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The Ricky Gervais Show - Where Evolution Failed

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'karl pilkington, stephen merchant, toenails, podcast' to 'karl pilkington, stephen merchant, toenails, podcast, ricky gervais' - edited by blankfist

Olbermann: Right Wing Fear Merchants

Olbermann: Right Wing Fear Merchants

Ricky Gervais & Stephen Merchant discuss their next project

Cheese Boutique

Edie Brickell: Hard Rain

rougy says...

For some reason I always thought this was by 10,000 Maniacs, which would have made the voice Natalie Merchant's, but it was the New Bohemians, which means senility strikes us earlier than I'd anticipated.

Or maybe I was just stoned....

<><> (Blog Entry by blankfist)

qualm says...

^ "In feudal Europe, corporations were aggregations of business interests in compact, usually with an explicit license from city, church, or national leaders. These functioned as effective monopolies for a particular good or labor.

The term "corporation" was used as late as the 18th century in England to refer to such ventures as the East India Company or the Hudson's Bay Company: commercial organizations that operated under royal patent to have exclusive rights to a particular area of trade. In the medieval town, however, corporations were a conglomeration of interests that existed either as a development from, or in competition with, guilds. The most notable corporations were in trade and banking.

The effects of a corporation were similar to a monopoly. On the one hand, the ability to have sole access to markets meant that the business was encouraged (e.g., the ability to be an exclusive trader provided an incentive to the East India Company to accept financial risks in exploration) and the negative effects of competition were avoided (to take the same example, exclusive patents cut down on merchants sponsoring piracy). Innovation was stifled, however, and prices were unregulated. (In the case of patent corporations, the town or monarch was ostensibly able to regulate prices by revoking the patent, but this rarely occurred.)" Locate from search box under 'corporation'. Scroll to 'feudal europe'.

Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant - Comic Relief 2009

Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant - Comic Relief 2009

Extras - The Art of Corpsing

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'ricky, gervais, stephen, merchant' to 'ricky gervais, stephen merchant, 00s, uk, laugh, crack up, smile, arsurdity, actor, act' - edited by Eklek

Obama U-turns for Raytheon

vairetube says...

Mr. Reich never was charged with any crime...the line about convictions does need to go under poindexter.. but hey, if I say it enough it will become true anyway, right.. but I'm ok with just this info:

From 1983 to 1986, Reich established and managed the inter-agency Office of Public Diplomacy for Latin America and the Caribbean. He was accused by Congress of engaging in "prohibited, covert propaganda activities" in his efforts to promote the Reagan administration's policies toward Nicaragua.

The OPD declassified Central Intelligence Agency information and disseminated it to influence public opinion and spur Congress to continue to fund the Reagan's administration's campaign against Nicaragua's Sandinista government.

The OPD was highly controversial and was criticized by numerous government sources, including a staff report by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, which characterized it as a domestic political and propaganda operation.

The OPD also violated “a restriction on the State Department’s annual appropriations prohibiting the use of federal funds for publicity or propaganda purposes not authorized by Congress.”

He also helped terrorist Orlando Bosch gain entry into the U.S. after being imprisoned in Venezuela for bombing a Cuban airliner, killing its 73 passengers. Bosch spent time in a U.S. prison for attacking a Polish merchant vessel bound for Cuba. Thirty countries have refused Bosch asylum because of his criminality.

You saw the part of : "Abrams was pardoned by President George H. W. Bush " .. not too shabby a deal. then his son could hire him!

and re: Poindexter "The convictions were reversed in 1991 on technical grounds ". which means what it says... technicality, not that he wasnt actually a scumbag liar.

So, go ahead and apologize for these liars. I'm sure they can't get enough republican hugs and free jobs.

Now, remember, my mistake immediately means GWBUSH never appointed any criminals. That's logical. I guess not getting caught = good behavior in your book, too...

The Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden Myth

Diogenes says...

honestly, thanks for the grain of salt

it really just looks like a couple of nervy nitwits' "theories" ... with a cultured british accent thrown over that and stock video taken out of context and rather coincidentally rearranged

shouldn't be too hard for me to provide another "grain" for all of us to consider rubbing together with the former...

there you go...

something else just occurred to me from the video's mention of the "military-industrial complex" -- this being that we often don't consider much of the context of that particularly insightful eisenhower speech:

here's a gem that just precedes the now-iconic reference...

"Throughout America's adventure in free government, our basic purposes have been to keep the peace; to foster progress in human achievement, and to enhance liberty, dignity and integrity among people and among nations. To strive for less would be unworthy of a free and religious people. Any failure traceable to arrogance, or our lack of comprehension or readiness to sacrifice would inflict upon us grievous hurt both at home and abroad.

Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideology -- global in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method. Unhappily the danger it poses promises to be of indefinite duration. To meet it successfully, there is called for, not so much the emotional and transitory sacrifices of crisis, but rather those which enable us to carry forward steadily, surely, and without complaint the burdens of a prolonged and complex struggle -- with liberty the stake. Only thus shall we remain, despite every provocation, on our charted course toward permanent peace and human betterment."

now *that's* thought-provoking =)

expounding on that in a much-later newspaper editorial is ike's close friend and former naval aide to the president:

"The science community is paralyzed by a phony, egotistical self-
guilt, and the technophobes in academia have had a field day for a
generation, teaching our young people to scorn the sciences and feel
guilty for being Americans. Aided by a couple of administration in
which "social engineering" was more fashionable than science, techno-
logical leadership is passing from the United States to nations who
have struck a more rational balance."

heh heh, i think something really "got his goat"

anyway, i've always felt that the surest way of losing an argument is to overstate it... i guess i feel that that's exactly what the first video does

here's what we can take from it, at least overwhelmingly so (in the court of public opinion)

- america's "reaction" to the attacks of september 11th made al-qaeda both a household name *and* target #1 of the us government (durr)

- this most likely helped consolidate bin laden's organization, and surely polarized islamic radicalism ever further, thus increasing al-qaeda's magenetism to ends both in funding and recruiting

- prolonged military action in the "war on terror" is CONTINUING to make our "military-industrial complex" lots of money (do you really think that strong ties between "death merchantry" and government didn't exist before 2001... or even long before ike's speech??)

- america's (and the world's) "military-industrial complex" will continue to thrive until (ha) there is peace... and then probably a bit longer

- the "war on terror" probably won't end even if we get every member of al-qaeda into the same denny's restaurant and then nuke it (in a similar fashion as to arresting al capone not ending the fbi's war on organized crime)

- this will continue to make both you and me sad, and the "desth merchants" happy


but maybe, just maybe, we should take note of what ike first said we *should* be... STRONG ... and *then* consider our thinking on maintaining the BALANCE he warned us all should be sought in his now-pop-culture reference

Obama Part of the Unconstitutional Agenda?

NetRunner says...

Wouldn't wanna disappoint you about the comments, so here ya go:

If he would just strip out the fearmongering, self-serving accusation that Obama and the mainstream media lied to you about his policy (while using clips of video from the mainstream media to "reveal" the "secret"), I actually agree that Obama's plans for Iraq and Afghanistan are not what I wanted. Better than McCain's commitment to pump up both "wars", but not good enough.

My chief prediction for 2009 is that if Afghanistan even slightly goes badly (and I fear it will), the grassroots who helped get him elected will turn on him, nastily. We'll see how Obama responds, but I suspect McCain would ignore anything the peace activists said anyways. Obama owes them a lot, so they'll have more leverage.

As for the NWO stuff and the O = W (which logically leads to RP = BS), I'm not really sure who he's trying to kid.

I was hoping Paul's Re-love-a-loution would involve trying to reach out to liberals on the basis of what we have in common, not just say "oooga booga, Obama scary". The only difference in tactics here from an average Republican slime merchant is that it says Obama's too pro-war, instead of too soft on terror. That's all.

Oh well, welcome to being an outsider amongst outsiders, Dr. Paul.

Extras - Awards, and the Ray Stokes doll

The Statler Brothers - Flowers on the Wall

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