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Training a noob at the Internet Help Desk

Endeavor launch with intro score from 2001: A Space Odyssey

pho3n1x says...

"This is a video produced originally in high definition in 2001 showing a space shuttle launch. NASA provided this video for use in Best Buy stores across the nation to be used for their HDTV promotions."

How to deal with cops asking you to leave a store you're videotaping - Improveverywhere invades Best Buy

Krupo says...

This was completely amazing - full story here:

Long story short: get a bunch of people to wander into a Best Buy and wander around wearing blue golf shirts and khaki pants.

Note the chaos as the store is overrun by people who look almost identical to real Best Buy employees. Recommend reading the full story in the link above to get the complete story. This vid just documents some of the chaos.

And yes, the managers thought this was a real life version of the climactic scene in the Thomas Crown Affair.

Obviously reminded of this by mlx's recent post -

I would've posted this ages ago when I first read of this, but I don't think VS supported Vimeo back then.

The most amazing ukelele playing you will ever see (Jake Shimabukuro)

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