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Idiot Tourists vs Bison

Boise_Lib says...

>> ^Lann:

They have been handing this out in Yellowstone since I can remeber. Even as a kid I thought it was just silly sign because, who in the world would walk up to them?
Also @crotchflame they can be domesticated!

I have that flier hanging on my wall. About 15 minutes after I received it at the entrance to Yellowstone I watched 4 guys walk up to about 10 feet from a bull to get a picture. I'll keep this always to remind me that people are idiots.

Idiot Tourists vs Bison

Sewer Geyser lifts car into the air.

Tilt-Shifted Ski Resort

kronosposeidon says...

Me too - in the spring and in the summer. It's beautiful year-round. For those of you who don't know, Jackson Hole, the Grand Tetons, and Yellowstone National Park are all near each other. The whole area is definitely worth visiting at least once in your lifetime, if not more often.>> ^Lann:

I've been there.

Over 1000 Birds Fall Dead From the Sky

kceaton1 says...

>> ^Fusionaut:

It was fireworks!

I'm guessing the fish are a coincidence due to the distance involved (they weren't next to each other; so to speak...).

Although, fireworks (or things like that) due make some sense. I wonder if there were any "town" shows as I saw mention of only revelers for fireworks (which seems highly unlikely to cause something like this; unless these birds have a form of mass hysteria, like humans).

The lightning sounded like a better idea, but they should be able to match it to the autopsies. It'll be better once they have a few thorough autopsies done and a good idea of "where" they died (altitude, in the general area or a slight wind carry). Maybe, even a sonic boom could be at play. A plane might be able to make one loud enough, but if it happened at 30k like proposed I'm unclear whether residents would even hear a sonic boom. Also, I'm unsure as to the strength of a thunderclap (as it's also a "sonic boom", to some degree--far different cause than speed, as in lightning's case it's temperature variants), can the thunder cause a "fish in a barrel type effect, especially if the birds were in a storm with rain or a "heavy" cloud structure.

Maybe they were stunned and the fall actually killed them. Hopefully, we find out quick. I always fine these large die-offs interesting as sometimes the causes can give us more insight into how our planet works. One (actually two, in the same place) that I can think of off the top of my head was a Human die-off.

It was from Lake Nyos, in northwest Cameroon. Lake Nyos is one of three "exploding lakes" here are two interesting articles about them, but there is a (it's a National Geographic show, I'm very unsure of the title, it's related to the BBC show, "Killer Lakes", I just put up here; at the bottom is the link for it), but I know Lake Nyos is included in it) show about it which is a must watch -- they figured out what was happening basically on accident as well (this was not even a theory before; now they're afraid there are "mega-pockets" which is talked about in a History Channel "Mega Disasters" episode (I think "Methane Explosion", though "Methane" is used for sure) -- if something happens at an "ocean geographic scale" it would kill a lot of people; it has the potential to be worse than Yellowstone, but we have absolutely no information on the likelihood of this occurring nor the size of such an event). Nyos killed roughly 3500 livestock and 1700 people, some of the villagers were 16 miles from the lake. One of the other lakes is in Cameroon and the other is in Rwanda.

Here are the Wikipedia links:

Limnic Eruptions or also known as Exploding Lakes -- think of them as being somewhat like a soda can with the lid popped off and some Mentos thrown in.

Second, Lake Nyos which killed a large amount of people in 1986 and left scientists baffled.

There are some media links at the bottom of the wiki articles.

Here is the BBC documentary I just put up for the sift (HORiZONS, BBC World); trust me it's an interesting watch. Make sure you have time to watch it as it comes in at a FULL episode and is 44 minutes long. This documentary talks about the 1986 disaster and the mystery surrounding it.

They'll get into the mechanics and also show the reason some scientists are scared this WILL happen again, but this time it might kill hundreds of thousands--maybe more...

Volcano erupt underneath the Ice

residue says...

That's what happens when you're parked on a hot-spot and a spreading center... stupid iceland

By the way, yellowstone is in for it anytime this 0.1 million years, so start packing your bags if you live anywhere within 40000 km!

Haiti Complete Nightmare After 7.0 Earthquake

choggie says...

America should pull troops outta the drug/oil regions to save face and lend a hand....not like it's New York though, innit??...Sell yer hybrid and donate it to the cause, all ya bleeding hearts-Otherwise, knock onna congressman's website with keystrokes.....

Who really cares about Haiti anyhow,? really??...on the Videosift??

Most would rather call out that poser fuck Robertson and cry foul than do what they can for thousands of used and tormented islanders-Wait till Yellowstone pops and then whine about no internet-

the story of your decade in 3 paragraphs or less (History Talk Post)

Lann says...

10 years ago I was fourteen and was living on a ranch with my mother’s parents. It was the year I learned to snowboard, got my license, and quit smoking (tobacco). As a painfully shy tom boy, I didn’t have friends (besides my older brother and his crew), or a date (brother beat up the nerds I liked ) The next three years of high school were spent in the TINY town of Circle Montana. At 16 I got a best friend who I would spontaneously takes road trips across the state with. It was though her I got my first boyfriend the summer I turned 17. That summer we ran away to West Yellowstone and felt free…

At 17 with family problems on the ranch I moved to Billings (largest city in Montana). I finished my senior year there while staying in an apartment right across the parking lot from school. I worked washing, fueling, and parking UPS trucks to pay the rent. I almost got married at 19, broke up and moved in with my father’s parents. I started school at MSU as an Environmental Science major. After a year I decided I needed change.

Summer of 2005 I moved to Cookeville Tennessee to go to school at the Appalachian Center for Craft. To afford school, I took a year off and worked in the factories. I was an auto airbag inspector, assembler and typesetter…*yawn*. I finally started school again in the fall of 2006 in the glassblowing program. After a semester of glass I changed to metal. I started in Blacksmithing then shifted towards Metalsmithing. I just started working in clay a year ago and picked that up really quickly. Now I just got to finish my senior thesis this spring and get the fuck out of this place.

I have been down and lonely...but things have really changed for the better.

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

nanrod says...

Unf**king believable. Sometimes I think you're just some left leaning person's sock puppet here only to make stupid unsubstantiated claims in order to get a rise out of people. But I'll bite on this one. If the government had not become involved in Yellowstone it wouldn't exist. Not in the state it was 200 years ago or in the state that it currently is in. It could have been managed better in many respects but your much vaunted unbridled free enterprise capitalist system would long ago have clear cut its forests, strip mined it of any valuable resources and jammed a pipe down Old Faithful and sold the heat generated.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:
Consider Yellowstone National Park's history. Yellowstone was a great place when it was running itself. Then the government got involved and screwed it up horribly. That's just what government does. Government steps in thinking it is going to 'fix' natural systems that run perfectly fine just by themselves. But all that government touches goes FUBAR. Every time.

Rush Limbaugh - Healthcare Is A Luxury

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

You express remarkable faith in the free market there.

Yes - I do - because when government meddling is taken out of the free market it works wonderous miracles. Every time. Government is a great thing when it is reduced to its PROPER function - which is a place to go to redress grievences. But when government tries to get involved in the market, then it always (yes - I'm using the absolute) screws things up far more than it helps. All I'm saying is to reduce government to its proper function and scope and then the market will take care of itself quite nicely.

Consider Yellowstone National Park's history. Yellowstone was a great place when it was running itself. Then the government got involved and screwed it up horribly. That's just what government does. Government steps in thinking it is going to 'fix' natural systems that run perfectly fine just by themselves. But all that government touches goes FUBAR. Every time.

Mythbusters - Thermite vs Ice

KamikazeCricket says...

This is why caldera volcanoes such as Yellowstone are so explosive. Water seeps down and contacts the shallow magma chamber causing a rapid increase in chamber pressure by the volatilization of the water and other fluids. This pressure builds fast until the pressure exceeds that of the roof crust of the caldera. In this case the walls of ice and the bucket on top created a sort of pressure chamber in the middle which allowed for the buildup and explosion.

The Magic Hour - A Beautiful Nature Clip

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'magic hour, nature, wild life, montana, yellowstone, ray paunovich' to 'magic hour, nature, wild life, montana, wyoming, yellowstone, ray paunovich' - edited by kronosposeidon

The Elk that likes to ram cars!

This Is Not The Greatest Post In The World, No... (Mystery Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...


1) Season - Autumn
2) Place in the world - Yellowstone National Park, without all the tourists
3) Children's book - Any of the Matthew Looney books
4) TV Series - Battlestar Galactica (the new series)
5) Word - butterfluggin
6) Film - Tough call, but I'm going with The Empire Strikes Back
7) Curse - "Twat" seems to be my favorite these days
Creature - Dolphins, even if they are the douchebags of the sea.
9) Past time - Organ donation
10) Person - My son, of course

Which one?

11) Dog or cat - Both, but I own neither. I have two rats.
12) Sweet or savoury - Sweet
13) Cereal or Toast - Toast
14) Tan or pale - Tan. I'm always afraid that I might have bored the pale ones to death
15) Shoes or barefoot - Barefoot. I have hobbit feet
16) Desktop or laptop - laptop
17) Drive or walk - Drive. This is America, dammit.
18) Drama or comedy - Comedy
19) Sex or food - Sex
20) Futurama or Simpsons - Futurama now, but I used to be a diehard Simpsons fan

The Sift

21) Your fave personal submission - Dutch musician with huge ears just wants to fuck you
22) A great comment on one of your vids - the awesome thing about this video is kronos was searching for porn and typed in his favorite fetishes "Dutch, musician, huge ears, wants to fuck me" and he just so happened to stumble across this.
23) Most off the wall member - evil_disco_man. He's quiet. It's always the quiet ones who put severed heads in the crisper.
24) Favourite user name - MycroftHomlz. It shows that smarty-pants scientists can't spell for shit.
25) Your most used channel - Comedy
26) Personal dumbass moment - Giving choggie my email address
27) Best avatar - schmawy's. All of them.
28) Partner in crime - I run with the Hole In The Wall gang, consisting of blankfist, rottenseed, dystopianfuturetoday, schmawy, his sister Issykitty, and alien_concept. Sometimes we let Farhad ride with us, because deep down he so desperately wants to be a cowboy.
29) Do people offline know of your sift problem - Not since I killed them
30) Idea for the site - Glory holes

About you

31) Where do you live - Casper, Wyoming, United States
32) Smoker/non-smoker - non-smoker (quit 12 years ago)
33) Left or right handed - righty tighty
34) Hair colour - reddish brown, with dashing gray highlights
35) Relationship status - I'm in a serious booty-call relationship
36) How tall - 5' 9", or 175 cm. 175 sounds bigger, so let's go with that
37) Children - One child on this planet is blessed with 50% of my genes
38) Ever had an operation - Many:
a. Appendectomy
b. Plate implants for a broken arm
c. Bone graft from pelvis for same broken arm that got horribly infected
d. Hemorrhoid removal - Yet blankfist is still here
e. Torn ligament repair - left foot
f. Torn ligament repair - right hand
g. Lasik eye surgery
h. Foot enlargement - Hoping that by corollary something wonderful would happen
39) Best feature - My beautiful spleen
40) Use four words to describe yourself - Morally bankrupt, donations please

If you could...what, who, when etc

41) Bring a famous person back from the dead - Jesus, just so he could tell all the neo-cons to shut the fuck up
42) Give 50 grand to any charity - Cancer/leukemia research
43) Send someone on a one way ticket to the moon - Me. I hear it's a good place to raise a family
44) Relive a moment in your life -
45) Have a superpower - Walking on water, that way I could tell all the neo-cons to shut the fuck up
46) Find out one thing you've always wanted to know - If there's an afterlife
47) Have the opposite gender deal with something you have to - Listen to all the talk about fucking fantasy football in the crapper at work
48) Be president for one hour - Give the Indians everything back, and send whitey back to Europe
49) Delete a period in history - What day was dystopianfuturetoday born?
50) Achieve one thing - Write the great American novel. About robot pirates from outer space.

Yellowstone Untouched

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