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Dirty Little Secret - Universal Healthcare? Social Security?

reason says...

I remember hearing the same gloom and doom story 20 years ago and it didn't wash then either. If socialized medicine is so good, like they have in Canada, why do canadians come to America for medical care? The answer is simple and yet totally denied by the pro socialist crowd. Socialized medicine equals long waiting lists for all procedures. The more expensive it is the longer the wait. If you happen to be retired and no longer paying the higher taxes they all enjoy then your wait can, and often is, terminal. Oh, and by the way, the leaders of all these "enlightened" countries that practice this type of medical care have their own private medical care. The largest single expense in the American medical system is malpractice insurance, caused by ridiculous settlements handed down to greedy people for an honest mistake.

CNN panel discussion slandering atheists!

PostMortem says...

CaptainPlanet, the USA is a constitutional republic, not a true democracy. Don't worry I don't actually expect you to know what that means. The founding fathers of the US were very much against the idea of majority rule. Ever heard the expression, "The tyranny of the majority"? I doubt you have. Well, the founding fathers certainly had heard that phrase, and they felt it was of utmost importance. The entire constitution is framed around the idea of preventing the tyranny of the majority. Majority rule is what forced many early immigrants to flee Britain and come to America. So why would they wish to copy their oppressors? It would be nice if you actually learned something about your country and its government before you made foolish and clearly false claims.

Olbermann breaks new ground

choggie says...

thanks for shoving it up choggs' ass aaronfr.....Yeah that was a stretch with for France... if the children of north African muslims are a barometer for the brilliant idea to bring in cheap labor, then to have required them to become French citizens through a process that would make them proud, thankful, and energetic to become French, would have gone a long way to alleviate the stress of a nation now diluting the culture. Here in the U.S., brilliant thinking and lack of legislation and enforcement of existing laws, has brought the same dilution to America, who used to have a singularly unique culture, of immigrants who were excited to be American, rather than excited to be IN America, but not having to "become" American, with a sense of pride and nationalism.....

Most folks in the US, have enough cultural awareness to know, that letting Mexico osmose into America, is a pathetic trade-off economically, etc. Most Hispanics in this country that have naturalized through proper channels, are livid about the influx.....Come to America, retain your culture and heritage, yet become American, not Mexican-American

Learn the Language
Pay into the System
Build assets, and invest here.
Being American must be a pathetic prospect for most of the world and who can blame them....??

[however, the muslims never really integrated within the french society.]

Is this not a symptom of the same type of scenario?? Muslims have been a non-integrating element in England as well haven't they?? The fact that they were given citizenship for indentured labor doesn't really matter, they still never became French, in the true sense...(are not the French sticklers for preserving the language and culture?...they used to be)
Canadians do not let the children born on their soil, automatically become citizens....they saw Chinese doing it, and nuked that shit!!
No nation, if they want to remain a nation, should do this.
Wish we'd used a similar model, but powers have other things in store, for a once great Nation.
France was a once great nation, but they have been bitched slapped from without and within for so long, well,......the 3 countries that provided Iraq with most of their sheit, Nuclear power techs, WMD's (that, incidentally, were there and were moved), were France, Germany, and Russia.......

Why won't they be held accountable??? Because the bastards that are allowed to play games with humans, have governments by the short and curlies......

Eliminate hunger, educate evryone to get them up to speed with the 21st century, and get off the grid/teat by giving the cheap, and/or,free-energy technology that has existed
for decades, and watch a world change very drastically...
no war, no currency, no shit.

In defence of Sweatshops

choggie says...

A walmart, for the uninitiated, is a concrete structure with at least 15000 sqaure feet minimun floorspace, containing items consisting mainly of petroleum by-products, sugar, and working-class poor, the most highly decorated of which can be called manager/supervisor-While their job duties are only slightly different, the supervisors,checkers,and stockers all for the most part, have these things in common:

Poor health bennies
Paycheck-to-paycheck job security
Little or no company pride,enthusiasm,or loyalty

The kind of beast that Walmart is, dictates the overall vibe of the institution.
Little or no concern for the human factor, or their quality of life, and profit-driven above all else.

Quality is a thing of the distant past.
In the not to distant pass, it was the poorest with regard to monetary wealth, who were the artisans and producers of quality in this country.
Go to Turkey...they still make the finest tile and marble...
to Belgium for chocolate, to Trinidad for steel drums....

Come to America for worthless shit, imported from Taiwan...a city known for its endless miles of sweatshops and manufacturing compounds....toxic waste, ansd human wreckage....Exploitation is the walmart difference!!!!

Pulitzer prize winner compares US Christian Right to Fascism

Tracon says...

I don't think that Pat Robertson and his ilk have the intelligence to pull something like this off. Granted he makes some good comparisons between Italy and some parts of rural America. He is mainly talking about the fundamentalists irrationality when it comes to government policy.

"an obvious Utopian socialist" Ahhh were did that come from? Seriously were did that come from? He made no mention of the workers in control of the means of production or the perfect society construct. This is called Ad Homonym. Attack the man and not the idea. This is a logical fallacy. Meaning it fails at basic logic and is not a sound argument.

But its something to think about.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.”

Sinclair Lewis

QM you also used 2 more logical fallacies.

Appeal to fear and Red Herring.

Busta Rhymes - Put Your hands Where My Eyes Can See

Farhad2000 says...

Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See is the first single by Busta Rhymes from his second album When Disaster Strikes. It is one of the album's party songs but also carries Busta's clever rhymes and speedy delivery. The song also shout-outs The Notorious B.I.G. ("Then I blitz and reminisce on my nigga Notorious"). This song is one of the many that would showcase the speedy delivery of the eccentric rapper.

The video, directed by Hype Williams, features Busta waking up, getting dressed and brushing his teeth (along with his maids). At the chorus is a well choreographed dance routine which is followed by Busta running with an elephant in glowing tribal African make-up and outfit. It is all a re-creation of the opening of the 1988 Eddie Murphy film Coming to America

- More @ Wikipedia

I Love My Dog

Devo fat-pie (NSFW)

cobalt says...

I've never heard the term "Chavver". The word is chav derives from the romanie for child and is used to describe a social group that follows certain fashion trends (tracksuits, burbery and gold jewlery). They are also considered to be rude, quick to anger and have their own slang. It started out with poorer people but there are now a lot of middle class chavs around.

I would also like to point out that the english isn't too bad here (in comparison to some other stuff I've seen), its just got a heavy accent. I've seen much worse example of the english language and most of them come from America. I'd also like to point out that the use of slang terms does not constitute bad english, otherwise everybody in the US could be said to have "bad english" because they use spellings that differ from true english (the term "US english" was invented by microsoft). Even if you can buy a dictionary with the US spellings such as color, they aren't the "correct" spellings because its the english who define what english is.

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