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Don't launch your paraglider through a herd of cattle

Unlucky paraglider causes stampede

PalmliX (Member Profile)

PalmliX says...

haha damn, that was short lived, it was like, nice someone commented on it! Sweet! It`s been promoted! It`s dead?!?! it`s been killed!?!? haha oh well, it was fun and I feel honoured to loose to someone like enoch. If you could find the next part that would be awesome but don`t worry about it too much! >> ^alien_concept:

Well, unlucky us! In the time it took me to get round to uploading the vid, someone else had put it on vimeo and enoch had already posted it!
I'll do the same for the second part of the docu and hope you get in there first

PalmliX (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

Well, unlucky us! In the time it took me to get round to uploading the vid, someone else had put it on vimeo and enoch had already posted it!
I'll do the same for the second part of the docu and hope you get in there first

53 Year Old Man Gets Into Ring With Someone 30 Years Younger

Ryjkyj says...

>> ^bcglorf:

Not sure how surprising this should truly be. The old guys looks to have about 50 pounds on the young guy. As long as the old guy doesn't have a heart attack or take an unlucky hit he really SHOULD win. 50 pounds in a fight is huge.

Tell that to Teila Tuli:

53 Year Old Man Gets Into Ring With Someone 30 Years Younger

bcglorf says...

Not sure how surprising this should truly be. The old guys looks to have about 50 pounds on the young guy. As long as the old guy doesn't have a heart attack or take an unlucky hit he really SHOULD win. 50 pounds in a fight is huge.

Peter Dinklage - Man of the Year 2011

Porksandwich says...

Peter Dinklage is probably one of a very very small pool of people on the planet who could pull the role off. The role would have to be played by a dwarf, the books play on the imp/dwarf aspect too much.....since in that world dwarfs are seen as evil/unlucky in most of the world. But he was a dwarf born into a very powerful and rich family (lucky of birth).

So I think he's blowing up because of acting, but he can play the role because he's a dwarf. Totally wouldn't play well if they recast Tyrion as a non-dwarf.

As for the shoots because he's a dwarf........lots of people get pictures shoots when they are doing well. They want the pictures to sell and they pick people who are in the headlines. Playboy had the guy who played Mini Me with a bunch of girls....those were just striking photos since he wasn't much bigger than a lot of their breasts.

Race car catapults kangaroo into spinning frenzy

Race car catapults kangaroo into spinning frenzy

Race car catapults kangaroo into spinning frenzy

Race car catapults kangaroo into spinning frenzy

Cat has unlucky encounter with musical prairie dogs

Ron Paul Walks Out of CNN Interview

vaire2ube says...

This is the original swiftboating... ronpauling...

We begin with two simple questions:

Why would he put out publications under his name without the slightest idea what was in them?
And if he didn't write the stuff, why hasn't he identified the author and revealed his name?

Based on comparing the writings and positions of Dr. Paul and several other people involved, it would appear the people responsible would be:

Murray Rothbard,

My google quest began with this article and the comments in it, i have compiled my results:

------------------------------------------------ RESEARCH


"The quotations in The New Republic article are not mine and do not represent what I believe or have ever believed. I have never uttered such words and denounce such small-minded thoughts. When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publically taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name."


OK, fair enough. Now for a 1995 interview, go to 1:54, here is transcription with his interview proving that he knew newsletters existed, not all the content. In fact, he seems more concerned with finance:

“Along with that I also put out a political, uh, type of business investment newsletter, sort of covered all these areas. And it covered, uh, a lot about what was going on in Washington and financial events, especially some of the monetary events since I had been especially interested in monetary policy, had been on the banking committee, and still very interested in, in that subject.. that, uh, this newsletter dealt with that… has to do with the value of the dollar [snip] and of course the disadvantages of all the high taxes and spending that our government seems to continue to do.”

Watch video here:

A constant theme in Paul’s rhetoric, dating back to his first years as a congressman in the late 1970s, is that the United States is on the edge of a precipice. The centerpiece of this argument is that the abandonment of the gold standard has put the United States on the path to financial collapse.


So what about that, he did have a newsletter? Did it talk about more than money, and did he author those writings? Well it gets more interesting..

this is from a comment here:

"Wish I had saved the links. This Dondero guy was supposedly part of a group of people that wrote the content of the newsletters (maybe seven different people), and that Lew Rockwell and Murray Rothbard were the main brains behind the content. Ron Paul wrote some of the content too (probably about sound money, lol). They have also hinted (maybe Rockwell did), that the writer of some of the extreme articles was now dead. It seems that multiple people from that time have died, but the most relevant is Murray Rothbard. He’s like a messiah to this sub-culture, and Rockwell would probably never spill the beans on Rothbard. The tone of the racially offensive parts does seem like it would be written by Rothbard. If you are unlucky enough to attempt to listen through one of his lectures on YouTube, you will notice his attempts at sarcastic humor, if you don’t fall asleep first.

Dondero: “Neither Rockwell or Rothbard are/were “libertarians.” In his later yers Rothbard called himself a “Paleo” aligning with the conservative southern successionists. Rockwell, today calls himself an Anarchist, and has distanced himself greatly from any part of the libertarian movement.”

The newsletters’ obsession with blacks and gays was of a piece with a conscious political strategy adopted at that same time by Lew Rockwell and Murray Rothbard. After breaking with the Libertarian Party following the 1988 presidential election, Rockwell and Rothbard formed a schismatic “paleolibertarian” movement, which rejected what they saw as the social libertinism and leftist tendencies of mainstream libertarians. In 1990, they launched the Rothbard-Rockwell Report, where they crafted a plan they hoped would midwife a broad new “paleo” coalition.”"


Ok now we're getting somewhere.. so what about Dondero, Rockwell, and Rothbard?

Reason: Your former staffer Eric Dondero is challenging you for your House seat in 2008.
Paul: He's a disgruntled former employee who was fired.

What about these mid 1990's interviews like this one from the Dallas Morning News:

In 1996, Paul told The Dallas Morning News that his comment about black men in Washington came while writing about a 1992 study by the National Center on Incarceration and Alternatives, a criminal justice think tank in Virginia. The comment about black males being fleet of foot came from a 1992 newsletter, disavowed by Paul.

Paul cited the study and wrote (NOT SAID): “Given the inefficiencies of what DC laughingly calls the criminal justice system, I think we can safely assume that 95 percent of the black males in that city are semi-criminal or entirely criminal.”

“These aren’t my figures,” Paul told the Morning News. “That is the assumption you can gather from the report.”

Dr. Paul denied suggestions that he was a racist and said he was not evoking stereotypes when he wrote the columns. He said they should be read and quoted in their entirety to avoid misrepresentation. [...]

"If someone challenges your character and takes the interpretation of the NAACP as proof of a man's character, what kind of a world do you live in?" Dr. Paul asked.

In the interview, he did not deny he made the statement about the swiftness of black men.

"If you try to catch someone that has stolen a purse from you, there is no chance to catch them," Dr. Paul said.

He also said the comment about black men in the nation's capital was made while writing about a 1992 study produced by the National Center on Incarceration and Alternatives, a criminal justice think tank based in Virginia

Paul spokesman Jesse Benton said the congressman was practicing medicine at the time the newsletters were published and “did not write or approve the incendiary passages and does not agree with them.”

“He has, however, taken moral responsibility because they appeared under his name and slipped through under his watch,” Benton said. “They do not reflect what he believes in: liberty and dignity for all mankind. … Dr. Paul, renowned as a straight shooter who speaks his mind, has given literally thousands of speeches over the past 35 years, and he has never spoken such things.”
Paul, an obstetrician from Surfside, Tex., denied he is a racist and charged Austin lawyer Charles "Lefty" Morris, his Democratic opponent, with taking his 1992 writings out of context

"Instead of talking about the issues, our opponent has chosen to lie and try to deceive the people of the 14th District," said Paul spokesman Michael Sullivan, who added that the excerpts were written during the Los Angeles riots when "Jesse Jackson was making the same comments."


And all the confusion because he wanted to take responsibility. .. and the real issue? Not with what he may have said, or how consistent he has been denying this lie, but merely:

"Would he even check in to see if his ideas are being implemented? Who would he appoint to Cabinet positions?"

it comes down to an EITHER/OR false choice:

Either Paul is so oblivious to what was being done in his name that this obliviousness alone disqualifies him for a job like the presidency
— or -
he knew very well that horrific arguments were being published his name and he lent his name to a cynical racist strategy anyway.

Is there not any other choice?

There is your answer. The GOP is trying to sow any and all doubt at any and all cost. The content of the newsletters is just convenient; they would have done this anyway.

So Why Smear Ron Paul? Here is why... and the answer may NOT surprise you:

yet we're supposed to believe this man, a physician and politician, has actually uttered words like, ""Am I the only one sick of hearing about the 'rights' of AIDS carriers?"

Please. It is VERY unlikely.

Thank you for your time.

Chad Reed Extreme Crash Millville - Official Speed TV Feed

Occupy Wall Street Earns An Epic Win -- 10-15-2011

Lawdeedaw says...

You have that wrong too @ChaosEngine

Smart, dedicated and ruthless people perhaps will become rich--yes. However, wealth breeds more wealth than actual personality and dedication...And, to be fair, it is (In America at least) a trait of the average citizen to be greedy and ruthless anyways...

>> ^ChaosEngine:

You have that so backward, it's not even funny.
Smart, dedicated and above all ruthless people will find a way to become rich, if that's their goal. They will find loopholes, exploit others and do whatever it takes. The best the government can do is simply to insure they don't trample too many people along the way.
On the other hand, most people will never be rich. Most do ok, but there will always be a section of the population who are poor, uneducated or simply unlucky. But the government can provide a safety net for them to insure they're not living in abject poverty. It can insure they are paid a legal minimum living wage.
>> ^lantern53:

Gov't can only keep you from becoming rich. It can't keep you from becoming poor.

btw, I assume all the libertarians here are in agreement with Bloomberg? After all, Zucotti park is privately owned, and if they want to kick out a bunch of smelly hippies, it's their property right?

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