugh Hem tlhIngan Segh DevwI'.
tugh maHeghbej, 'a Dabej DawI'.
Dubej - Dabej - 'Iv bej DevwI'?


'a DaH Qu' DataghDI' 'aqtu' mellota' je chaH tIqawchu'taH!
'Iw HIq bIr 'Iq neHbe' Hur'Iq.
nuja': tujnIS 'Iw HIq!
latlh HIvje'Daq 'Iw HIq bIr yIqang jay'.
'ej pIpyuS pach DaSop DaneHchugh
vaj pIpyuS puS DaghornIS 'e' DaSovnIS.
'a maSopnIS, malopmeH raHta' wISop neH.
Qopba'taH qagh, 'a reH nIv qaghna' yIntaHchugh.
qompoghna' yIjab!
ghIlab ghew tISuqQo'. belmoH ro'qegh'Iwchab
ghIlab ghewmey wIbuSQo'.
wa' Dol nIvDaq malopDI' maH maQapba'.
naDev QI'lopDaq maloptaHvIS reH machuS.
tlhInganpu' chuS law' Hoch chuS puS.
Su'lop luSopchugh not lubuS
QI'lop wIlopchugh reH machuS
tlhIngan quv DatIchqu' DaneHchugh vaj Seng yIghuH,
'ej bommeH 'ej lopmeH bogh tlhInganpu'.
tu'HomI'raHna' vIlIng:
voDleH neH neH neH neH'a' parbIng?
Dap bom yIbom be'Hom!
Dap bom mu' vIqaw vIneHqu'bogh vIbom
'ej bom mu' vIbomtaHbogh DaH bolIjbe':
tlhIngan SuvwI'pu' qan tu'lu'be'!


Help Convince the rest of the USA that a Public Option is BEST (Blog Entry by JiggaJonson)

Farhad2000 says...

Personally I think the words insurance and health care should not be allowed to be placed together.

The insurance market is based around making a profit, ultimately it means DENYING coverage in any way possible. Their motivation is not to help you. But to help their accounts to stay in the black. Their most important customers are those who are not in need of any health care but pay their insurance anyhow.

Am an advocate for the single payer health system.

However I understand that is akin to socialism for most Americans, even though most Americans probably don't remember exactly what that word means anymore.

The government now is trying to basically regulate the public insurance market into making it accessible to all Americans and not simply arbitrarily denying coverage. The government is already involved in the Medicare system for citizens over 65. By all accounts that system is working well. The only problem being the high cost of medication which is a drug pharmaceuticals issue not a medicare one.

In Kuwait there is universal health care for all residents and citizens. Everyone receives a medical card. If I have a tooth ache I can go to my local clinic and in the hour or so get treatment. I can go to an emergency clinic and get looked at right away if am in severe pain.

There is adequate health care provisioned for all. The problem arises in getting access to higher level services that are rationed or placed in a priority system for citizens first and expats second. Citizens are and can be taken abroad for treatment, the government pays for that. Sometimes the queue extends to a few months but this mostly only applies to non critical cases. Only knowing people within the medical community might get you moved forward. But this is a lack of investment issue, the hospitals and general infrastructure has not been invested in or expanded due to 4 different governments in the last 3 years, political infighting, the replacement of MOH heads and a general lack of leadership. These are symptoms that are now being dealt with through voter action.

At the same time Kuwait has a large private health care sector independent of the public one. With only government intervention to prevent malpractice. You can receive almost all treatments offered publicly in private practice bar really high end stuff. The cost is very high however but comes with a more personalized service and better facilities. The major problem in the private sector is a beauractic crunch to further development due to MOH restrictions. Most of the time these are motivated by private interests interfering.

Overall the health of this nation far exceeds most other places I lived in, the major problems now in Kuwait are life style based due to poor diet choices, smoking and such leading to diabetes and obesity being a large killer, followed by cancers, heart disease and so on.

Infantry weapons and their effect

Why Do ALL Europeans Hate America?

Kerotan says...

>> ^BillOreilly:
I'm part German and part French, the worst of both worlds.
One side of me wants to start a fight, and the other side wants to run away.
Screw you Europe, we saved your behind, and this is the respect we get? Shame.


To quote Yatzhees comments in reply to comments made about his MOH airborne review.

"no you didn't fight in world war 2, all you did was make shitty posts like that one."

Your implying that the nature of states doesn't change and that the USA has always been and always while be the heroes that helped kick the Nazis in World wars 2, alot has changed since world war 2, and america is seen as no longer the land of the free, but more like the land of governmental heavy handed action, yes the USA assisted in world war 2, but I reserve the right to be angry when the leaders of the world invade a country with the contingency plan that pretty much consists of "iraq: lol", especially since in my country there was a majority against the war in iraq, but tony blair went to war anyway.

The allies started the contingency plan for Europe in 1941, the bush administration only started a contingency plan weeks before the invasion.

This is why I hate the america, not because of its perhaps ignorant people at times, not because of its fervent religious beliefs, not because of its supposed lack of culture, but because it tries to police the world, and ends up doing a sub par job of it.

I don't hate you or what your country stands for, I just hate the way that bush administration has governed.

Zero Punctuation Review: Assassin's Creed

Zonbie says...

i think this is a great review, he points out its fun and different, and shamelessly brutalises it for its (avoidable) short comings, loved it , but myfavs are still Clive Barker's Clive Barker's : Jericho. By Clive Barker. and MoH: Airbourne LOL

Incidentally, whenever I see a game stuff with more bugs than a cockroach sandwich, I can't help but think "Pushed of the door in time for Christmas"

Twats. Looks like good fun otherwise....

Zero Punctuation Review: F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate

MarineGunrock says...

Declining vote count? Sure, they're not all worthy of 100+ votes like the Orange box or MOH: Airborne, but I guess that you didn't bother to look at the vote counts because they average out to over 65 votes per video. I'm not sure what sift you've been on, by that's a pretty good number for any video.
Don't be jealous that you can't post videos from the Escapist.

Zero Punctuation Review: Zelda Phantom Hourglass

MarineGunrock says...

Leave it to video games to teach us history!
I actually didn't know/never heard of the Flak Towers until I saw a preview of MOH Airborne. Enter my Google-fu and I learned about them. They aren't exactly things that history teachers focus on, for some reason. I'm on awe of the awesomeness of them. The superior engineering, armor, and sheer mass of the things.

And a game set in feudal Japan sounds pretty fun.

Zero Punctuation Review: Zelda Phantom Hourglass

Halo: The Future of Gaming

Ryjkyj says...

I always though that the first working FPS on a console was Bond, or perfect dark... or MOH Underground.
I never played HALO because I waited so long all those years ago for what was going to be most revolutionary multiplayer game ever. And them Microsoft decided that they would take their really good original idea, rape it, add working features from other games and then use it to promote the X-BOX by releasing it ONLY on X-BOX. And all that with a final total of what? Six Weapons?

What a rip off.

OK, maybe I've gone too far. This game does look really, really cool.

Simpsons Game Trailer (Grand Theft Scratchy)

How to Cut Glass with Scissors

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