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Obama's Biological Father Speaks About His Union Activism

longde says...

What does this have to do with Obama's father? This man is not Obama's father, and he never mentions Obama's father. The Youtube description states that this man knew Obama's maternal grandfather.

Hippo Attack in Okavango Delta

Jinx says...

>> ^Yogi:

>> ^Dread:
One of (if not the top) killers of people in Africa. Incredibly territorial, they have been known to wipe out entire boats of tourists.
I once found myself starring into the jaws of one from the bow of a little aluminum fishing boat... I don't even recall my father yelling (or my grandfather laughing, he was crazy though) I was so scared.

Yeah it's the top killer in Africa of Humans...besides mosquitoes but nothing compares to those.
I don't know why they're soo scared, it's just death...accept it.

I thought Buffalo were the most dangerous. Natives call them "Black Death". But yeah. Hippos are scary. They can actually run faster than a human, they weigh more than a couple of small cars and their skin is 2 inches thick. Oh, and they can snap bones like twigs with their jaws.

Hippo Attack in Okavango Delta

Yogi says...

>> ^Dread:

One of (if not the top) killers of people in Africa. Incredibly territorial, they have been known to wipe out entire boats of tourists.
I once found myself starring into the jaws of one from the bow of a little aluminum fishing boat... I don't even recall my father yelling (or my grandfather laughing, he was crazy though) I was so scared.

Yeah it's the top killer in Africa of Humans...besides mosquitoes but nothing compares to those.

I don't know why they're soo scared, it's just death...accept it.

Hippo Attack in Okavango Delta

Dread says...

One of (if not the top) killers of people in Africa. Incredibly territorial, they have been known to wipe out entire boats of tourists.

I once found myself starring into the jaws of one from the bow of a little aluminum fishing boat... I don't even recall my father yelling (or my grandfather laughing, he was crazy though) I was so scared.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

deathcow says...

>> ^therealblankman:

It might sound odd, but I'm very passionate about shaving. I have tried everything that comes on the market, Fusion, Mach3 or whatever and they all suck donkey balls next to my single blade, double edge safety-razor, badger brush and good shaving soap. For those men who shave, especially black guys, wet-shaving simply can not be beat.
I've worn out 2 bristle brushes in 25 years of shaving. When the last needed to be replaced I treated myself to a really nice Badger hair brush- it was about $50, and is totally worth it. I'm allowed to have nice things. A five dollar bristle brush works just as well, but doesn't feel nearly as nice, nor does it make as nice a lather.
For soap Proraso Ultra-Sensitive is my current favorite. It's pretty inexpensive- a ten dollar tub lasts almost a year, and it is nicely moisturizing. Doesn't have a pretty scent, but that's okay. Not that it doesn't smell nice- it does, just not all pretty-like. I also use the standard Proraso green- it's loaded with Menthol and Eucalyptus so is really cooling on the skin- in the summer on a hot day if you use that stuff and cool water it feels like you're shaving with ice. There are some expensive luxury soaps and creams available and they are absolutely fantastic- An ex once gave me a cake of Geo F. Trumpers Limes, and I cherished that stuff for years- used it only on special occasions. You can also buy the old-standard "Mug" brand shaving soap for about one or two dollars at most drug stores- it works pretty good as well but is a little drying to the face- I keep a bar around and take it camping and backpacking.
The handle I use is a classic vintage "Improved" Gillette 3-piece screw-together safety razor dating from the 1930s, which makes it nearly 80 years old! How's that for economical? New handles are also available at specialty stores and online. The Merkur brand handles are particularly nice- I have one of those even though I still prefer the vintage Gillette. The old Gillette is also gold plated which does nothing to make the shave better but it looks cool.
As for blades, about three or four years ago I bought 400 Derby brand safety blades on Ebay for $50! I use fewer than 2 blades/week which means I've got a lot left, more than a hundred. I've also given away many packages to friends who wanted to try wet-shaving and none of them have gone back to their old (new?) ways.
Two passes gives me a clean and super-close shave, no nicks, no ingrown hairs, no burning, no bumps. Skin feels fantastic and I do very well with the ladies. Speaking of the ladies, most every woman I've been with has been very curious about the whole thing- the morning ritual with the brush, the special soaps etc. Some have even asked if they could try- which can lead to a lot of fun! Think that'll ever come about with your cheap spray-can of nasty foam or gel?
Men-do yourself a favour and throw away those over-priced mediocre multi-blade set-ups and chemical-laden skin-drying cans of shitty foam and shave like a real man. This is one thing your grandfather had right.

This was the post of the month. I saw a giant flag raising up behind you Patton style as you belted out this reference quality post.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

gwiz665 says...

The man makes a convincing argument!>> ^therealblankman:

It might sound odd, but I'm very passionate about shaving. I have tried everything that comes on the market, Fusion, Mach3 or whatever and they all suck donkey balls next to my single blade, double edge safety-razor, badger brush and good shaving soap. For those men who shave, especially black guys, wet-shaving simply can not be beat.
I've worn out 2 bristle brushes in 25 years of shaving. When the last needed to be replaced I treated myself to a really nice Badger hair brush- it was about $50, and is totally worth it. I'm allowed to have nice things. A five dollar bristle brush works just as well, but doesn't feel nearly as nice, nor does it make as nice a lather.
For soap Proraso Ultra-Sensitive is my current favorite. It's pretty inexpensive- a ten dollar tub lasts almost a year, and it is nicely moisturizing. Doesn't have a pretty scent, but that's okay. Not that it doesn't smell nice- it does, just not all pretty-like. I also use the standard Proraso green- it's loaded with Menthol and Eucalyptus so is really cooling on the skin- in the summer on a hot day if you use that stuff and cool water it feels like you're shaving with ice. There are some expensive luxury soaps and creams available and they are absolutely fantastic- An ex once gave me a cake of Geo F. Trumpers Limes, and I cherished that stuff for years- used it only on special occasions. You can also buy the old-standard "Mug" brand shaving soap for about one or two dollars at most drug stores- it works pretty good as well but is a little drying to the face- I keep a bar around and take it camping and backpacking.
The handle I use is a classic vintage "Improved" Gillette 3-piece screw-together safety razor dating from the 1930s, which makes it nearly 80 years old! How's that for economical? New handles are also available at specialty stores and online. The Merkur brand handles are particularly nice- I have one of those even though I still prefer the vintage Gillette. The old Gillette is also gold plated which does nothing to make the shave better but it looks cool.
As for blades, about three or four years ago I bought 400 Derby brand safety blades on Ebay for $50! I use fewer than 2 blades/week which means I've got a lot left, more than a hundred. I've also given away many packages to friends who wanted to try wet-shaving and none of them have gone back to their old (new?) ways.
Two passes gives me a clean and super-close shave, no nicks, no ingrown hairs, no burning, no bumps. Skin feels fantastic and I do very well with the ladies. Speaking of the ladies, most every woman I've been with has been very curious about the whole thing- the morning ritual with the brush, the special soaps etc. Some have even asked if they could try- which can lead to a lot of fun! Think that'll ever come about with your cheap spray-can of nasty foam or gel?
Men-do yourself a favour and throw away those over-priced mediocre multi-blade set-ups and chemical-laden skin-drying cans of shitty foam and shave like a real man. This is one thing your grandfather had right.

This Commercial is F**king Great... Just Like Our Blades

therealblankman says...

It might sound odd, but I'm very passionate about shaving. I have tried everything that comes on the market, Fusion, Mach3 or whatever and they all suck donkey balls next to my single blade, double edge safety-razor, badger brush and good shaving soap. For those men who shave, especially black guys, wet-shaving simply can not be beat.

I've worn out 2 bristle brushes in 25 years of shaving. When the last needed to be replaced I treated myself to a really nice Badger hair brush- it was about $50, and is totally worth it. I'm allowed to have nice things. A five dollar bristle brush works just as well, but doesn't feel nearly as nice, nor does it make as nice a lather.

For soap Proraso Ultra-Sensitive is my current favorite. It's pretty inexpensive- a ten dollar tub lasts almost a year, and it is nicely moisturizing. Doesn't have a pretty scent, but that's okay. Not that it doesn't smell nice- it does, just not all pretty-like. I also use the standard Proraso green- it's loaded with Menthol and Eucalyptus so is really cooling on the skin- in the summer on a hot day if you use that stuff and cool water it feels like you're shaving with ice. There are some expensive luxury soaps and creams available and they are absolutely fantastic- An ex once gave me a cake of Geo F. Trumpers Limes, and I cherished that stuff for years- used it only on special occasions. You can also buy the old-standard "Mug" brand shaving soap for about one or two dollars at most drug stores- it works pretty good as well but is a little drying to the face- I keep a bar around and take it camping and backpacking.

The handle I use is a classic vintage "Improved" Gillette 3-piece screw-together safety razor dating from the 1930s, which makes it nearly 80 years old! How's that for economical? New handles are also available at specialty stores and online. The Merkur brand handles are particularly nice- I have one of those even though I still prefer the vintage Gillette. The old Gillette is also gold plated which does nothing to make the shave better but it looks cool.

As for blades, about three or four years ago I bought 400 Derby brand safety blades on Ebay for $50! I use fewer than 2 blades/week which means I've got a lot left, more than a hundred. I've also given away many packages to friends who wanted to try wet-shaving and none of them have gone back to their old (new?) ways.

Two passes gives me a clean and super-close shave, no nicks, no ingrown hairs, no burning, no bumps. Skin feels fantastic and I do very well with the ladies. Speaking of the ladies, most every woman I've been with has been very curious about the whole thing- the morning ritual with the brush, the special soaps etc. Some have even asked if they could try- which can lead to a lot of fun! Think that'll ever come about with your cheap spray-can of nasty foam or gel?

Men-do yourself a favour and throw away those over-priced mediocre multi-blade set-ups and chemical-laden skin-drying cans of shitty foam and shave like a real man. This is one thing your grandfather had right.

WTF Japan - Pu Li Ru La

SDGundamX says...

The story (roughly translated from

This is the mysterious country of Radish Land. In each village, guards watch over the Screws of Time, which keep time flowing smoothly. However, one day an evil person appeared who sought to capture time by stealing the Screws of Time. One by one he attacked the villages and stole the screws, stopping time in the villages he took them from. If unstopped, time will stop completely across the land! But Zak and Mel, using magic wands invented by their grandfather, embark on a quest to save Radish Land.

There are lots of a$$holes out there

Porksandwich says...

My dad told me a story about when he was young, a guy was laying in the street like he was hurt/dead.

And back then people were doing that, once people would get out to check on them someone else hiding in a bush or behind something would run out and steal the car.

When you turned around to look for the car, guy on the ground would either hop up and beat the hell out of you with something, or hop on a bike/motorcycle and be on their way before you'd notice.

My grandfather had one of those big boat cars with the huge and noisy motors. He floored it going at this guy and those cars would do 80+mph in second gear and burn rubber when shifting into third...guy in the street hopped up and started running shortly after he heard them speed up. He told my dad, his thinking was that if the guy didn't move when he heard it..he was probably dead or too hurt to save anyway. He was a WW2 vet and didn't take much shit from people.

In this video, it's probably OK since there's so many cars around and people to see what happens that they wouldn't be able to beat you to death right then and there. But on a back street, I would not stop my car in a place where I could be blocked in if I saw a kid or adult laying in the middle of the road especially if there were hiding places on the sides.

Gun Totin'- Facebook Parenting - Tough Love Or Ass?

longde says...

Thanks for the thought out response MMD. Actually, my father and grandfather owned guns and kept them in the house. They were former marine and army, and definitely believed in the 2nd amendment. My father even gave me a rifle for a birthday as a child and taught me basic safety and maintenance.

But I never saw them use their guns in an emotional outburst to make some argumentative point. They had too much discipline for behavior like that. The guy in the video is clearly very angry and emotional (from the timbre in his voice) before and while using the gun.

As far as the legality of him doing what he was doing. From my experience, cops can make up a charge if they really want to, and maybe they (and child services) would at least bother the guy enough to make sure he thinks twice before brandishing a gun in this manner and putting it on youtube.

Yeah people shoot at things all the time, but a laptop? I know how they are assembled, and there are several layers of components that make up the machine, including many brittle materials that can easily shatter. Not to mention toxic materials like solder, etc. I doubt this guy has been taking laptops down to the quarry for target practice regularly enough to know how they take a hollow point.>> ^MilkmanDan:

>> ^longde:
Thinking about it more, what really bothers me about this video is the gratuitous use of the gun. To display that level of intimidation and violence in his home is one thing, but to broadcast it to other youth in his community is reckless.
One unintentional lesson that kids will take from this is that it's acceptable to wave a gun around and shoot off a few rounds to vent your anger and resolve a problem.
If I were a parent in this community, I would be making a few calls to the authorities.
And I'm the guy who supported belt whipping guy. I think gun guy is way worse than belt beating guy.
(also, how did this genius know that there would be no flying shrapnel from the components in the laptop?)

I fully understand and appreciate your concerns here, but once again I'm on the other side of the fence. Maybe just because I grew up on a farm in a rural area where a very high percentage of households owned at least one firearm and most kids in those homes were taught how to responsibly use a gun.
A lot of people think that there isn't really any justification for owning a gun outside of being a soldier or policeman, and that therefore the only way to practice being responsible with a gun is to simply never own or fire one. I would disagree, but if that is the mindset I'm not going to be able to convince anyone otherwise.
Anyway, I don't see his use of the gun as displaying any "intimidation" or "violence", so I don't have any problem with his posting the video on his daughter's facebook and/or youtube or whatever. By shooting the laptop, he wasn't telling his daughter "straighten up or next time its YOU!" (intimidation), he was telling her that actions have consequences and since the laptop is his property he can do whatever he wants with it -- including destroying it rather than have her feel like she is entitled to it.
There are plenty of freely available videos on the internet (even here on the sift, say) where people use firearms in genuinely reckless and irresponsible ways orders of magnitude beyond this one. And that is before considering ubiquitous reckless or malevolent use of firearms in fictional media like movies, etc.
If you were a parent in his community, you would be welcome to call and complain to the authorities, but they would tell you that he definitely didn't do anything against the law. So you'd pretty much be wasting your breath.
About the risk of flying shrapnel, I think that he "knows" that there wouldn't be any (or at least that the risk is acceptably minute) because he has used firearms before. Part of learning to use a gun responsibly (at least, how I would define responsibly) is shooting at things and seeing what happens to them. You shoot a BB gun at cans or bottles set up on posts. You shoot a rifle or handgun at targets at a shooting range or in a rural area with nothing in front of you. You shoot a shotgun at an empty 2-liter bottle thrown up in the air, or at clay pigeons.
While doing those things, you notice that whatever you are shooting at generally doesn't explode like it does in the movies. If any fragments fly off (not likely), they won't have much mass, they won't be traveling very fast (vastly slower than the bullet), and they will most likely be traveling in the same general direction as the bullet -- not back towards you. Physics dictates that his shooting the laptop was relatively safe, even at close range like that.

Hitler Reacts to SOPA.

TYT - 22,000% rate of return on lobbying investment

Mikus_Aurelius says...

Second time I've heard about this study and it's nonsense. If I buy my grandfather an ice cream cone and he leaves me $100,000 in his will, did I just have a 10000000% gain on my ice cream cone? No because he was disposed to leave me that money anyway.

Even better? I spent $0 lobbying George Bush and he gave me a $300 tax cut. That's infinity % return!

Without a time machine, or at least a control group, there's no way to know how much of this tax break was due to lobbying, and how much was due to republican's just enjoying giving tax breaks for businesses.

TYT - Ron Paul Number One in Iowa Poll

dystopianfuturetoday says...

I don't get your second point. The regulation of big banks is failing because we aren't regulating them? Isn't that like saying the aspirin isn't curing my headache because I don't have any in my medicine cabinet? I hate to be the guy who has to rip this kindly old grandfather, but there are so many smart people who blindly buy into Ron Paul hype without understanding how damaging his economic policy would be to the economy and democracy itself. He has no realistic plan for creating jobs and wants to give more power and money to Wall Street. No thank you.

NicoleBee (Member Profile)

bareboards2 says...

I am free all day Wednesday and Friday.

7:30 is 5:30 for me -- so any day also works. I can take my laptop into my warm cozy bed and watch comfortably.

I am blessed with the ability to sleep anywhere, anytime, so waking up early is not a big deal.

This is exciting!

Wesley James is turning out to be one rather unattractive baby -- long, skinny, looks like a grumpy old man. Luckily, he looks exactly like his grandfather did at the same age. And granddad grew up to be normal looking.

But I really liked your first rendition -- this isn't a portrait, it's an idea. If we tried to get long skinny actual Wesley James on his feet, he'd look like gollum. I don't think his parents would enjoy that.


In reply to this comment by NicoleBee:
Ok! I think I'm ready now : Sorry for the delay. I'm around weekdays after work 7:30am until latest noon (CST) Or I can try to get up early for the evenings if you prefer then. I can stream while drawing and you can tell me if/when I'm on the right track!

let me know what day(s) might be good for you!

Man has racist meltdown on French subway system...

Jinx says...

>> ^Boise_Lib:

>> ^Jinx:
>> ^kir_mokum:
i'm sorry but if you can't see the difference between racism coming from white people and racism coming from black or indigenous people then you need a lot more education. probably in the fields of history and psychology.

I don't really think there is a difference. I had nothing to do with black slaves or the exploitation of an indigenous population, and nor did my parents. Or their parents. Sins of our of great great grandfathers? This guy is no more justified in attacking the colour of my skin than a Klansman or a Nazi.

Still, this is a drunk throwing insults at strangers. Its not exactly a lynching by men in white capes. I'm not sure what QMs point here is. That we view racism differently coming from a Black guy than from a White guy? I think we all know and understand why that is.
Oh, and shame on the automatic downvotes.

I was ready to argue with you--then I read the second paragraph--then I read the late addition. You are assuming the downvotes are automatic; using what? You don't know why anyone downvoted (except me--see comment above).

I'd like to know what your argument against the first paragraph that my second then negated.

Automatic was the wrong word, it was not my intention to imply the downvotes were baseless, or purely based on that fact its QM. Influenced perhaps, but then thats as much his fault for making tactless (at best) video descriptions. Regardless, you needn't justify your prerogative to downvote to me.

I didn't upvote the video because I did not find it entertaining or illuminating in any way. The comments are somewhat more interesting and made me wonder if the video was quite so pointless afterall.

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