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Unsung_Hero (Member Profile)

RhesusMonk says...

If you're gonna have a skillful channel on the Sift, you're gonna run into a helluva lot of debate about what's skillful and what isn't. The channel owner "reserve[s] the right as channel owner to remove any video based on gut feeling and pure subjective opinion." Honestly it's the most garbage channel on the site. @Deano should've had more foresight, or less hubris.
In reply to this comment by Unsung_Hero:
>> ^Fletch:

>> ^Unsung_Hero:
On a side note: For the life of me I cannot figure out why this isn't listed as skillful.

The proprietor tends to frown on music vids. He's skilled, but we've all heard much better beatbox.

That's like saying Babe Ruth wasn't a skillful baseball player because he couldn't run the bases as well as other players.

Agreed, his beatboxing skills aren't the best in the world. I was actually pointing out the fact that him doing so many different things really well was the reason for the skillful tag. Also, that comment was more of a compliment than a plea to change tags.

BABES 'N' DONUTS - Does this make you want to buy a Scion iQ

Yogi says...

>> ^hpqp:

Answer: no.
(also: what a ripoff of the Smart).

And every minivan is a ripoff of the VW Microbus...whatever.

I was recently in the market for a car and I looked at the Scion iQ and gave it a test drive. It was actually pretty cool and unique, and better than the Smart in almost every way conceivable (I've also driven a Smart). Here's the catch, it's billed as a city car, so it has a crappy CVT Transmission. As well as No cruise control, I cannot have a car without cruise control and this didn't even give the option.

Toyota will get my money when they bring the TOYOTA iQ over from Europe...not some crappy ripoff with bigger wheels.

Matisyahu - One Day

Unsung_Hero says...

>> ^Fletch:

>> ^Unsung_Hero:
On a side note: For the life of me I cannot figure out why this isn't listed as skillful.

The proprietor tends to frown on music vids. He's skilled, but we've all heard much better beatbox.

That's like saying Babe Ruth wasn't a skillful baseball player because he couldn't run the bases as well as other players.

Agreed, his beatboxing skills aren't the best in the world. I was actually pointing out the fact that him doing so many different things really well was the reason for the skillful tag. Also, that comment was more of a compliment than a plea to change tags.

I Can’t Go for That (No Can Do) Cover

Dystopianfuturetoday is excited about almost making Galaxy

7 Stages of Skyrim Addiction

messenger says...

Good concept, poor execution. Here's how I would have done it:

1 - Shock - Detail WTF!!!!
2 - Denial - I get other things done, I took a poop yesterday, so it's all good.
3 - Anger - Why are you sending level gazillion bloody hagraven at me so early FFFFUUUUUU
4 - Bargaining - Just gonna finish this quest and stash the loot at home before bed... oh, I have to sell off all the other stuff first too so I don't forget... oh and I'll just discover the next quest loca-DRAGON! oh, I can just stash this loot at home before bed...
5 - Guilt - Sorry that I seem more interested in my game than you babe, but in my Skyrimmed brain, you're just like another NPC to me. That's a bad thing to say, right? Whatever.
6 - Depression - <same dialogue, but with complete emotional detachment -- both true depression and RPGs induce such states>
7 - Acceptance - I AM this game, and there's nobody left to get in our way now, is there, my precious?

Response To Racist Arizona Chick .... Wait for it ....

The Best and Worst Movies of 2011 (Cinema Talk Post)

berticus says...

I haven't seen any of your worst 10 which pleases me greatly.

Hanna, Super 8, Tree of Life, and Melancholia all fall into "ok/good but not great" for me.

Drive is teetering on the edge of awesome just for style alone... or perhaps I'm just biased because Ryan Gosling is such a fucking babe. (But he really is a great actor too -- everyone should see Lars and the Real Girl and Half Nelson.)

I really enjoyed X-Men: First Class.

I haven't seen it yet but I'm excited about Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy because of the fucking amazing cast.

Underworld Born Slippy Nuxx [HD] - Live at Pinkpop 1999

BoneRemake says...

Drive boy dog boy
Dirty numb angel boy
In the doorway boy
She was a-lipstick boy
She was a-beautiful boy
And tears boy
And all in your inner space boy
You had hands girls boy
And steel boy
You had chemicals boy
I've grown so close to you boy
And you just groan boy
She said come over come over
She smiled at you boy

Let your feelings slip boy
But never your mask boy
Random blonde boy
High density random
blonde boy
Blonde country
Blonde high density
You are my drug boy
You're real boy
Dog dirty dumb cracking boy
You're getting wet boy
Big big time boy
Acid bears boy
Babes and babes
And babes and babes
and babes
And remembering nothing boy
Do you like my tin horn boy
It gets wet like at Angel

You got a velvet mouth
You're so succelent and beautiful
Shimmering and dirty
Wonderful and hot time
On your telephone line
And God and everything
On your telephone
And in walks an angel

Look at me mum
Squatting pissed in the tube hole
At Tottenham Court Road
I just come out of the Ship
Talking to the most blonde
I ever met
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Shouting lager lager lager
Shouting mega mega
White thing
Mega mega white thing
Mega mega white thing
Mega mega
Shouting lager lager lager lager
Mega mega white thing
Mega mega white thing
So many things to see and do
in the tube hole
The blonde going back
to Romford
Mega mega mega going back
to Romford
Hi mum are you having fun
On your way
To a new age tension headache

THERE'S A SHARK IN THE POOL!!! But it's a really nice pool..

Fox 12 Reporter to Occupy Portland: "I am One of You"

shagen454 says...

There is definitely a lot of truth to that. My dad I was told was mostly a C student at a mediocre university ended up a CEO for 30+ years.

I couldnt say that I was much better but what I studied was art, haha. Ive been stuck getting paid salaries that while are more than the national average really arent shit for where I live for the last decade. The amount of research and creative process I have to go through daily for shit like the latest screamo band on Epitaph youd think Id have a PHD in marketing. All of these assholes need their art but they refuse to pay. If only I had a masters degree it would mean I would be more likely to get a job to hang pictures on a wall and sip wine all day or teach Art History from a 40 page volume while shagging the 22 year old babes. Bastards.

>> ^chilaxe:

>> ^shagen454:
While those who went to decent universities and received their BAs will still find it incredibly difficult to find a job. At this point it seems only possible to receive a fair and decent job if one has a masters degree or higher... and more than likely most working class families can not afford that or if they do they are plunged into the debt for life system.

My friend who was untalented and mediocre in every way had a job offer for $80k when he completed his undergrad.
Here's the trick: unlike most of my friends (and myself), he majored in something that society finds valuable enough that it's willing to pay for: accounting.
We should be clear what we're talking about when we say there are problems with unemployment: people don't want to work hard at jobs that the economy actually needs.

Clever dogs ride the bus to the river for fun and treats

You're Not Stupid, You Use Your Silver Tongue

You're Not Stupid, You Use Your Silver Tongue

Grim Reaper came for the innocent dead videos

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