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Starbucks meetup ends with handcuffs for 2 patrons

CrushBug says...

Can you cite your sources, please? I have not heard this information. What I had heard matches some of what you said.

The information I read on several news sites (CNN, WaPo, and I forget the thrid) all said similar things to what you said, except that the 2 were waiting for a friend to arrive, who happened to arrive just as they were being led out.

They were not customers, yet. Why buy anything before your friend arrives, if he is buying the drinks?

I am white and I have never once been hassled at a Starbucks for showing up and hanging out with my laptop, going to the bathroom, or doing anything for any amount of time.

I don't think we can ignore that they were black, and it sounds like they were getting grief pretty early on in their stay.

newtboy said:

Actual information is coming out now.

They were not customers.
They were asked politely to make a purchase or leave.
They refused to leave and tried to use the customers only rest room after being told they could not without making a purchase, then sat down in defiance of the manager, taking a table in the busy business and disturbing the staff.

This had nothing to do with race and everything to do with false entitlement and eventually trespassing. It's a private business, not a public lounge. Don't leave when asked, get free bracelets.

The Fast and The Furious...Not

Elders React to Lady Beard and Lady Baby's "Nippon Manju"

Janus says...

Unrelated to the contents of this video, but does this Youtube channel have even a single video thumbnail where the people don't have their mouths hanging open in apparent surprise/shock/whatever?

I guess it works to get more views, so I certainly can't blame them, but good grief.

The Dolly Zoom: More Than A Cheap Trick

dannym3141 says...

This is not necessarily on topic, but good grief i never realised pictures of someone's face could look so different. The bit at 1:37 with the woman's face was a revelation! I didn't know that happened, and it kind of explains some pictures i've accidentally taken with forward facing cameras (and been horrified by). I always thought i must have good/bad days and look terrible sometimes, but that explains a lot.

In Thailand i had a picture taken on a tree-platform-zipline 80 feet in the air, sweaty, red, disheveled and sleepless... and it's the best picture i've ever seen of me, and my skin looked uniform and nice, not red and damp as it did in a mirror there. Sorry for off-topic, but how the feck does that work? It wasn't airbrushed or anything, they had very little time for processing. I feel like 50% of my mystery has been answered in that one moment of the video!

Comedian Russell Howard's story about a fan with cancer

SFOGuy says...


Had family members with cancer and laughing with them was a huge part of dealing with the overwhelming sense of loss and grief. Thanks for this.

If "Real People" Commercials Were Real Life

Vexus says...

I live in Pittsburgh, we have an equally annoying accent "Yinz goin dahntahn to get a chipped ham sammich?" but beyond that I lived in Worchester, MA (basically about an hour outside of Boston, effectively a suburb even though it was it's own city) for almost a year. I can spot the Boston accent like nobodies business. In my group of friends when I lived in Worchester (pronounced Wors-ter by locals) there was one guy with a thick Boston accent, he used to get so much grief from my other friends. We tease in Pittsburgh anyone with a thick Pittsburgh accent though as well.

MilkmanDan said:

Who knew that the Boston accent / attitude would be such an effective antidote to douchery?

...Maybe it makes more sense if I change the "antidote" metaphor to "vaccine"; fighting douchery with a more controlled strain of douchery.

(all in good fun, my New England brothas )

enoch (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

You did good on that joke and on its explanation. I got it just fine without the commentary though.

I left your whole commentary here, because I make it a practice to delete all comments from my wall. Your essay needs to be saved for posterity.

So here is a quirk of Videosift.

If you are ignoring someone, and they make a comment on one of your videos, you will never get another email saying that comments have been made.

I had no idea of the implosion on that comment stream. Dear god in heaven.

What is really sad is I only wanted a temp ban. I honestly didn't know of @gorillaman's propensities. I am all for second, third and fourth chances -- even though some people have left the Sift in the past because the worst abusers were allowed back. I understood their pain, but I'm still all for more chances. If you love something enough, maybe you will change your behavior. I certainly don't change immediately. I will accord others the opportunity to learn over time.

So no edit help, huh? I think I'll use this:

As "Homeland Security" says, if you see something, SAY something. (Because here is the truth: As Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel wrote, "Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.")

Much cleaner. Don't need the snark bit. Quote marks. Gotta love 'em. (Quote marks, not parentheses, to denote snark. I'm getting old.)

I didn't address your tendency to tread lightly with me in my first response. I figured it was made up of three things:

1. My early days on the Sift, I had really thin skin. I was easily hurt and upset. One of the biggest gifts to me in my life was learning on the Sift to be clearer and stronger in my communications. And to walk away from the abusers. And to use the ignore button. I figured that my early reactions were in your brain pan still.

2. That tone of voice thing. It is real. What is a simple, clear declarative sentence in my head can be read as a whine-fest by others.

3. I think it is great that you write carefully when you write to me. Keep it up! It's called caring about the person you are talking to. I have zero problem with that. In fact, I see it as a Great Good. (Because if you aren't, and I lay my own internal tone of voice onto your words in a way that doesn't match the words in your head, you will be hearing from me. And I am just as verbose as you, my friend! A punishment worse than death!)

And yes. We are people who hang in there. It is a blessing and a curse.
Well, only a curse to those who roll their eyes and snort "good grief, just shut up!" I'm cool with it.

Thanks for hanging in with me. And I am truly sorry about gorillaman. He did it to himself, though. He did have other choices.

In solidarity, I say to you -- Fuck Homeland Security and ginned up xenophobia and racism.

(A poet? Do you write epic odes? Surely not haikus!)

enoch said:

haha,this right here made me laugh out loud!
have you SEEN my commentary?
for a self-professed poet,i have an absolute horrid economy of words.

knowing me,your tiny,wee project would become a book that would make dostoevsky cringe.

shame watching gorilla decide to go all human torch on us,but that was his choice and had nothing to do with our interactions.

i did try to make a case for him though......./flushing sound.

you need to know something BB,and i mean this sincerely,i was being honest that i tread lightly when i feel compelled to engage with you,and nothing that you have really done outright to make me feel this way.i proceed from my base assumptions on who you are,and those assumptions are is more my style that i think i over-consider when engaging with you.i tend to be blunt,and speak in a bombastic and even aggressive manner,and i think i fear either offending you or hurting your feelings.which is NEVER my intent.i am sure there are many on the sift who may feel the same way when engaging me.

but here is what i love about you.
you never give up.
you will hang with anyone to work a disagreement out,or conflict,as long as they are being respectful and not being an outright will hang in there as long as it takes until there is some form of mutual understanding.

i really respect that.
possibly because i am the exact same way.
my commentary can be very long winded,mainly due to my very strong desire to be understood.

as for your "see something,say something"
yep..that flew right over my head,and i feel silly now because in retrospect that was pretty damn good BB!

but i hold to a general rule when throwing out dry and snarky humor.
do not hold back,the further you go into offensively absurd territory..the better.
and never..ever..feel the necessity to explain the joke.
that is like a magician showing you how he did the trick.

years ago i was dating a wonderful young woman whose family was having a BBQ.her father was a retired NYC detective,grizzled and hardened from years on the streets and stood a whopping and imposing 6'6",and this was to be my first time meeting this legendary figure of a man.

to say i was feeling a tad intimidated is putting it sweat was sweating.

so there i am at her parents house,sitting out on the patio pretending to be relaxed and chill,while my insides were finding new ways to tie themselves into knots.a shadow creeps over the patio table and a low rumbling voice asks me..
"you want a beer?"
"no sir,i just do heroin"
tick tock..
and then this almost ground shaking rumble breaks the silence..
"heh heh..i think i like you are alright.don't have any heroin,will pepsi do?".

that happened 30 years ago,and while i only dated his daughter for less than a year,he and i remained close friends till the day he died in 2004.

snark/dry humor is the art of the mic drop.

it can go bad,real bad but that usually only happens when you try to temper the joke,reel it back in order to not offend,and in doing so,you take a well meaning joke and make it if your gonna do it..go for not hold back.

if i had told mr kepic (that was his name,that and SIR) that i only smoked weed,instead of using heroin as an example.i may have gotten kicked out of his house and told to never see his daughter again,because weed would be an actual possibility,while heroin was so over the top that it was implausible.

hmm..think that was the first time i ever broke down one of my jokes.
how did i do?

Sheriff Arpaio Concludes Obama Birth Certificate is a Forger

Coulter predicts Trump's rise to much laughter

President Obama Answers a Question About Gun Laws

SFOGuy says...

And twice as poignant. That guy was on watch lists X2, right? then taken off? and he walked in legally and bought a Sig Sauer...
Good grief.

SaNdMaN said:

It's important to note that this was taped a couple of weeks BEFORE the Orlando shooting.

Samantha Bee on Orlando - Again? Again.

kir_mokum says...

none of what you said makes any point showing why gun control shouldn't be discussed or implemented. and i specifically didn't say "a collection of gun laws/regulations". i said "a collection of laws/regulations/policies". there is a plethora of policies or lack thereof that are talked about often to deflect from the gun debate after [yet another] mass shooting but it's always lip service. the main deflection de jour is "mental health" but very little if anything is done about that. and the problem stems from way beyond guns and mental health. minimum wage laws, health care, education, income disparity/poverty, mental health care, gun laws, etc. all play big roles in an event like this. guns are obviously the first issue that needs to be looked at but because of the second amendment, there is never a real conversation about it. it's just shut down. all without even validating the justification for the second amendment to begin with. it's just presumed to be an axiom.

but even accepting that it is, move on to the next issue and it's the same thing: obstruction of any conversation or modernization. "oh we can't do that 'cause it costs money". well, all the data shows not doing it (investing in education, health care, poverty, etc) is many times more expensive than investing in it. across the board.

so now your whole country just sits there feeling bad for itself, wallowing in how fucked your social structures are, and passing the buck from one issue to the next until the news cycle forgets about one specific event effected by all these things and moves on to the next event effected by all these things but is aesthetically different and the whole process starts over again. meanwhile complaining about ineffective your political system is yet consistently voting in low numbers for the entrenched or the psychotic. certainly never for the thoughtful or nuanced. [i'm being hyperbolic here, but your politicians and voting record as a poplulation are fucking terrifying if not useless]

point being: watching this happen time and time and time again: the tragedy, the grief, the looking for answers, refusing to see the answers that are plain as day from the outside, pointing to the closest issue you aren't directly effected by, and finally forgetting the whole thing and/or accepting it as normal is really, truly sad and tragic.

Mordhaus said:

It doesn't work like that. What you end up with is something akin to Australia's gun laws, which 'technically' still allow certain people to own guns, realistically most won't or can't

You can own some muzzleloading weapons without restrictions, although percussion cap pistols are restricted. In addition to these minor rules, all guns must be secured in a safe or other similar location, all must be fully registered so that the government knows the location of every single weapon/owner, and you can't sell them to another person, only to a dealer or the law to be destroyed.

After a few years of de-fanging and getting the citizens used to not having weapons, the Australian government and law enforcement routinely quietly hold gun buybacks to persuade more people to give up their weapons. They also do amnesty turn ins now and then.

So, that is the AMAZING suite of laws Australia put in place to stop mass shootings. Forgive me if, when combined, those type of laws would basically neuter the 2nd amendment. We've already neutered the 1st with 'hate speech' and the ability to sue over getting your feelings hurt. The 4th has been steadily under attack, because GOOD citizens shouldn't mind if the government rummages through everything you own or do. We haven't messed with the 5th amendment too much, so we could look at that next, maybe allow torture of everyone for confessions.

I'm getting tired of listing points, so let me just say this. I am incredibly sorry that people died, they shouldn't have and it is an utter shame. However, we are already fighting on a daily basis to keep a facsimile of the rights that were fought for when we built this country. Watering them down further only helps our government tighten the bonds of enslavement upon us. I can't agree with that.

Why You Literally Can't Overcook Mushrooms

brycewi19 (Member Profile)

John Oliver: Primaries and Caucuses

bareboards2 says...


What gave the impression that you think Hillary should drop out is because you are calling for a "debate" at the convention EVEN IF she has it locked up. Why would she do that?

IF IF IF IF she has it locked up, I really want Sanders to use the political muscle he has accumulated to help shape the Dem platform. That is what he says he wants to do, and that is what I hope he does.

Get federal minimum wage increase as a plank in the platform (and good grief, tie it to consumer price index so we can stop having to beg for it every 20 years or so.)

This won't happen, but I would LOVE a tiny tax on all investment transactions. I don't need to have it tied to education, but it wouldn't bother me if it was. If we had that tiny tax, it would stop some of the horrendous volatility in the market as this folks chase fractions of a point going up and down. It's stupid what they do with computers and has nothing to do with capitalism and everything to do with chasing a buck in a virtual market (nothing being created except hard-ons -- tax those hard-ons, baby. Tax 'em.)

What other planks would you like to see in the Dem platform? Those are two that come to mind.

Seth Rogen Teaches How to Roll a Joint

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