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Al Gore: New Thinking on the Climate Crisis

choggie says...

Maybe pass the torch to ol' Sunny

funny how global warming has "Climate Change" is the appropriate terminology(thank god we are closer to the truth)
the next reasonable iteration will replace humans having dick to do with these changes-cyclical please, naturally occurring, please-Humans, get out the way

Al Gores' a frikkin tool, may he begin to photosynthesize and provide the planet with much needed mulch and CO2

Waste to Fuel becomes Reality 2007 ?

dannym3141 says...

maybe the glass of wine i just had took me hard, but..

is it me, or was there absolutely no tangible content in that video whatsoever? i admit i watched it to half way and then turned it off, because my alcohol-heightened senses informed me that i had spent 4-5 minutes listening to a guy with a voiceover-voice tell me that "the liquid goes through the cyclic phlange and then into a reverse modulator psychotrope, after being distillerated by the heliocentric liquification fluid, it gets turned into a compound known as dodecahedrionic-superfragrant-biomassical-enhancetrope, which we can then use in the .........."

i didn't get anything from this video other than some dudes think they've come up with a way of turning landfill waste into fuel by the use of a machine

i'm going to assume that the machine needs fuel to run.. so i won't ask what sort of fuel it uses, because that's either going to be an embarassing shuffling of feet, or another dose of technojargon that doesn't actually say anything

someone please explain something of value that can be taken from this video? have we got a good source of energy from landfill sites? CAN IT BE SHOWN AND/OR PROVEN?

The World-Clock (Politics Talk Post)

Congress Releases Report on White House Science Manipulation (Science Talk Post)

choggie says...

yes, terrifiing...and the next administration will do similar things, to distract and empower themselves....again, finger-waggers, global warming is being used as a tool....the planet changes come from whatever you read and smooth over your minds like apple butter....why are the voices of dissent not allowed their day in the media, or even into the media event in Bali?....Gore's bullshit Nobel lubricant is quite the symbolic tool as well.....(

\Think about, (without degrees in any of the disciplines that you would need to verify the SO-CALLED, "experts" data rationally,which the loudest criers of GW DON'T HAVE) the facts....the simple facts-

The earth belches more CO2 than we ever will, and the sun and the dance shared with earth is never spoken here lay the real answers to the cyclical dynamics of our planet AND for whatever reasons, the GW camp is using to give us a mixture of true false and meaningless information-lapped up by minds addicted to so-called facts.

fuck left and right, the world's empire builders play all sides against the middle-You want to stop human CO2 emmissions? What you really need to stop, is the economic systems of exchange and commerce, that make it happen. Stop using petroleum-stop paying into inefficient systems-get rid of $$$ and then be ever vigilant for future vampires......

the world is moving rapidly towards way worse than global cooling, warming, or is becoming filled with the distracted, the manipulated and the developmentally disabled....glad you found a kindred spirit for yer blog, mate.....the world needs fewer who think themselves into ineffectual knots, not another goddamned pep-rally

How it all ends

choggie says...

How about, Take action (band-aid on the sucking chest-wound of cyclical planetary dynamics)
Not taking action (full disclosure of all agendas that stand to benefit monetarily from abusing the minds of the concerned)
The planet is changing and the powerful manipulators who rely on the construct of the global economy that they use against those who are slaves to it, don't give two bits about what monkeys do about it unless it involves spending the cash they have created on it. Cripple the elite, by denying your addictions to their construct, and watch how fast the cockroaches scurry.

The real kicker is, alternatives to oil used for anything but a lubricant, have been here for some time, kept under lock and key by our puppet, clean, non-wind and non-solar.

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

rougy says...

I'm really sorry to have to say this, but anybody who says that global warming doesn't exist, or that carbon emissions caused by mankind have nothing to do with it, simply hasn't bothered to educate themselves.

Yes, Earth has had cyclical cycles of warming and cooling in the past, for various reasons.

But the speed with which it is now warming, and the correlation between the start-point of that warming trend and the birth of mankind's industrial revolution is very hard to write off as coincidence.

Conservatives declaim global warming because, in short, conservatives don't give a shit about the environment.

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

bamdrew says...

There are cyclical changes in temperature in the Earth, certainly. One thing to keep in mind is that the ice core data that is arguably the most accurate and respected data showing these cyclical changes never shows changes as dramatic as those being recorded now (dramatic in terms of the number of years it takes for temperature changes to become the norm).

In other words, the most reasonable piece of evidence that the last 100 years of human achievement (deforestation, industrial ages of different countries, airplane traffic, etc.) is simply the fact that the climate change currently being recorded is unprecedented in its speed.

Its not really worthwhile debating whether climatologists, chemists, and atmospheric researchers are right on internet forums unless you broadly examine the published research... which isn't my job. Of course the scientific community can be wrong about something, but realize atleast that people have devoted their lifes-work to studying previous climate changes, the impact of different chemicals on atmospheric conditions, the chemical makeup of our atmospher, etc., and ... personally I'm often more inclined to believe an international group of scientists than an oilman-president.

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

thesnipe says...

So the tons and literal millions of metric tons of waste and greenhouse gas that has been spewed into the atmosphere since the industrial age has no effect on the way in which our climate is changing?

You're saying there is no way at all that this can be a contributing a factor to the warming of the earth OTHER than the cyclical climate change of the earth?

Amazing NASA satellite video of Artic Ice Melt

choggie says...

Snipe, and all, it is relatively simple. The ice is melting, temps are increasing, and the sea levels will rise. It is NOT, because of our burning of fossil fuels, it is a natural, cyclical, process....albeit, catastrophic for mankind, in this modern, interdependent, and large population/concentration paradigm.

What would happen, ask yourself, if they told the world the truth?
Chaos. From idiots running scared, in their mortality, and symbol-addicted state; as well as the power-holder's, policy-maker's, and resource-monger's, little empires, crumbling at break-neck speed.

The Great Global Warming Swindle - full version

Doc_M says...

I'm not a climatologist, but I am a scientist and I'm still on the fence. There's evidence either way. The problem is not the science. The problem is that people, even prominent scientists, are not allowed to argue against it without risk to their reputation and career. Like the video says, if you disagree with what global warming activists say, they ostracize you and accuse you of being an industry stooge. MANY climatologists still support the cyclical warming/cooling theory. One thing is certain though, the vast majority of people who study this don't agree with Al Gore and his 20foot rise in oceans. Even the UN thing only proposes a mild increase. And the thought that there is not debate in science anymore about it is not correct. There is most certainly debate.

That said, I still support the idea that we should improve our technology to lessen our effect on the planet in general. The fact is that we ARE working on these technologies already. We don't need to create a green religion to make it happen. Panicking about this sort of thing can be problematic. Take ethanol for example. Whoops. How much money has gone into promoting that goof?
On the up side, wind/river/tidal generators are on the rise and new brilliant ideas are coming out quickly.

The biggest thing people don't think about is which is true:
High CO2 --> High Temp.
High Temp. --> High CO2

This video displays that consideration very well. The ocean contains a profound amount of CO2. Heating water decreases the amount of gas you can dissolve in it. Warm an ocean and you get a CRAP TON of CO2 pumping out (orders of magnitude higher than human CO2 release).

good post.

11th Hour - Documentary Trailer

choggie says...

...."climate science" is an oxymoronic spin cycle, with regard to wobal glorming
I say, no one here yet, has posted anything with regard to "global warming" , that has anything to do with climate science.....simply Al gore and his squad's, nod....and allll the bought and paid for "Experts"....and their putties...just how do the pundit propose we halt this, "11th hour, and 59 mins???,(crap) stop all production would help......lesss bullshit, less government, and a planet rich with fertilizer......oh wait, stop the "cyclical earth-dance with reckless disregard for humans" program....ok....let's make some shit up.....

Fox Attacks: The Environment

choggie says...

Don't deny it smart-ass, if you can read, ( the addiction to sound bite politics, flavor-of-the week media manipulation, and pep-rally pop culture, an understandable diversion) you may notice above, it seems choggie embraces the globe's cyclical dance......and human contribution to the planet's less than admirable scars with regard to creature comforts-

Simply stated, ad infinitum, and once again, for the drunk with media types.....OUR CONTRIBUTIONS TO CEE OH TWO AND WEATHER CHANGES


This is not a personal attack on any one's delusion-it is an attack on the media, on agenda-oriented politics, cult of personality and fucking unconscious meat-bots, and their innablity to "Throw Away THeir TEEVEES"

(like a bunch a freekin crack whores)

-the underlying theme of most posts from this end reminds of a mischievous kid screaming fire in a crowded is alarmism-reminds of court TV, Heraldo Revolta, that cunt on Good Morning America, and WW2 propaganda......31 Flavors of Meh!

more pot is the prescription.....better get yer Doctor on that scrip..

Cars suck, public transport rules, it's obvious

choggie says...

(down vote for loaded, leading, leaning title)

MINK, that comparison is somewhat valid, there were a lot of folks, who depended upon their cheap labor-we in the U.S. have been groomed for the current dilemma of immigration, systematically, in premeditated genius strokes, by the shapers of this clusterfuck. How can we do without illegals, now that they are such a necessity for economy. Larger cities, L.A., Houston, whose city planning did not include an efficient model for expansion with relation to economy, are feeling the pain of continual retrofit and addition of roads to keep pace with influx-(illegals, being the biggest problem, with regard to congestion and crap cars)

We use cars, because the current paradigm of fossil fuel dependence, is forced upon us by those who would control the worlds economy-Free energy is like garlic to a vampire, to these assholes.....but they do want to control that as well.

Guess what??? It is already here, and has been here, for quite some has but to see how hard they crush the most innovative and visionary of the planet. The fellows that tinkered with a carburetor long enough, to get 100 miles to the gallon in their Chrysler Imperial....they disappear, or join the ranks of the insane, because of a patent buy-out, or their untimely demises. They did it to Nikola Tesla, his backer Charles Westinghouse, and the public, they laugh at the very idea, because it is not part of their programming to believe anything other than what the group says, what the spin, disinformation, and propaganda says, and because humans follow each other to the mob pep-rally, cause they are fearful, predictable meatbots-


NOT EVERYONE, IS AS....Privileged TO LIVE WHERE THEY CAN WALK, BUS, or bop-along in their own, idyllic, fantasy bus, to work their politically-correct, Starbucks job, in their fucking "Made by indigenous people, with earth-friendly materials." These same idiots, hold in their own farts, to cut down on their, guilt-ridden contributions to "Wobal Glorming"

Shall we go on, with the CARS SUCK type folks, who, if they had to grow from seed, their own food, eating sprouts and purifying water to drink until the first harvest was available, would most likely, walk into a government rescue camp, before putting shovel to earth, then finding out they don't have the proper university credentials to operate such a complicated device?? Yeah why don't we.

You have inspired this sifter, to shove the pathetic idea, that humans have a goddamn thing to do with the earth's warming up...(CYCLICAL, YOU FUCKING MORON FOLLOWER FUCKS)

....right up the asses, of all who will venture to remove their
own, swollen, heads prior.

One of the best ways to understand the world one is in, is actually be a part of it.......

California could drop off the map tomorrow, and we could all eat grits and bacon, since the Frosted flakes were too soggy, and salty....

Okay, that's enough Penn and Teller (Sift Talk Post)

firefly says...

It's all cyclic really; one time it's colbert/daily show, next it's simpsons/family guy, next it's mythbusters, now it's penn and teller. It'll pass, and something else will take its place, such is the nature of the 'sift...!

Spinal Tap Reunites to Fight Global Warming

choggie says...

was gonna ask the same Q, mlx....Rob's opener is perfect, for the sake of semantics and meaning..
"Many of have probably noticed that the polar ice caps are melting...when I coined the term, "Global Warming", this was the kind of worldwide devastation I was referring to."

Soon, most of the folks who think that human output into the atmosphere is a cause of the phenom, will be faced with the glorious truth, that the sun is the culprit, and his happy cyclical dance through the solar system......Sooner the better meatsacks, denial is a sickening dance we humans love to strike up the bandwagon for......

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