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Michio Kaku - Profile of a Physicist

10046 says...

I find him rather annouying, honestly. He speaks about the beginning formations of a type 1 civilization, when all it is the cultural effect of the American Empire. I bet there were people like him running the Roman Empire talking about how Latin is the World Language.

Hah, He then labels anyone who disagrees with him as Terrorists. PLEASE!

Also he quickly and effortlessly skims over the serious humanitarian problems of the EU, NAFTA, and other like globalization programs. Not to mention that the american economy is tanking and will probably take most of the world with it.

This guy has got his head soo far in the clouds that he doesn't see the details of the world going on below him. He's giving false hope to alot of blind people in rich countries.

When it comes to talking about the future, I'm just gunna stick with George Carlin. "The planet is fine; the people are fucked."

16 Year Old flatpicker Sierra Hull

Const. Patriot, jimnms, & dystopianfuture ALL hit Gold 100! (Sift Talk Post)

Amazing Airplane Crash - Prevented!

deathcow says...

I think I would have spent another 5 seconds evaluating the glidability of the plane and looked around for suitable landing site before popping my $xx,xxx parachute. What a sense of relief though that BRS chute provides. Just 1 minute earlier this guy is flying effortlessly through beautiful skies, and then we're looking at green grass through the unbroken windshield. I know I would have got out of that plane and jumped for joy at standing on that green grass. I have been in a couple "easily could have been fatal" accidents and the sense of relief afterwards, standing away from the vehicle and looking at it all, is summarized in those green blades of grass seen through that windshield.

IRAQ,a genocide that threatens to outstrip the horrors of Rwanda in the numbers killed and displaced (Blog Entry by eric3579)

smibbo says...

What I have come to believe from all my time spent alive so far;

information disseminated is a subtle power, not bright enough to notice immediately, not loud enough to detect effortlessly, not hard enough to feel intensely and not painful enough to spread rapidly. Slow and steady CAN win the race and wins it better in the end. Keep your head up and your eyes open and your speech clear.

8808 (Member Profile)

8808 says...

This is one of the most monumental studies that have been done to date. The impact of the information that is provided here is immense and to disregard it so effortlessly is saddening. It’s unfortunate that you’ve not taken the time to absorb the magnitude of the information that is provided within. What they are trying to tell you is that what you do may not effect you per ca but it could cause your children’s children to have major repercussions such as cancer and other melodies. This is a huge responsibility that is upon us all.



Pavarotti sings "Nessun Dorma," w/ James Levine on piano

Tiger hunting in India: Sometimes the Tiger Wins!

eric3579 says...

Kaziranga, Assam, June 09 : Delayed reports from the field and video replays of the attack by the tigress on the mahout Satya Pegu, tell a different story, where human lives were saved purely due to “quick thinking” by the female working elephant, Joymala.

For those who came in late, a large adult tigress, suspected to be the mother of the two cubs rescued from Tamuli Pathar village(adjoining Kaziranga) on May 16, severely mauled the mahout of an Assam forest department elephant, which was carrying rangers trying to dart her on the morning of May 19.

The 25-year-old mahout, Satya Pegu, who was badly lacerated, lost three fingers on his left hand, is in a hospital in Dibrugarh. Doctors are worried about the onset of gangrene and may have to amputate his left palm. The Wildlife Trust of India and its partner, the International Fund for Animal Welfare have offered to cover his medical expenses.

Reconstruction of events and a video taken by the divisional forest officer, R.K.Das, graphically show how Joymala pinned down the tigress with her foot as it was trying to get up and attack the officers who had fallen on the ground.

The reconstructed story goes a bit like this: the forest department received a message early on May 19th about a large tiger which had killed two cows near Tamuli Pathar village, which is close to the boundary of the Kaziranga National Park (KNP) in the north-eastern Assam state.

By 10 am a joint team of the Assam forest department including the director of the park, Mr N. K. Vasu, the local administration, police and the army, and the Wildlife Trust of India(WTI)-managed Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) was combing the area with five elephants trying to locate the animal.

“From the pugmarks, it looked like a very large female, which led us to suspect that this may be the mother of the two cubs that we had rescued and released on Monday,” Dr Bhaskar Choudhary, CWRC veterinarian, who was involved in darting the two sub-adult tigers on Sunday, said. The tigers were released late on Monday evening in the eastern part of the Agoratuli range near the Matiaranga guard hut.

“After looking around everywhere, we first spotted the tigress in a bamboo grove near the village. As it sensed our presence it moved into the backyard of a hut and then quickly walked into a nearby paddy field,” Dr Chaudhary said.

Range officer, Dharanidhar Bodo, Dr Chaudhary along with a guard were riding the elephant, Joymala, driven by Pegu. Bodo was carrying the darting gun. As the elephant moved towards the tigress, it did a mock charge. The guard fired two blanks to discourage her and she ran away into the next field, where the paddy was thick and hid there.

The team cautiously moved towards it and could get to almost 20 feet where she was growling away. Bodo could see her clearly and took a shot at it with the dart gun. The dart missed her and this enraged her so much that she charged and took a “flying” leap on to the elephant’s head. “I have not seen something as dramatic as this,” Vivek Menon, executive director WTI, who recently saw the footage, said. “I could never imagine that a tiger could so effortlessly leap from the ground on to an adult elephant’s head, which is at least 12 feet above the ground,” he said.

The footage showed that Pegu saw the tigress leaping and threw the metal ankush at it to defend himself. “The tigress saw the ankush coming, dodged it in mid-leap and took a swipe at Pegu without actually landing on the elephant, which had stepped back,” Menon said.

“It all happened in a few seconds and before we knew what both Bodo and the guard had fallen down,” Dr Choudhary narrated. What now happened was even more amazing. As the tigress landed on the ground Joymala quickly pinned her down with her left fore foot and tried to control it with its trunk. The tigress struggled under this weight for at least half a minute roaring, as other people in the vicinity shouted and fired shots in the air. In this commotion another attempt was made to dart it, but even this shot was off the mark. The tigress finally struggled loose and ran away.

“If it had not been for Joymala, both Bodo and the guard would have been badly injured or dead,” he said. Meanwhile, Joymala, which was trying to aggressively chase the tigress, was calmed by the CWRC veterinarian, who was holding on to the profusely bleeding mahout. “His fingers were hanging by few shreds of tissue and I tried to tourniquet the wounds,” he said.

The two sub-adult tigers had strayed out of the heavily wooded Agoratuli range of the KNP into the neighbouring Tamuli Pathar village close to the national highway. It was speculated that the mother could be nearby, but she could not be spotted.

KNP has one of the highest density of tigers among the protected areas in India , but are difficult to see due to the thick vegetation in this grassland dominated park.

The Centre for Wildlife Rehabilitation and Conservation (CWRC) is a joint venture of the Assam forest department and the Wildlife Trust of India, and is supported by its partner the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). This rescue and rehabilitation facility for animals of the region is a first of its kind facility in India has handled over 300 animals in the last two years including mega-herbivores like elephants, rhinos and wild buffaloes. These were the first tigers brought to the facility in two years of its existence.

Complete Video -

Chico Marx: Go West

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'delight, effortless, marx brothers, harpo, western' to 'delight, effortless, marx brothers, harpo, western, 1940, 40s' - edited by swampgirl

Religious discussion on The Sunday Edition (ITV1)

imstellar28 says...

Wow Dawkins is a genius, he just proved that the Bible provides no moral code to society. Its not explicit, but as Dawkins mentions the very act of "cherry-picking" that people do with the bible--that is they choose to believe in the "good" parts and ignore the "bad" parts is a moral code in itself independent of the bible.

Most proponents of religion when backed into a corner always respond maybe God doesn't exist but at least religion provides instruction for people on how to live good lives, but Dawkins has effortlessly proved this false!

For those interested in Dawkins or religion/evolution read "The Blind Watchmaker" its a brilliant book that I guarantee will open your eyes at least a couple times per chapter.

Making a cat from glass - Incredible

Halon50 says...

It's amazing how easily an artisan can form the image of a cat out of a shapeless blob of material, especially that quickly and effortlessly! It wouldn't surprise me if the man was at least a Journeyman in his craft.

Roger Federer Takes The P*ss

Guitar Masters - Andrés Segovia plays "Asturias"

Deano says...

Superb. Really this is why I can watch clips through Videosift all night and never turn on my tv. In fact I rarely watch tv these days - I really don't need to see celeb reality shows and dumbed down news programming.

Back to Mr Segovia, he makes that look so effortless, it makes me frustrated how I can't even change between simple chords. Maybe I should start learning again...

Nat King Cole - The Christmas Song

LadyBug says...

he sings(sang) so effortlessly ... too bad he thought that he had to smoke to have that voice.

'Cole was a heavy smoker, smoking up to three packs a day. He believed smoking kept his voice low. (He would, in fact, smoke several cigarettes in quick succession before a recording for this very purpose.) He died of lung cancer on February 15, 1965.'

Jesus Camp : Kids Worshipping to a George Bush Picture

pass.the.grog. says...

To jump in on the conversation...

I think this goes beyond indoctrination. Sure, some of these kids will grow up, spark up their first jay, and realize that the world isn't quite so serious, but many of them won't. I make it a hobby of mine to converse with evangelical types wherever I run across them and try out logic on them. It generally doesn't work regardless of age. And this is all even more frightening if you watch the rest of the interview with the camp leader on the movie's website - - basically, the woman is training Christian suicide bombers. (a slight exageration... but only slight)

Along the lines of daphne's computer comment... Think of brain cells as being able to connect a limited amount of synapses with each other. With repetition, these connections become more and more effortless to the point where it is habitual. As these are more and more embedded in the brain, it becomes harder to form new synapses and break old ones without some sort of event triggering the release of the old ones. My point being, they hard wire the brain to accept only certain synapses while rejecting others. I'm sure memes fit in here somewhere...

or maybe its too late and im rambling at this point. but it's the internet, and im anonymous. so i don't mind.

long story short - this looks like a great movie. Also check out Hell House if this topic (christian fundie indoctrination) fascinates you.

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