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T-shirt Design from Pyrex (Sift Talk Post)

Santana-Live@Woodstock-"Soul Sacrifice"

Best One-Liners Ever

BlueCode says...

not exactly my choice of quotes.. too many arnolds... and his famous one isn't there too boot.
Here's a list of the quotes from which movies.. i don't recognize some of the scenes tho, indicated with a ???
1. Rocky 4?
2. Kindergarden Cop
3. Snakes on a Plane
4. Jerry Maguire
5. Karate Kid
6. Billy Madison (Adam Sandler)
7. Pulp Fiction
8. Wedding crashers (Mom the meatloaf)
9. Kindergarden Cop
10 Top Gun
11 The Departed
12 Dazed and Confused
13 ???? (B&W Scene)
14 Snakes on a Plane
15 Happy Gilmore
16 Hook
17 ???
18 Happy Gilmore
19 Jerry Maguire
20 A Time to Kill (Samuel L. Jackson)
21 Might Ducks
22 Night at the Roxbury ???
23 Matrix
24 Pulp Fiction
25 ???
26 Jingle All the Way ??
27 ???
28 Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
29 Hook
30 Waterboy
31 Rocky 4
32 Karate Kid
33 Snakes on a Plane
34 TMNT II (Vanila Ice)
35 Judge Dredd
36 Deep Blue Sea
37 Rocky

Principles of economics, translated

Farhad2000 says...

Okay I wrote it once, then edited, then deleted and rewrote it. I wanted to add something else but when I came back it said JoeDirt posted. I fell in into a M.C. Esher daze but soon recovered...

I want to clarify further and add something to what Theo47 said, Economics is a science, it's the science and study of finite resources in a world of infinite wants. I think you forget that both science and faith have been corrupted countless times to carry out political agendas. I mean the entire theory of German nazi superiority was professed by using scientific methods to measure skulls and such to prove racial inferiority. Is science thus inherently evil? One can take that stance by saying it lead to atomic weapons and such... but we know to look beyond that for science is the pursuit of truth and doesn't carry an idealogical stance.

Economics doesn't carry a capitalistic agenda like you seem to think, it is the methodology to study finite resource allocation. Capitalism, socialism, all these ways of looking at the markets factor in. Just because Milton Friedman professes one stance and you happened to have read him doesn't meant he stands for the entirety of the economic field. Social good, external costs to enviroment all feature in economics. It's not the fault of this academic field of study for the corporate stance that profits should be pursued at all costs to the enviroment and it's own consumer base, when any long term assessment would show that unnatural profits are a impossibility in reality. But people are greedy.

Sigh, another guy to knock out.

bamdrew says...

Woo! He takes four big hits to a completely unguarded head. Third big hit is really rough; after knocking him down with a big right, tattooed dude is able to, with a push from his left hand, set up the big dude's head for another big right-hand punch that clobbers him, then follows with the big left that pushes the dazed big-guy off his feet and prone for more brain-massaging.

Very fast and very impressive brawl fight. Turns around the kids momentum with three big rights and toppling left. Thanks for sharing!

mork and mindy season 1 bloopers the first bleam

Mallrats: The Trailer

Farhad2000 says...

Honestly I didn't even see it in the queue mate, you know how fast everything moves. And don't get fresh with me mate, I saved your videos so many times. So don't be dazed when I catch you by your J's, chump, best to act like Forest Gump, best to run!

Accused-of-gay-affair Pastor Ted gay bashes in "Jesus Camp"

choggie says...

....cause maybe I don't perceive the human drama in the same way you do???..and to go with ones' gut??, with the mores of societies' throughout history, with the extant rants and bullseyes of doctors,,,,etc ad infinitum??...hey, i slight no-one for their indulgences and desires, however induced, genetically assited, or otherwise, I simply tire of their bullshit tactics to gain a queer, be straight, but don't whine, when the group shuts you out- or like in the old daze, i.e. tribal and ag societies, they set you apart to insure you will survive as a shaman or abberation, but always to be another class because, you can't insure the survival of the race.....hey, heteros will always be the shit, otherwise we don't go on....together--

uhhhh, lke I said, I study folks, and know many types, and their particular orientations....the world is a lab, and we all draw our own results, and conclusions....which for me makes it quite easy to discuss this same topic with a tolerant, understanding, self-actualized faggot...., er uh excuse me, homosexual.


Get Smart:: Max & 99 fight groovy sounds of The Sacred Cows

choggie says...

By the Sacred Cows (Control) and the Painters & Dockers with additional lyrics by Chris O'Connor. Who were the Sacred Cows? Rumoured to be a bunch of LA session musos (Jerry Scheff, Mike Deasey, Jimmy Gordon & Larry Knectel) for the recording session and LA band Beautiful Daze for the TV episode shooting.....
"KILL KILL KILL"-great title.....went with my schoolboy crush on Barbara Feldon!!

Seals vs. whales

therealblankman says...

That's freakin' hilarious!

The funny part is that the whales actually have been seen doing exactly this- playing toss with the seals that they catch. I saw some documentary about it years ago- not on teh intarweb. The whales ran up on the beach and caught seals, then flopped back into the water where they ate 'em up. When they had, apparently, eaten their fill they played toss with one seal for a couple of minutes and then- unbelievably- carried it back onto the beach and left it there- dazed but otherwise unharmed. crazy.

The bicycle crash to end all bicycle crashes.

The bicycle crash to end all bicycle crashes.

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