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Cop Eats Dope, Gets Paranoid, Calls The Police

cybrbeast says...

Farhad there are AFAIK no reported cases of people dying by THC (marijuana) intake alone. It might be possible but you'd probably have to IV massive quantities of pure THC.

Eating brownies is a bad strategy for first timers. Estimating the dose is really hard. It takes quite a while for the effects to come up, so many people get the "I don't feel it, so I'll take more" effect. It keeps building, you'll be feeling nicely stoned but then it still gets stronger and stronger. Lastly and maybe most importantly it lasts for a long time. If I eat a good amount of brownies in the afternoon I'll steel be feeling it the next morning.

Farhad, do you have a link to the full audio recording?

Car alarm smokes burglars out.

deathcow says...

That is awesome. I wonder if it hurts precision optics, that would be bad. It would be nice to have a loud Audio recording during the Fog as well, kind of WACO Texas style audible attack. You cant see a damn thing and SEPULCHER OF VOMIT by DEVILSPRAY is cranking at 120db, you want it to stop... now.

Six Drummers in a Kitchen

brendotroy says...

Wow. Simply awesome. Great sift, rembar.

I liked the bedroom the best, I think. Didn't love the bathroom (but only comparatively).

I wonder if that was "live" audio (recorded on set, presumably with lots of takes), or engineered samples. The audio looked pretty damned synced. Again, awesome.

Martin Dosh & Andrew Bird: A Nervous Tic Motion

Response to Missouri Stem Cell ad

One day crows will rule the world

sfjocko says...

Amazingly, it seems (some) birds are much more intelligent than we give them credit for. African Gray Parrots are supposedly the most intelligent, and I know we have a clip in the sift somewhere of "Einstein" the parrot, going through a circus act on a game-show, answering questions from its trainer.
Another documented high-vocab parrot is N'kisi. Check out this link to an audio recording of one of N'kisi's speech sessions. It could be a total fake, but a google search will show that N'kisi is well-documented. Adding to my initial suspicion was the fact that Aimee Morgana, N'kisi's trainer, seems kinda kooky.

Minor detained for publicy displaying a %$*& Bush sign

Wepwawet says...

joedirt: I either expressed myself poorly, or I'm not understanding what you said, because we're really not that far apart. You generally have a right to tape police officers in public places, but AFAIK, in Florida you don't have a *RIGHT* to make audio recordings ("intercept oral communications") of police officers taking statements or having private conversations if they refuse consent. Further, information in police reports is not necessarily public, and there are laws regarding its disclosure. In other words: Arguably you have a right to tape from 20 feet away, arguably you DON'T have a *RIGHT* to tape from 1 foot away. If you have caselaw that indicates otherwise, I'll be happy to take a look.

Both the links you gave deal with entirely different situations, and the authorites in those situations behaved reprehensibly.

As far as "fuck" being a constitutionally protected word, Florida has a wonderfully overbroad nuisance statute, and some interesting statutes regarding what constitutes lawful assembly and lawful political protest. When dovetailed together with the even stricter local laws (Pinellas County?), it gets to be a pretty confusing mess. No doubt a lot of the laws would be deemed unconstitutional, but cops have to enforce the law they're given at the time and not interpret it. If the state or local legislature passes a law saying you can't hold a sign saying "Fuck" in public, it's not fair to say the cops are abusing their power when they enforce it.

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