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Evolution May Be True, But I Don't Believe In It

Aemaeth says...

Wow, this is some very interesting arguments here. If I follow gwiz's argument, it goes something like this: earth proven not flat by science, atom proven divisible by science, evolution proven true by science. I think you're missing the point that prior to those first two being proven, scientists of the day would have said science had proven the contrary argument.

I'm not going to start a creationist rant. All I'm suggesting is that we may all be better off if we keep in mind that there MAY ALWAYS BE a teeny, tiny possibility that we may be wrong about any given subject. Once you lose that, you become officially close-minded.

So, if you can say there is no possibility that a particular fact could be fiction after all, then you are close-minded to that thing.

choggie (Member Profile)

swampgirl says...

Now I was about to upvote your comment.. then you start your tree peeing on that last paragraph. Oh Choggie never learns!

In reply to this comment by choggie:
man, you posers.....who speaks more undefiled love t'wards women, than anyone else here??? Who never stoops lower than the hemline, when speaking admirably and appreciatively of the presence of the fairer sex, and gives thanks and praise to the most high for the ground they traverse, and the breath they exhale???
Who puts each woman, above himself, and defers in argument, and is first as advocate, when discussions wax lopsided???!!

I'll tell ya, choggie does-choggie loves women, all women, but especially black and Russian women.....

Theres only one woman in and out here, that from time to time gets on my nerves.....but dag keeps her in line (or she him)....!!!

Hi Kelly......(tee hee)

and alllll you monkeys who jumped on the "Fuck that woman on fox" bandwagon, who actually believed the shit you typed???.....buncha wankers, teeny-bopper, video-game playin', sittin' in yer mom's basement in yer underwear livin', thinks the world owes you a favor thinkin', wannbees......with your sensibilities shoved so far up yer asses that a barrel a vinegar gulped down could not dispatch!!!

Has Videosift become aggressive? (Wtf Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Oh choggie, if only everyone could respect women as much as you. Ol' kronosposeidonie couldn't agree more with the sentiments you lovingly expressed about the fairer sex. That's why ol' kronosposeidonie was a little surpised when ol' choggie said "Fuck you bitch" when a woman in a political ad made the innocuous query, "When did hope become a bad thing?" Kronosposeidonie dinna expect that from a woman-lover such as yourself. I might expect that from a buncha wankers, teeny-boppers, video-game playin', sittin' in yer mom's basement in yer underwear livin', thinks the world owes you a favor thinkin', wannbees, but not ol' choggie.

Too bad vinegar has been written off as a cure.

Has Videosift become aggressive? (Wtf Talk Post)

choggie says...

man, you posers.....who speaks more undefiled love t'wards women, than anyone else here??? Who never stoops lower than the hemline, when speaking admirably and appreciatively of the presence of the fairer sex, and gives thanks and praise to the most high for the ground they traverse, and the breath they exhale???
Who puts each woman, above himself, and defers in argument, and is first as advocate, when discussions wax lopsided???!!

I'll tell ya, choggie does-choggie loves women, all women, but especially black and Russian women.....

Theres only one woman in and out here, that from time to time gets on my nerves.....but dag keeps her in line (or she him)....!!!

Hi Kelly......(tee hee)

and alllll you monkeys who jumped on the "Fuck that woman on fox" bandwagon, who actually believed the shit you typed???.....buncha wankers, teeny-bopper, video-game playin', sittin' in yer mom's basement in yer underwear livin', thinks the world owes you a favor thinkin', wannbees......with your sensibilities shoved so far up yer asses that a barrel a vinegar gulped down could not dispatch!!!

Skaters vs. Mouse trapped in Pool

Karen Carpenter Drum Montage

ant says...

>> ^choggie:
ant, don't encourage folks to be more linear than they already are....everyone knows if you click on a youtube vid, it takes you to their site...
What you do folks, is click on the teeny weeny play button, and watch it like can even adjust the micron-sized volume button, and pretend you are some mythical giant, in a world of insects.....
Don't let ant tell you what to do, is the most important thing to remember here.....


Karen Carpenter Drum Montage

choggie says...

ant, don't encourage folks to be more linear than they already are....everyone knows if you click on a youtube vid, it takes you to their site...

What you do folks, is click on the teeny weeny play button, and watch it like can even adjust the micron-sized volume button, and pretend you are some mythical giant, in a world of insects.....

Don't let ant tell you what to do, is the most important thing to remember here.....

Awesome Wheel of Fortune player

Tymbrwulf says...

Yeah guess I should apologize, just took the info from it's YouTube page: Somebody must have cancelled and the good people at 'The Wheel' decided to pull a crack addict off the streets to least that's my assumption.

Guess it was a *teeny* bit offensive

Marcy Playground: sex and candy

I experienced an earthquake today! (Science Talk Post)

schmawy says...

Only a teeny one, the classic "truck driving by" type. Apparently there are psychological issues associated with a really big disastrous one. Because once the ground beneath your feed rears up to kill you, what can you trust? Glad you and everyone is okay.

Expelled, No Intelligence Allowed - Trailer

10678 says...

LOL okay, anyone else notice he nearly says "Beuller..." at the end? "Anyone...anyone...(looking at empty desks...)"

second - natural selection / darwinsim is not random. let me repeat. it is NOT random. NOT. not a bit. not even a teeny. so... when they start out by saying "evolutionists believe this all came about because of random chan..." stop there. They didn't learn a thing. It takes Ignorance and puts it before Knowledge, like saying "this is my BOOMstick" and not understanding how a gun works. They want to say it's too amazing, it must be designed, and haven't bothered to study ANYTHING.

Evolution and learning about how species involves is the basis of medical research, astronomy, chemistry... why do they want to do away with learning? Are they afraid of people who learn to think critically? I'm totally disappointed in Ben Stein. Apparently, everyone won his money and now he's doing this to pay the rent.

Lastly, they always overlook the basis of science. It demands critical thinking, research, proven results, over and over and over. If science FAILS then it opens the door to new research to find answers. All ID does is ask people to STOP LOOKING FOR ANSWERS! gah. If science is proven wrong, it goes back to the drawing board and tries to learn from it. If ID is wrong, they make a movie and edit out fact.

Nine Inch Nails - Closer - (uncensored)

911 The explosive reality

9647 says...

The flickers are probably electric wires arcing and going fuckin haywire.

Or maybe it could be the sun reflecting the windows.

or possibly a bunch of teeny boppers taking their final myspace shots...

They are not small explosions!

Is something burning, or is it time for another roast? (Sift Talk Post)

A Probie to Watch! (Sift Talk Post)

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