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Flula Borg's Take On American Sports

Slow Mo Beatboxing

alien_concept (Member Profile)

JustSaying (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Haha! I absolutely love Flula, if I get a dog I'm naming it after him. If Germans really are all like that, then I know where I wanna live!

I think he's exceptional for his obviously very decent grasp on the language, enough to know how to look like he's fucking it up naturally. Very clever

JustSaying said:

No no, he's just german. They're all like that, trust me.

Flula Borg - Game of Thrones: Toilet Edition

The Proof Is In The Pudding, Please Why?

Stingray (Member Profile)

Hilarious Interview With Sir Ben Kingsley

It's NOT Football Dammit!

Rock Paper Scissors, Your Logik Is Not Right

Rock Paper Scissors, Your Logik Is Not Right

Rock Paper Scissors, Your Logik Is Not Right

Who is Naming Daddy Long Legs?

Who is Naming Daddy Long Legs?

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