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A San Bernardino officer attacked a man being held at knifepoint by his girlfriend, assuming the unarmed man must be the aggressor. The man defended himself, punching the cop, and taking her gun and firing... continue reading

posted by newtboy 1 year 5 months 3 weeks ago • 129 views • 10:48

3 Florida police stopped a man for walking while black, apparently a felony in Florida, entered his name incorrectly, then tased and beat him for supplying a false name (he gave his full correct name clearly... continue reading

posted by newtboy 1 year 7 months 2 weeks ago • 141 views • 14:57

Police in Franklington La tried to falsify accident reports to cover for a fellow officer that was drunk and had driven into oncoming lanes. The cops truck was found on the wrong side of the road surrounded... continue reading

posted by newtboy 1 year 7 months 2 weeks ago • 62 views • 4:49

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