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We're ban happy on the Sift and it sucks (Blog Entry by blankfist)

Truckchase (Member Profile)

oritteropo says...

You know, someone has tried that excact clip, and only got 5 votes -

Other Elmo ones have got as many as 135 votes -

You'd be surprised what will do well here sometimes

Your two PQ'd on 9 videos would probably sift if you ran them through beggar's canyon on a Thursday or Friday (to get the weekend traffic), and then you would only need to post a handful more to get bronze (says the newbie to the long standing member!). If you renew your membership, a promote would be even better.

On re-reading your comment below, I'd like to clarify that I only ever meant to ban self promotion during an anonymous week contest, not in general, and it's certainly quicker to promote than to go out vote whoring the hard way.
In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Ahhh, that explains it, mine aren't old enough to like anything but "Elmo's song" yet. Doubt that would get many votes.

In reply to this comment by oritteropo:
We might not quite be on the same page, but I think we're in the same chapter. I agree with everything you said here, except the part about changes being required to get there

I can confirm that children are no impediment to success here. In my case, I've had more success with ones my children like (or that I looked up for them) than the ones that I posted just because I liked them. They are usually only demanding until they're asleep

I'm quite surprised that BT and FA followed us here for this conversation too, even though I hang out in their corner of the sift. Perhaps they read the recent comment stream?
In reply to this comment by Truckchase:
Sounds good. At the end of the day I don't think video quality voting should be based on personal loyalty. You must have made quite an impression already to have a couple really great guys (BT, FA) on the sift upvoting your personal comment to some random dude.

If you're willing to take the time to make yourself an integral part of this community the perspective of favoring loyalty votes and disallowing self promotion will work well for you. On the other hand, I'm in favor of measures to empower those who don't devote much time to the site but enjoy it and the people just as much. (i.e. me; my kids are demanding) I would also argue that it would be healthier for the site and the community as a whole to welcome such measures since the attitude of person-to-person loyalty will endure regardless of the obstacles placed in front of it. The last thing I think you really want here is an echo chamber despite how appealing it may seem at face value.



DerHasisttot (Member Profile)

Sesame Street in Unnecessary Censorship

Jimmy Kimmel Live - New Sesame Street Video Game

geo321 (Member Profile)

The Floaters- Float on -that sweet soul sound !

Fusionaut (Member Profile)

notarobot (Member Profile)

calvados (Member Profile)

Gratefulmom (Member Profile)

Fox News Bites and Rep. Weiner Bites Back

Lolthien says...

lol, QM, if you really think those various media outlets are all the same, you really do have some sort of brain tumor.. comparing NPR and " Most "rebellious" musical acts and assorted "artists"" isn't really valid... you are a blatant troll, but congrats for all the attention you're getting. BTW, NPR is the most balanced news network around. My tax dollars pay for your right to free speech too jackhole, so shut up about friggin Sesame Street and Mr Rodgers.

Hard-hitting agreement, on 'Concurrence Round Table'

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