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Dark City - Music Video

Farhad2000 says...

Dark City is a underrated sci-fi classic, which I liked and enjoyed more then The Matrix. This is an excellent music video for the film using Rammstein track Sonne. Also featuring Jack Bauer.

Dark City is a 1998 film written by Alex Proyas, Lem Dobbs and David S. Goyer, and directed by Proyas. It stars Rufus Sewell, William Hurt, Kiefer Sutherland, and Jennifer Connelly. While not a box office hit, it has a considerable reputation. Film critic Roger Ebert is a well-known fan of the movie, having rated it with four stars out of four and naming it the best film of 1998. Ebert uses it in his teaching, and also appears on a commentary track for the DVD.

The story begins with a man waking in a hotel room with no memory, which soon proves to be but one of many troubles. He is being sought by police, who believe him to be a serial killer, and also by a group of mysterious men with psychokinetic powers. Furthermore, something appears to be wrong with the world at large: time, memory, and identity behave in unusual ways. The film is dedicated to the memory of Dennis Potter, which may be considered a useful indicator of the style of the story. The style of the film might also be said to owe something to Expressionism and film noir, and may be considered neo-noir.

Dispatches - 'Is torture a good idea?' (49.03)

Baqueta says...

If you ask me, Americans should be tortured for their crimes against spelling. It would be great if Jack Bauer could be the one to do it, too...

To answer your question bamdrew, both are said here. However, I'm not sure if 'disoriented' is a genuine English word: I've a feeling it's one of those damned Yankee spy-words which has snuck back across the Atlantic to befoul our great mother tongue.

UCLA student tasered by campus police

theo47 says...

This is the university's fault for handing out tasers to campus police, for God's sake - which I think is a step below mall security.
We can't even get trained people to use tasers properly; when you hand them out to college kids, what did they think was going to happen?

Absolutely inexcusable. They'll be paying that kid's tuition (and more) at USC once he sues and wins. And please don't tell me that situation couldn't have been defused if those Jack Bauer-wannabes (who, I seem to need to remind everyone here, is a fictional character) weren't carrying those bug zappers.

There are no Jack Bauers in the world, kids. Let's not imbue ordinary people with the super-competence they don't possess and realize that crimes and terrorism usually don't get resolved in 24 hours. Jesus.

UCLA student tasered by campus police

rembar says...

"While I agree with rembar that joint locks would be great, that would require time and training on Jack Bauer levels something I don't think there is funding or initiative for."

Sorry, farhad, but that's just not true. I know this because I've trained with law enforcement officers in restraint and violence management techniques. Sure, it requires training, but so does the use of a gun in a combat situation, as does the use of a taser. A few months is all it takes to become decently competent, and by that I mean enough to control a situation such as this without risk of escalation or danger to any party involved. And besides, most LEOs are required to take some sort of physical combat training on a regular basis, why not make it effective and avoid this kind of situation?

The kind of excuses for not training for physical management offered up by paperpushers at HQ are just lame. "Oh, it takes too much time, it costs money, it's too hard to learn." I wonder how much time and money it saves to taser a student and then have to pay for PR people to shine your ass and then the legal staff to protect it in court? Hmmm....

Y'know happened here? The cops didn't know how to respond, they overescalated a physical confrontation to where the entire situation moved out of their control, and were confronted by a large crowd of angry college students. They turned themselves into the bad guys. Basically, the shit hit the fan.

Oh, and yeah, people die from getting tasered. I wonder how better all taser victims in general would have fared if they got shot instead? It was obviously out of line to use it in this case, but there are times when tasers are good. Imagine a situation where a guy brandishes a knife at an officer. Would you rather the officer a) fight him unarmed, b) shoot him, or c) shock the shit outta him and then arrest him? There's a time and place for all things, the taser is just one more tool in the LEO's utility belt, and a good one at that.

And the guy was a student, sure. And he didn't have his ID with him. The CSOs asked him to provide ID or leave. He did not. The police asked him to leave. He did not. Sounds like a dick to me.

Incidentally, I forgot my own student ID going to the campus gym today. I apologized to the check-in staff and asked if I could sign in some way. They said no, so I went back to my room, picked up my ID, walked back, and went into the gym. Guess what? No tasering.

The rule of thumb here is: Act like a bitch, get smacked like one.

UCLA student tasered by campus police

Farhad2000 says...

It's funny that Seeknowsage went on a down vote rampage on my queued videos because I offered a differing opinion from the norm. That's childish mate.

First of all don't go comparing Tiananmen Square, where students protested an oppressive Communist regime and were shot at indiscriminately by government forces to a student who refused to leave the premises because he did not have his IDentification in America's paranoid post 9/11 world of Terror watch.

Second of all, I said this was excessive use of force, in terms of the equipment used Tasers are used because they are cheap and don't require extensive training. While I agree with rembar that joint locks would be great, that would require time and training on Jack Bauer levels something I don't think there is funding or initiative for.

Third, it's easy to scream and shout about all these abuses but it's funny how no one ever screams and shouts about how the authority to carry out these actions never garner the same attention. Yeah am talking Patriot Act, Patriot Act II, Heabus Corpus, NSA tapping, CIA prisons and Guantanamo Bay. America has been pushed to the brink of paranoia, I was baffled at the coverage Fox News, CBS, NBC, all of them offered in terms of news event - just pure fear mongering... I mean Killer Africanized Bees, Blades in Apples, Anthrax, Yellow/Pink/Blue alert... Sheesh...

UCLA student tasered by campus police

transporter says...

If this were "24" and Jack Bauer was tazing this kid for no reason other than he was pissing him off, I would approve. That being said, those cops are not Jack Bauer and apparently they're too weak and incompetant to remove a college student from a library without excessive use of force. Seriously, what the fuck? You shouldn't be allowed to tazer someone in handcuffs...unless you're Jack Bauer.

Dark City Movie Trailer

Fire. Rumsfeld. Now.

rickegee says...

peretz pt 1:

Bush loves the extreme hypothetical of torturing Osama bin Laden as he is on the brink of nuking NYC. We all know that this a comic book fantasy and we love this fantasy in the same way we love it when Jack Bauer tortures the bad guys on 24 or Clint Eastwood shoots people in the face in Dirty Harry. It is pure good triumphing over unalloyed degenerate evil. In this limited hypothetical, I do believe that you can find torture to be moral in a purely utilitarian sense if only because it prevents more harm than it creates.

However, I would still want this behavior to be illegal. I want to live in a society where torture is considered aberrant and disgusting. Would you or I break this law in the bin Laden hypothetical? Absolutely. And then our behavior would be transparent, analyzed by a jury of our peers if necessary, and we would never be convicted (just like thieves weren't charged and convicted during Hurricane Katrina). Would you or I break the law if some Pakistani guy told us that the schlubby brown-skinned guy on the corner was aiming nukes at New York? Maybe we would be more deliberate and careful in our actions and investigate the matter further before we started waterboarding people.

Yelling At Cats -- DON'T F**KING GO IN MY CLOSET!

Jack Bauer's Day Off Episode 1

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