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Gay kid beat down. Consequences to attacker? Virtually nil.

hpqp says...

A tad oversimplified imo. Here in Switzerland we gobble just as much Hollywood as Americans do, but when stuff like that happens in school a) the teachers are on the kids back in a matter of seconds b) the kid goes to court (if found guilty: criminal record and fines to pay, not jail time).

I think the first part of your response is closer to the point: it's a culture of tolerating homophobia (and other forms of hate/violence towards the Other) as "freedom of speech/religion". At least that's how it seems seen from this side of the pond.

>> ^rougy:

It's our culture. It's Hollywood. A peaceful rectification doesn't sell tickets.

Occupy Wall Street vs. Tea Party

NetRunner says...

>> ^shagen454:

Never forget the way America works. Tea Party protests were covered all over the media, the media never spoke of their tinges with racism and homophobia among many other things including being a sell out corporatist movement. They glorified those FOX fried fanatics.
They ignored the OWS movement from day one because they are not interested in investing in this movement because this movement is a direct threat to them. They made them look like idiotic, homeless, hippy bums. Shame on you.

To amplify this point, Nate Silver did some statistical analysis on this very topic, and found that the data backs up what you're saying.

Basically the OWS people only started getting headlines when they got pepper sprayed and arrested.

Occupy Wall Street vs. Tea Party

shagen454 says...

Never forget the way America works. Tea Party protests were covered all over the media, the media never spoke of their tinges with racism and homophobia among many other things including being a sell out corporatist movement. They glorified those FOX fried fanatics.

They ignored the OWS movement from day one because they are not interested in investing in this movement because this movement is a direct threat to them. They made them look like idiotic, homeless, hippy bums. Shame on you.

Remember, whether or not September II was an inside job, THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS protested, in some places hundreds of thousands came out to protest the War in Iraq and were not covered by the mainstream media for months. If it was reported they made it seem like it was just a bunch of anarchists smashing windows.

Theyve thrashed everything but these days, unlike back a decade ago, they have continued to lose their grip on the publics mass media feeding tube. WATCH THE FUCK OUT CORPORATE AMERICA.

I like me some peaceful protests Ghandi style. But I hope someone is getting those molotov cocktails ready.

The Worst Advice Dan Savage Has Ever Given

DADT is history, guys. Veterans speak

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^lantern53:

Does this make our military stronger?

Not only are you obviously wrong but you're asking the wrong question. You should be asking, "Does this make our military weaker?"

The answer is the same, of course, and since there's no harm in allowing gays to serve their country, there's no reason to outlaw it except plain old bigotry and homophobia.

It Doesn't Get Better (Christian Anti-Gay Counter-ad)

jmzero says...

Here's my theory on why it so often turns out that homophobes are often themselves gay:

If you, as a man, desire other men to some degree, you might imagine that this is how every guy feels - that it's a "temptation common to man" to be resisted. You might see yourself slipping into more thoughts about men... or something.

For someone who's not gay (like me... I'm not bragging or something, I'm just, uh, not gay) the outlook is different: those gay guys like men, thus they are clearly different than me. I don't understand being attracted to a man. I can't imagine willing myself into liking men instead of women - so I would never think a gay guy could will himself into liking women instead of men. Could I imagine pretending to be gay, and living like that? Yes.. but it's really horrible: I'd be missing some of the great things in life (or, worse, having some really traumatic experiences) and lying to everyone all the time. How could I ask a gay guy to pretend to be straight?

To summarize, I think this natural empathy tempers homophobia in straight men. In closeted gays, the demand for empathy works the other way - like, "if I have to deny myself this, why can't you?" and thus you get a lot of vociferously anti-gay gays.

VoodooV (Member Profile)

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

Kofi (Member Profile)

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

hpqp (Member Profile)

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

O'Donnell called out on her homophobia, bails interview

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