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Appeal for More Downvotes on the 'Sift (I must be crazy...) (Engineering Talk Post)

choggie says...

No, yer not crazy, yer sane!
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ As so inspired and afforded for chum out the back of the cruise ship from one doogle, (*quality), choggie declares, that from this point forward, he will down vote any post, by any user, from any, so-called, news organization, if in the tags and title, there lay any editorial, parody, satire, or leaning, that is intended to announce one's affiliation or or opinion of understood topic-Oh...and may I also include editorial suggesting one way or another on religion in tags or title, because you kids are all grown up now?!, eh??!!

and god help the dumbshitz!

all that to say, , business as usual, and them some , BoB help you all
♪ ♫ ♪ ♫

Very Powerful VBIED, Truck Explodes Near Camp Taji, Iraq

choggie says...

Fletch is right, the wording needs changing in the guidelines, and all are correct when they say this does not qualify as snuff. Is not seeing an IED, going off, enough to paint a picture of what happens when the same goes off, with soldiers near? Same with Danny pearl viddy, and Sadaam's hanging...the knife against the throat, and the noose round the neck, combined with the news of the results, are enough to illicit a healthy discourse, without taking it to the faces of death level.....

What if we had some scenes of a cruise ship sinking fast, a high-res feed coming from a satellite, in real-time? Could we justify having THAT up here, with good conscience?

Ocean liner in cyclone Valentina

Chaucer says...

When I was 11 or 12, I was on a cruise ship that got stuck in a tropical storm in the carribean. I dont remember much about the cruise other than this horrible storm (and a horrible sunburn I got on treasure island). I remember there was puke EVERYWHERE... in the hallways, the lobbies, everywhere.

Panama Canal Timelapse - Very Cool

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