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Guitar Hero - World Tour Drum Kit - Geek

Nebosuke says...

>> ^detheter:
Drum hero. Lame, he could learn actual drums, but instead prefers to follow the guitar parts on his plastic toy pads, just like all the little boys that like to jump around and play with their little plastic toy make belief "guitars".

I'm sure he is a decent "real" drummer already. Thus why he made this pad instead of playing on the plastic guitars. Title needs to be changed.

Guitar Hero - World Tour Drum Kit - Geek

Sketch says...

Not to nitpick, but (I will) this is Guitar Hero 3, not World Tour, which would have it's own drum set. This is replacing the guitar with a drum kit, and the user kicking ass at it. Very impressive.

Christian Rock Guitar Hero Clone: Guitar Praise

SDGundamX says...

>> ^omnistegan:
Certainly a terrible game, by game quality standards, but I don't really think it's a terrible idea. I grew up on all that music, and I knew pretty much every song/artist they mentioned. Though I'm an Atheist now, I would argue to the death that Skillet, and other Christian Rock bands, make great music.
To be entirely honest, if the game quality was up to that of GH or Rock Band, I would want this game.

Just to clarify, the * terrible was for the use of boobies to try to sell a supposedly family friendly product, the atrocious production values of the game, and the almost hilarious way the announcer explains the concept of the game as if no one has ever heard of Guitar Hero or Rock Band before.

Guitar Hero - World Tour Drum Kit - Geek

omnistegan says...

Thanks for the link. Pretty awesome if you ask me. I know there is at least one guitar company that includes a MIDI output. So potentially you could play guitar hero with a real guitar..... damn, I really don't need another project.

Gogol Bordello - Wonderlust King

Heidi Klum - Guitar Hero World Tour Ad.. Risky business

13655 says...

Hah, this turned out better than I expected Still if playing Guitar Hero that way, Ritalin would probably be good for you, or valium, or xanax...Elephant tranquilizer maybe?

Heidi Klum - Guitar Hero World Tour Ad.. Risky business

11-Year-Old Plays Theme From Pirates Movie

11-Year-Old Plays Theme From Pirates Movie

11-Year-Old Plays Theme From Pirates Movie

11-Year-Old Plays Theme From Pirates Movie

South Park Guitar Hero

Rock Out With Tampons! Paint The Town Red

Lego Guitar Hero

Lego Guitar Hero

diction says...

>> ^dannym3141:
Yet this got 10 votes first... perhaps this proves "it's not what you know, it's who you know", on videosift?
Oh yes, i went there.

I haven't been here for a long time, but I must say, if I had good friends on the sift, people I know to post good stuff, I would check their queues first.

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