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VideoSift Wins "Best Video Aggregator" from PC World (Sift Talk Post)

choggie says...

Gotta get mine in, enjoying the Holidays for the first time in the real world, which is the best illusion going today...My first blog-flashy lights and feedback...put up with bullshit like a family member..uhhh, there-a-putic and low down time...I am older than you all, chronologically?????-nope, young as the bot! If it begins to appear as otherwise..shut me down, and please, stand on ceremonies...preferably catered, and seabound....should i send money?? Just give the word...
Pissing in the wind, as you were
choggie kendall

egad .....four score and uno, sifters, and in non-chrono....156,155

Memento -Trailer

Halon50 says...

I loved this movie! The short clips presented in reverse chronological order made an interesting short-term topic (Leonard's memory) into a very entertaining full-length movie. Definitely worth a rental!

Rachel Ray Orgasm Montage

HELP WANTED! Compiling some Playlists (Sift Talk Post)

winkler1 says...

It's up for debate of course, but IMHO the Daily Show recognized the absurdity of Iraq long before the MSM. ("Stay The Course"/"We've never been stay the course").

Another interesting thing looking at your list: is there a narrative thread organizing the videos? Chronological? I wonder if the playlists have enough context/metadata to be a useful compound document. Your playlist only has a single word, which is borrowed from TDS. Or maybe the ambiguity is a feature..

I was thinking the other day how interesting it is that writing can now quote videos. The ability to quote video within a written argument is a style of writing enabled beginning 2006 by YouTube's semilegal content.

Editing someone's tags that can't exceed 40 characters... (Sift Talk Post)

"Who voted for this post" and "Who favorited this post" sorting. (Sift Talk Post)

benjee says...

How about an AJAX drop-down (in page) for all the votes? Like:

-> Who Voted For This Post: (4 Users)

(clicking the arrow - above left - 'unfolds' the frame to reveal all the users)

| Who Voted For This Post: (sort: Chronologically / Alphabetically)
User 1 - User 2 - User 3 - User 4

Then each user can set their profile preferences to display the full 'expanded' lists of votes or the 'contracted' number of votes by default (and what ordering system to sort the full list, IE Chronologically / Alphabetically with links to re-order it in the frame). Just a suggestion of how I envisage the tidying of this interface element...

"Who voted for this post" and "Who favorited this post" sorting. (Sift Talk Post)

"Who voted for this post" and "Who favorited this post" sorting. (Sift Talk Post)

Too... Much...Daily Show (Sift Talk Post)

Farhad2000 says...

Am like meh on the Colbert/Daily Show issues. There are some clips that are just great (like Even Stephen) but there is alot of clips that just there because it's Colbert or Daily Show.

Personally I think what needs a rework is the Queue system we have in place. I think videos should be chronologically posted from Oldest to Newest. Because I see so many videos that get 4 or 5 votes, then get drowned out by new sumbissions and get left behind all the way back in the queue eventually dying because most people don't go further then the 2nd page in the Queue.

Colbert wants World War III and is ready for Jesus

60 Minutes - Real Stephen Colbert Interview (2 of 2)

haggis says...

Excellent! I do sometimes wonder if these two have any idea that they constitute about 78% of all the content on YouTube, and how they feel about that fact.

Those 14 pages got me thinking though - is it possible to order search results differently (e.g. chronologically)? It would make it much easier to make sure you're not accidentally submitting a dupe. If it's not currently possible, it would make a great feature addition...

Suggestion: view new comments since last login. (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

OK - we'll see what we can do. I think you would all really like chronological ordererd comments. The thing is, at the moment, it shows a maximum of 40 comments. Sometimes though, that only goes back 2 hours or less because of the high volume.

Likewise, if we did all comments since your last action, if you did something 24 hours ago, it would be a few hundred comments - so not that useful.

Suggestion: view new comments since last login. (Sift Talk Post)

dag says...

Comment hidden because you are ignoring dag. (show it anyway)

Lots of people stay logged in all the time. I do, at least. But I know what you mean about wanting to find out where the party is.

We have an admin page that shows all of the comments in chronological order. I find that a lot more useful, for seeing what's been commented on in the last couple of hours. Maybe we can adapt this for general use.

Hurricane Katrina: The Drive: New Orleans Lower 9th Ward

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