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One of the strangest fetishes, balloons

Slavoj Zizek blasts Sam Harris

alien_concept (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

Couldn't invite gorillaman. His sulfuric ejaculate would dissolve cast iron.

And thanks for the * quality, girlfriend.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
If you, rottenseed, blankfist, thinker and gorillaman all pooled together one evenin, I bet you could "come" up with enough sticky to last us all into the next millenium

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You'll have to use your own adhesive next time, as I already sniffed my entire batch for the next 5 years. Rottenseed might be able to help you, however. He runs the Drugs channel.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Thanks for the quality and sticky love Just wondering, what adhesive is it you used this time, is it that home-made stuff you mentioned before? I'd like to grab some off of you if I may, i've a lot of stickyness in my future what with my 250!

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

alien_concept says...

If you, rottenseed, blankfist, thinker and gorillaman all pooled together one evenin, I bet you could "come" up with enough sticky to last us all into the next millenium

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
You'll have to use your own adhesive next time, as I already sniffed my entire batch for the next 5 years. Rottenseed might be able to help you, however. He runs the Drugs channel.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Thanks for the quality and sticky love Just wondering, what adhesive is it you used this time, is it that home-made stuff you mentioned before? I'd like to grab some off of you if I may, i've a lot of stickyness in my future what with my 250!

alien_concept (Member Profile)

kronosposeidon says...

You'll have to use your own adhesive next time, as I already sniffed my entire batch for the next 5 years. Rottenseed might be able to help you, however. He runs the Drugs channel.

In reply to this comment by alien_concept:
Thanks for the quality and sticky love Just wondering, what adhesive is it you used this time, is it that home-made stuff you mentioned before? I'd like to grab some off of you if I may, i've a lot of stickyness in my future what with my 250!

Lost Cop Shoots Puppy On Private Property In Oklahoma

legacy0100 says...

I'm as much of a dog lover as the next guy, but I happen to see it from Enzoblue's point of view.

Granted, we'll never know what the outcome would have been had the officer not shoot that dog. It might have been a wet doggy kiss, it might have been a bite.

It is clear that the officer took excessive steps for the sake of his safety. My guess is that this guy had one too many bad experiences with dogs in his patrol days and didn't want to take any chances.

But I would like to point out that branding this as a 'clear power abuse' is premature conclusion in my opinion. Officer did have a reason (may not have been the best decision, but did have a reason) for his action.

Also to point out, that assaulting a police officer is a serious crime. If your dog is unleashed and bites someone, it's still your fault, and you may do some jail time for that.

So the scenario goes:

1. Bestest of best scenario: Dog runs over to lick the officer, then finds 2 cheese doodles stuck behind the car seat. Officer notices his keen nose and recommends him to be a bomb sniffing dog, gets printed in local newspaper: happy ending.

2. Worst of worst scenario: Dog runs to bite officer in the neck: 40 stitches, larinx damaged, owner gets 5 years in jail.

So why are we turning a blind eye to the worst scenario, and only looking at it from the best of best scenario as if it is 100% certain when it isn't?

The fact still remains that we could never know what would have happened if the officer didn't shoot. And yet I see people jumping on this case as if there's no doubt, but there is. What would've happened next? Nobody will ever know.

But one thing is for certain: the officer panicked, and acted way too soon, in someone else's lawn. That's no excuse.

However, the comments made by this 'oh-so-delicate-damsel-in-distress-who-had-tragically-lost-her-pet-to-this-evil lawmen' is what got to me the most.

"He could've easily gotten in his car"??? "I think he was showing off"??? Give me a fucking break...

How Do You Deal With "Trolls"? (Geek Talk Post)

alien_concept says...

Christ, there's a wee gnome sniffing about downvoting comments again. It's so predictable, almost adorable really. I love trolls, not the ones on YouTube because they never have anything worth responding to, but the ones around here are great. They make the rest of us look good, give us something to do when we're bored and take away the complete yawn factor of rainbows and puppies all the live long day.

But I do think that there should be a line, sometimes certain trollie wollies take it a step too far and are outright mean and personal. Maybe gag someone for a few days, I don't know how possible that would be. I think putting things to the vote should be a more prominent feature, maybe something the 250 or 500 members had the ability of doing. This is all off the top of my head, i'll think some more...

Sarah Silverman on Countdown with Keith Olbermann

Afraid of Flying.. any help - seriously! (Wings Talk Post)

swampgirl says...

Pot Doogle? Really...getting nabbed by a pot sniffing beagle would end her worries of the flight, but the goal is to actually make it to Finland

The Xanax advice was best, added with the ipod. Take a little playstation or nintendo ds too.

If you can't get the Xanax, then get there early for a couple of straight shots of Crown or Bourbon in the lounge before the flight. Have another on the plane too. (don't mix the xanax w/ the liquor will get sick)

Take something like alka seltzer or antacid to settle your stomach if needed.

Text of Draft Proposal for $700B Bailout Plan (Wtf Talk Post)

radx says...

Oh, here's one for ya, straight from

In fact, some of the most basic details, including the $700 billion figure Treasury would use to buy up bad debt, are fuzzy.

"It's not based on any particular data point," a Treasury spokeswoman told Tuesday. "We just wanted to choose a really large number."

I honestly hope that they asked some low level tech chick or that maybe she had just sniffed a line of coke. Too hilarious to be a tragedy, too tragic to be a comedy.

Plymouth Duster Commercial from 1985

What happened before Code Pink was Hit? Here it is.

Winger - "Seventeen"

blankfist says...

I didn't care for these guys back in the day when I had a mullet and drove a 1979 brown Camero with hubcaps. That car almost ensured I'd remain a virgin through high school. Still, I can be nostalgic. *snif

Security: Sift Talk: The important stuff: Gmail hack (Science Talk Post)

NordlichReiter says...

There are many different ways to sniff and spoof. These things are not common knowledge but they are the required learning for network IT guys.

Spoofing: Making a persons router think that you are the admin, and making the persons computer think you are the router. Man in the middle attack. This is a compromised network. See ARP spoofing, or UDP Spoofing, or SYN ACK attack.

Sniffing un compromised networks: In these we can snoop traffic, therefore any thing sent over a HTTP session can be snooped for and ripped open with a packet sniffer, HTTPS makes this harder. You throw a baseball, some one catches it, and then reads whats on the ball then sends it along. No network is safe from that unless, its a private network with no internet connection. Now it is possible to find these snoopers, by hop transfer time estimation. If a normally fast connection takes forever to return a page, then it could be a sign of an attack. If you have a notable ISP, or a good firewall and a secure HTTPS site like .gov or bank sites then it is a bit safer. That doesnt stop the ISPs from tracking your stuff.

In short if you have a firewall, you are safe from hijacking, but when you send stuff out over the internet (Like this comment here) then it is possible some one will read it. That is the nature of the beast.

If you suspect that the traffic is going some where it shouldn't be, trace its route to the server. I did a trace to this page from my gateway and it has about about 11 hops, traffic spikes once it makes its way over towards the west coast, thats normal from the east coast. - this page doesnt send you to a web server, it sends you to a gateway, where your traffic stops.

I am not a professional, and I have no affiliation with the above systems linked. From your friendly neighborhood white hat.

PS: The odds of a computer with a good firewall being attacked are pretty slim.

TV's Most Idiotic Fictional Drug Meltdowns.

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