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lucky760 (Member Profile)

Thylan says...

I may have promoted ym way to confusion:

Spiff has 2 vids. original, i just now promoted (with more votes)

and what looks like a 2nd sift attempt in the pq (with less votes)

Can the votes form teh 2nd, be amalagmated into the first, the 2nd discarded, so that there is only 1 (que highlander)
The prob apears to be that i promoted form my ancient save playlist, and that vid was formerly a discarded, where as the otehr was languashing in a pq.

thank you

Proof of Creationism!

BicycleRepairMan says...

Listen arsenault185> We didnt just evolve along with apes and primates. We ARE apes and primates.

Chimpanzees and Gorillas share ancestors, they are two different apes. Humans and Chimps share ancestors, we are two different kinds of ape. We have a very good understanding of this, and the "missing link" myth is a leftover from Darwins days, since then, we have not only found hundreds of "missing links" between ourselves and our ancestors, but we have done something much better: we have discovered, and even mapped, our DNA. Genetics doesnt just prove beyond any doubt that we are related to other apes, it shows exactly HOW we are related to them, we know that chimpanzees are our closest living non-human relative, and our common ancestor lived 6 million years ago, our shared ancestor with gorillas lived 7 million years ago, then Orangutangs at 14 Million years ago...

We separated from..
Gibbons 18 million years ago
old world monkeys>25 million years ago
new world monkeys, 40 million years ago
Tarsiers, 58 million years ago
Lemurs 63 million years ago

Lemurs are our most distant primate relative, but it doesnt stop there..

180 million years ago we share ancestors with every living mammal, 680 million years ago, we separated from jellyfish.., and finally 3.5 billion years ago, our common ancestor with ALL LIVING THINGS lived. we know this because every living animal, insect, fish and plant share the same traces of DNA. EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM.

Lemurs Get High On Giant Millipedes

rembar says...


Funny bit of animal behavior and ethology.

In fact, drug use amongst animals is not so rare, drinking alcohol amongst primates for example is pretty well documented. Evolutionary development of magic mushrooms and marijuana are linked to their effects on animals. Lol @ the voiceover though, JUNKIE LEMURS: DESTROYING AMERICA, ONE MILLIPEDE AT A TIME? WE REPORT, YOU DECIDE!

Drum Sequencer Design Has Balls

Popularity-Based VideoSift Beta Test Discussion (Sift Talk Post)

plastiquemonkey says...

three comments:

(1) i'm confused as to how this works.

i understand you're afraid of siftbot, but crazy addicts will want to understand how this works. even if it's complicated, can you explain?

(2) it's not intuitive so far

i just gave the 10th vote to get farhad's robot guitar video published. but when you go to the front page, it's not there (some osama bin laden / family guy clip is first). when i started writing this, it was on the third page. a couple minutes later, it's on the second page, even though it still has the same number of votes and the same sift score.

so there seems to be a significant random element, or else the activity from the last X minutes is heavily weighted.

the problem with that model is that the published videos will jump around so much that sifting sequentially through 16 pages of videos (current number included in the hot sift) will be confusing. if it takes 5 or 10 minutes to get from page 2 to page 3, videos may pop down the list and "reappear" on page 3, or pop up the list and be missed entirely.

which means it will impossible even for hardcore addicts to know when they've managed to cast eyes on everything published. and there will be no way of knowing when you've "caught up", ie. seen everything published since last time you checked.

(3) i don't think this is a necessary innovation, in part because it's not adding much new beyond the "top videos -- 24 hours page" to the stereotypical superficial visitor (who looks at the front page or two and the top 15 sidebar, but not much else).

right now, here's how the hot sift stacks up against the top videos -- 24 hours page:

-- osama / family guy (#1 hot sift, #2 top 24)
-- restless goalie (#2 hot sift, #6 top 24)
-- beck loser (#3 hot sift, #1 top 24)
-- simpsons epcot center (#4 hot sift, #4 top 24)
** pedophile apeshit (#5 hot sift, #17 top 24)
** simpsons wiggum twin peaks (#6 hot sift, #19 top 24)
-- strangest tourist attraction (#7 hot sift, #9 top 24)
** family guy creationists (#8 hot sift, #16 top 24)
-- radish seed timelapse (#9 hot sift, #7 top 24)
-- silence of the lambs trailer (#10 hot sift, #8 top 24)

only 3 videos are on a different page than they would be, all with >10 votes in <10 hours, and thus all certain to be top of the 24 hour page before long (as older videos disappear)

plastiquemonkey (Member Profile)

Farhad2000 says...

You know IMHO I think the whole 'arts' label is crutching the LEMUR's possibility into breaking mainstream radio play

How about posting this into ARTS?, it's the premiere of all-robotic version of George Antheil's infamous Dada piece for 16 player pianos and percussion orchestra which is far more Art then the lovely obscure techno beats of the video I sifted! thankyouverymuchandhaveniceday!

*Runs off quickly*

Tim Ryan "We never called you unpatriotic"

choggie says...

look-the points he's making are as moot as mud after a storm-
c-span(window into the floor),raises hackles the same way driving in rush hour does, for a farmer who's used to waving at folks passing another driver
The obvious truths are not being addressed. Hell this poor sonofabitch has the best of intentions, but he's kicking a granite ballustrade. Finger in the dike legeslation has no balls whatsoever, and it's assholes like this that say they represent America, that give the power away, and teach the putties to follow lemur-like.

There is no short cut to justice.....unless one is willing to accept the work and responsibility to become marked by speaking truth.
This guy is describing the wound, asking for better bandages, and banter from the hecklers is alcohol and pharmaceutical-induced drool.....
the next step in the remedy for Iraq will also be tool-like...

Sub-Genius Cabal Commission-5 0 1 c.3 LSD

choggie says...

For Winterstar 2007, a crazy hippie SubGenius pagan sexcult philosophical retreat at an Ohio ski resort, I was asked to prepare a ... all » "psychedelic light show" for the "Space Jam Cabin." This is Part One of the hour's worth of visuals, which are geared toward the LSD addict. In this section the music is by me but the video (from the DVD version) is meant to be projected behind any old jam band. (F. LeMur did the opening musical salute.) «
--above per original poster

feb 2 07'-
Stately, plump Buck Mulligan came from the stairhead, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed. A yellow dressinggown, ungirdled, was sustained gently behind him by the mild morning air. He held the bowl aloft and intoned: -

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