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For the first time in it's 175 year history Scientific American has endorsed a presidential candidate, Joe Biden. They recognize the importance of basing our actions on fact and science, and the disasters... continue reading

posted by newtboy 4 years 3 months 2 weeks ago • 361 views • 3:42

"... It sounds like such an incredible fact. “Our own cells are outnumbered by our microbes 10 to 1!” I don’t remember where I first heard it. But I read it in science papers and articles by journalists,... continue reading

posted by ant 5 years 3 months 4 weeks ago • 1,356 views • 13:23

"Ant venom delivery captured, for the first time, in slow-motion (1,000fps) & up-close video. The ants (and stingers) featured in this video are the Florida harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius and the trap-jaw... continue reading

posted by ant 5 years 5 months ago • 700 views • 3:31

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