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Holy Sh*t! There's no way that's real.

RhesusMonk says...

Um, not sure of your proficiency or dedication to trick shot pool, but this guy is ridiculous. To say that these are basic is unjustly downplaying them. HIs jump/masse shots are unique to anything I've ever seen. Upvote, even though this has been on the sift before. Also, masse and english techniques are anything but useless in a game situation; but I will concede he's probably not as good at standard games as he is at tricking.

Holy Sh*t! There's no way that's real.

jimnms says...

Yeah it's real. If you've ever caught some trick shot pool on TV, these are some of the "easier" more basic tricks.

Of course it's totally useless in a real game, and look how screwed up his pool table is from all of those hard downward strikes.


Amazing billiards trick shots

Most incredible Pong Shots you will ever see ... ever! :P

pool & domino

The Railroad Shot

what a trick ! i liked this one

pool & domino

Amazing Pool Tricks

oohahh says...

Bar table with big pockets and several shots were illegal push shots (e.g. at 0:36)
In spite of that, this is the best compendium of technical trick shots I've seen.

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